CJay Swayne

CJay Swayne

With his meteoric rise in 2013 nothing short of extraordinary,CJay Swayne is leading the charge with his combination ofchilled out beats, mixed up with his driving houseundertones & a feel good electronic melody runningthroughout.Support is coming thick and fast from around the worldincluding BBC RADIO 1 & CAPITAL FM as well as supportfrom the worlds biggest djs including RICHIE HAWT IN,LUCIANO, ROGER SANCHEZ , MARK KNIGHT, GRANTNELSON to name just a few...Furthermore with releases forthcoming this year onSPINNIN, CONKRET E, MJUZ IEEK, SOUNDS OF JUAN,FORM AND FUNCT ION & MORE... 2013 is certainly a yearto keep an eye on the 26 year old...

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