Caterina Barbieri is an Italian composer who explores themes related to machine intelligence and object-oriented perception in sound. Caterina explores the psycho-physical effects of repetition and pattern-based operations in music, by investigating the polyphonic and polyrhythmic potential of sequencers to draw severe, complex geometries in time and space. Her current sonic research investigates the creative use of computation and complex sequencing techniques to explore the artefacts of human perception and trigger temporal hallucinations, by ultimately inducing a sense of ecstasy and contemplation. Her solo LP Patterns of Consciousness (Important Records, 2017) has received critical acclaim and has been named as one of the best releases of the year (Fact Mag, Resident Advisor, The Wire, Boomkat etc.) and the decade (Resident Advisor, Noisey, Rockit). Her work has been presented in festivals such