Alex discovered his fascination for electronic music very young,so he decided to buy his first dj gear and start to spin his favourite records in his bedroom,in the years later Alex started to work with some important local nightclubs and in short time he became a landmark for the local scene.From 2014 he start to produce his first tunes and the year later he stared to work with his long time friend Acki,from 2015 they run together the label Groove Terminal.
Latest Releases
Best of 2019
Stiven Escarraga, Peter Lavalle, Enzo Leep, George?, Agata DelDu, Kon Up, Del Fonda, Graziano Graziani, Nico Kamienski, Lock Proyect, Cat Black, Blin Eff, Taylor Wybrow, Satu (IT), Acki, Alex Mykonos, Antoine Vama, Daniel Hooker, MALBO, Tex Ture, Hyland, Kavai, Poor Pay Rich, George Campean, Eraseland, Joey K, Peter Blue, Draztec
Shake NYE Selection
Angel L, Alf&Gio, John Dude, Crevice, Figio's, Max Muller, HouseBreakers, Antonio Marrandino, Francesco Miele, PasswoRR, Stewart Wilson, Craig Delaney, Dj Lowell, Joey Mar, Coconut, Fiin, Angelo Raguso, FAW9, Ghek, Move It, Roberto Surace, Red Pig Flower, Chris Main, Mario Del Regno, Anto Ariano, Paul Cart, Mario Donoso, MarcoA., Mag DJ, HIREN, Jon Tsamis, Luis Pergo, Acki, Alex Mykonos, Sylex, Craig & Grant Gordon, Gabriel Gush, Alex Afonso, Kemp&Thompson, James Meid, Daniele Kama, Alex Grandy, Andrea Albani, David Museen, Erik Christiansen, Julio Corrales, DJ Entwan, Hassio (COL), Pierpaolo Pierotti, Mirko Gorelli, The Boombox
Flashbacks 7
Rone White, Designerz, Darkrow, Za__Paradigma, Fhaken, Wayne Madiedo, Legit Trip, Jesus Galan, Juan (AR), Santi (AR), Antony PL, Nukem, Yuko., Acki, Alex Mykonos,, Bastien Groove, Alexandro G, Simon de León, Angel Heredia, Angel Sonik, MarcoA., Sequence, Mattia Musella, Alfrenk, Imanol Molina, NAKAMURA, Daniel Palmas, Pepe Mateos, Downtown, Matt Gray (UK), Reinaldo, Salvo V, Alessio Frino, Ethan (UK), Mr. Lekka, Ossur, Laydee V, Mediahora, Toni Ramos, Joc House, Victor Trujillo, Arche, Karretero, Sintez, Iwo Balkanski
Groove Animals 12
Angel Heredia, Angel Sonik, Poor Pay Rich, Darkrow, Acki, Alex Mykonos, Bastien Groove, Alexandro G, Matt Gray (UK), Franco Paindaveine, MarcoA., Alessio Bianchi, Maxi Galoppo, KAANE, Reinaldo,, RKBB Roby King Billy Boy, Salvo V, Mirko Abbattista, JC Delacruz, Downtown, Ethan Heich, Ethan (UK)
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