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Sep 2 2024 4:01PM
Women and climate change

Blog by Astrea Kumaradas There’s been quite a lot of focus on climate change in the last few years - discussions on what we can do to prevent global warming, misinformation (unfortunately), and pledges to move towards a more carbon...

Aug 14 2024 3:34PM
Uniting for Change: Afghan Women’s Rights Matter – a background of women’s rights in Afghanistan

Blog by Livia Amato On August 15 th , 2021, the Taliban regained control of Kabul following the US withdrawal. Almost instantly, Afghan women’s rights were severely curtailed. As the third anniversary of this takeover approaches, it is...

Aug 2 2024 4:32PM
Protect the Protest: Bangladesh must immediately end crackdown against protesters.

This is a disturbing and escalating story. Bangladesh is witnessing a deadly crackdown against student protesters. The heavy-handed response from the authorities has resulted in several hundred deaths of students, journalists and...

Jun 19 2024 5:09PM
Pride is a Protest - in solidarity and in defiance

Why this year I’ll be at the Dyke March and not ‘Pride in London’.

Mar 8 2024 3:11PM
We need Gender Justice to close the inequality gap here in the UK

Blog by Helen Moulinos, Amnesty UK member & Amnesty Vice-Chair Board of Trustees Twitter: @HelenMoulinos We are all equal, right? Or are we? Five decades of well-meaning (but inefficient) gender equality legislation, and we remain...

Nov 17 2023 3:44PM
The AI Germany report on the Rohingya

The following is an excerpt from a report by Bernhard Hertlein of Amnesty International Germany. World's largest refugee camp in Kutupalong Bangladesh alone took in nearly one million Rohingya in August 2017 and the months that...

Nov 17 2023 3:40PM
Worsening Conditions for Rohingya Refugees

Blog by Jerry Allen, Country Coordinator for Bangladesh In 2017, almost one million Rohingya were forced into Bangladesh. The conditions that these refugees are being detained in are getting worse. Most of them still live in Kutupalong...

Jul 12 2023 10:55AM
Realities of Life in Kashmir

Blog by Cherry Bird, Bisma and SJ Ali Most people know very little about “Kashmir”. At best, they may associate the region with a long-standing India vs Pakistan conflict way up in the snowy Himalayan mountains around the “Line of...

Nov 16 2021 9:56AM
A Silence Filled With Fear

Blog by Nigina Istanakzai-Zarifi, the Country Coordinator for Afghanistan The Taliban promised it will be different this time. When they first surged into Kabul people were told that they had nothing to fear as there will be no threats...

May 28 2021 10:08AM
The Forgotten Refugees of South Asia

Blog by Jerry Allen and Nigina Istanakzai-zarifi - Country Coordinators During Refugee week we should consider the millions of refugees who continue to live in very poor conditions, without hope of being able to travel to Europe. We...

Aug 28 2020 10:52AM
Parwana Amiri and the power of young voices

The experience of refugees and refugee families arriving in Europe is something most of us will never fully be able to understand. Much of what we hear is so far beyond our experience that it is difficult to fully process what we are...

Aug 27 2020 4:24PM

Serena Jemmett has over 5 years experience with Amnesty International, as a member of a school group, our Youth Advisory Group and our Children's Human Rights Network committee. In these roles and others, and during this time, Serena...

Aug 21 2020 12:42PM
Don't Zap the Zip

The Government have announced they will scrap the zip card - which offers free transport for under 18s in London. The move comes as part of the COVID-19 bailout package for Transport For London - and the Government believes it will...

Jul 7 2020 11:05AM
We must avoid back-sliding into a de-regulated future and a disaster for children’s well-being and safeguarding

Blog by Russell Pilling, Children's Human Rights Network Committee Member The national discussion around children during the coronavirus crisis, or at least the discussion the government would like us to have, has largely focused on...

Jun 25 2020 3:21PM
“If they can kill Berta Cáceres, they can kill anyone”

Written by Sheila Royce - Country Coordinator Berta Cáceres, tenacious environmental and human rights activist, was shot dead in her own home in Honduras in March 2016. Having campaigned tirelessly to protect indigenous communities on...

Jun 16 2020 5:06PM
We must keep up the pressure to ensure all children have their right to food realised

Blog by Katherine Walton, Chair of the Amnesty Children's Human Rights Network ‘COVID-Summer Food Fund Announced thanks to 22 year-old Marcus Rashford - let’s keep up the pressure to make sure children have their right to food realised...

Jun 15 2020 6:37PM
Home doesn't mean safe

Shining a light on the hidden victims during this pandemic

Jun 15 2020 6:04PM
Migrant families, NRPF conditions and Covid-19

Blog by Lisa Incledon, Children's Human Rights Network Committee member The Covid-19 pandemic is impacting on all of us in different ways. For both children and adults, this pandemic has been a worrying and difficult time. We have...

May 7 2020 2:21PM
What about the children?

By Les Walton CBE Chair of the Association of Education Advisers AoEA The regular Government press briefings quite rightly regularly report on the impact of the Coronavirus on the NHS and the economy. Increasing we are now hearing...

May 1 2020 11:35AM
Let children be heard: a failure to listen to children during the pandemic is a children’s rights issue.

By Holly Shorey, Vice Chair, Amnesty Children's Human Rights Network How is the COVID-19 pandemic affecting children’s rights? The current COVID-19 pandemic is affecting all of us, and all of us in different ways. Each generation is...
