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Amnesty International UK
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Aug 10 2024 6:26PM
Belfast. We stand as one.

Text of speech given by Patrick Corrigan of Amnesty International at the anti-racism solidarity rally in front of Belfast City Hall, Saturday 10 August 2024

Aug 5 2024 11:15AM
Belfast is a city of love - you will not divide us

Speech given by Patrick Corrigan at the anti-Islamophobia solidarity rally in front of Belfast City Hall, Saturday 3 August 2024

Jun 13 2023 3:43PM
Solidarity with Sudan

Speech by Patrick Corrigan, Amnesty International UK, to the Solidarity with Sudan vigil held at Belfast City Hall on June 10 2023

Dec 15 2021 1:22PM
Human Rights Act 'overhaul' could undermine Good Friday Agreement

The proposed downgrading of human rights protections across the UK is bad news for ordinary people throughout the country. But for Northern Ireland, the government’s overhaul of the Human Rights Act risks undermining the Belfast / Good...

Oct 25 2021 10:32AM
Northern Ireland is a safe place for racists

Speech delivered by Patrick Corrigan of Amnesty International, to the Black History summit, organised by the North West Migrants Forum in the City Hotel, Derry, Saturday 23 October 2021. Northern Ireland is a safe place for racists. If...

Nov 5 2020 9:31AM
The case against the use of spit hoods in response to Covid-19

Patrick Corrigan, our Head of Nations and Regions, on why the PSNI was wrong to introduce controversial spit hoods in response to Covid-19.

Nov 5 2020 9:29AM
The case against the use of spit hoods in response to Covid-19

Patrick Corrigan, our Head of Nations and Regions, on why the PSNI was wrong to introduce controversial spit hoods in response to Covid-19.

Jul 31 2020 11:17AM
Unapologetically fabulous: fighting to thrive during a global crisis

Amnesty International Belfast Pride Lecture 2020, delivered online July 30 2020 - Dr Senthorun Raj Lecture text below. Video of lecture and follow-up Q&A, chaired by William Crawley: Fabulous. It’s a word that packs a lot of punch...

Sep 17 2018 2:32PM
Northern Ireland’s increasing problem with racism

Northern Ireland has a racism problem. This guest blog by Michael Walker explores the extent of the problem and argues for legislative change.

Sep 17 2018 11:55AM
Day of the Disappeared

Tomorrow is the twenty-fifth International Day of the Disappeared . Amnesty International has put together a two-minute campaign video highlighting the problem of enforced disappearances, emphasising the distress and grief...

Sep 7 2018 5:40PM
Free press under threat in Northern Ireland as journalists arrested

In two parts of the world this week, journalists found themselves behind bars for helping expose the involvement of security forces in the massacre of civilians. When it happened in Myanmar, UK Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt was...

Jan 17 2018 12:04PM
Reform of veto is key to restoring Stormont and delivering rights

One year on from the collapse of Stormont, Patrick Corrigan argues for a reform which would restore devolved government to Northern Ireland and its ability to legislate on rights issues

Apr 6 2017 1:10PM
A solution to the Gordian knot of dealing with the past in Northern Ireland?

The Gordian knot is a legendary puzzle associated with Alexander the Great, famed for its near impossibility to unravel. Dealing with the past has become Northern Ireland’s Gordian knot, a problem which has proven intractable over...

Apr 6 2017 1:02PM
A solution to the Gordian knot of dealing with the past in Northern Ireland?

The Gordian knot is a legendary puzzle associated with Alexander the Great, famed for its near impossibility to unravel. Dealing with the past has become Northern Ireland’s Gordian knot, a problem which has proven intractable over...

Mar 2 2017 10:15AM
Northern Ireland election 2017: implications for human rights

Northern Ireland goes to the polls today (Thursday) to elect new members of the Assembly at Stormont. If this feels like déjà vu to you, you’d be right. Voters elected a new Assembly less than ten months ago. But it collapsed in...

Mar 24 2016 8:09PM
This Good Friday take a moment to save the Human Rights Act

On Good Friday eighteen years ago something rather amazing happened. An agreement was signed that brought to an end decades of sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland. Now the UK Government is proposing to scrap the Human Rights Act and...

Feb 8 2016 11:27AM
Northern Ireland: Contact your MLA to urge a vote for abortion law reform

A number of amendments have been proposed to the law in Northern Ireland which, if passed, may allow women to access abortions in circumstances of a fatal foetal abnormality, or where the pregnancy was as a result of rape or incest...

May 20 2015 9:28AM
#LetsMakeHistory on #marriageequality - for Ireland and the world

The Republic of Ireland gets the chance to make history on Friday. That’s when people go to the polls in a referendum on changing the Irish constitution to allow same-sex marriage. If a majority opt for Yes, then Ireland will become...

Mar 20 2015 5:12PM
Truth and justice ‘come dropping slow’ – in memory of Gerry McKerr

By Kartik Raj, EU Campaigner/Researcher at Amnesty International. Gerry McKerr, one of the “Hooded Men” – a name now used to describe the group of detainees subjected to the UK security forces’ infamous “Five Techniques” of...

Feb 20 2015 4:35PM
1861 and All That - updating Northern Ireland's abortion law

Guest blog from Stephanie Weir, a sixth-former from Portadown College who has been on work experience with Amnesty International in Belfast this week. There is no denying that abortion is a complex issue, but forcing a woman to...
