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Progressive Soundscapes 006
Savvas, Julian Rodriguez, Bynomic, Hot Tuneik, Radical Fantasy, Amir Telem, about : river, Agustin Pengov, Emotional Tourist, Alan Cerra, Alto Astral, Madloch, Subnode, Choopie, Golan Zocher, Rich Towers, Joseph Kaz, Matias Carafa, Dave Leck, Seven Wells, Fabian Balino, Fiddler, Jean Caillou, Microlot, Kris Dur, Gaston Perez, RYAN (CU), MartyOn, JörgK, ANUSH, Max Averbach, WAYA (SL), TasZ, Yordee, Harith, Facundo Sosa, Lulu Sfeir, Stan Seba, Delux Twins, Lucas Gomez (AR), The Loco, Axel Terblanche, Matías Delóngaro, Lucas G (AR), IGCIØ, ODAX, Blue Cell, Giovanni Dorio, Armando Guerrero, Dario Suerte, Kevin Yair, Sun Progress, Leandro Murua, Neuralis
Alley SA, Naturae, Akhane, Camelot, Nicolas Viana, Dreamteller, Emi CA, Lady K (MZ), Mario Segura, Hassan Maroofi, Farumu, Keegs Bantom, The Rudeman, Martin Fredes, Dublew, Lunet, Kros, Luciano Bz, Lucas Zárate, Matias Lurueña, Brian David, Beat Factory, Salas (CR), Augusto Dassano, Fer Mora, Martín Fernandez (AR), kanata.t, Nick Newman, Lenz (DE), Wawda & Mulo, The AquaBlendz, Wodash Stogh, Kindrid Souls, Nika (AR), Ivan Martinez (MEX), Nicolas Giordano, Kryptone (SL), Notamous, P1lgr1ms, Rodrigo Pochelu
Progressive Soundscapes 004
Weird Sounding Dude, Madloch, Subnode, Eric Lune, Sarah Chilanti, Nōpi, Phillipe Lois, Ricardo Angeles, Mariano Favre, Travis Jesse, G.O.D.A., Kyotto, Bynomic, FJL, Uvo, Matías Delóngaro, Agustin Basulto, Pat Siaz, Bigasti, Balad, Luis Bondio, Tim Robert, Buba, Science & Reason, INNERPHONIC, Fiddler, Echo Babylon, Raul Suarez, Kay-D, Adam Kaase, Blue Cell, Giovanni Dorio, Kevin Yair, Stan Seba, Dario Suerte, Neuralis, John Shepard, Well Tone, Audiofive, Bob the Groove, Leandro Murua, Kazi, Alejo Fochi, Mr.Mind, VLADIMIR (AR), Konte, Aspeckt, J-Sevilla, Bautista Gallo, Michael Kortenhaus, Juan Arce, Gus (MT)
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