Your membership includes: The Audible Plus Catalogue. The plan you know and so much more. Your membership is now called Audible Premium Plus. Listen all you want to the Plus Catalogue, on top of your credits. That's thousands of Originals, podcasts and select audiobooks - at no extra cost.

Top new releases

The Kargil Story

Kamal Haasan


Vishnu ka Khazana

How it works
See more in the Audible Plus Catalogue


Top-rated audiobooks from your favourite authors and genres.

Audible Originals

Exclusive audiobooks, series and dramas only from Audible.


Popular English and Hindi podcasts from genres like true crime, comedy and more.

Experience more in Audio. We believe audio can transform your day, whatever the moment. Use the Plus Catalogue to experiment with new genres, writers and formats - without using credits.

Frequently Asked Questions

The easiest way to see your included titles is by using the “Included in your membership” filter found in the app search bar or the filter by “Plus Catalogue” within the website search to explore your included titles. You can search for your favourite genres, writers, and topics or look for a particular title. You can also come back to this page at any time to see the newest and most popular titles in the catalogue right now.
Yes! New titles are added every week. If, for any reason, a title you have selected needs to be removed from the Plus Catalogue, you will be notified in the app.
Yes! Members can listen to all the titles in the Plus Catalogue at no extra cost.
Titles included in the Plus Catalogue are marked with the INCLUDED tag. Any titles without this tag will need a credit and will say “Add to Library (1 credit)” when you are selecting it.
No. If you cancel, you’ll lose access to titles you’ve selected from the Plus Catalogue at the end of your membership. Anything you’ve selected with a credit will be yours to keep.