In economics, a bailout is an act of loaning or giving capital to an entity (a company, a country, or an individual) that is in danger of failing, in an attempt to save it from bankruptcy, insolvency, or total liquidation and ruin; or to allow a failing entity to fail gracefully without spreading contagion.[1]


Overview [link]

A bailout could be done for mere profit, as when a predatory investor resurrects a floundering company by buying its shares at fire-sale prices; for social improvement, as when, hypothetically speaking, a wealthy philanthropist reinvents an unprofitable fast food company into a non-profit food distribution network; or the bailout of a company might be seen as a necessity in order to prevent greater, socioeconomic failures: For example, the US government assumes transportation to be the backbone of America's general economic fluency, which maintains the nation's geopolitical power.[2] As such, it is the policy of the US government to protect the biggest American companies responsible for transportation (airliners, petrol companies, etc.) from failure through subsidies and low-interest loans. These companies, among others, are deemed "too big to fail" because their goods and services are considered by the government to be constant universal necessities in maintaining the nation's welfare and often, indirectly, its security.[3][4]

Emergency-type government bailouts can be controversial. Debates raged in 2008 over if and how to bail out the failing auto industry in the United States. Those against it, like pro-free market radio personality Hugh Hewitt, saw this bailout as an unacceptable passing-of-the-buck to taxpayers. He denounced any bailout for the Big Three, arguing that mismanagement caused the companies to fail, and they now deserve to be dismantled organically by the free-market forces so that entrepreneurs may arise from the ashes; that the bailout signals lower business standards for giant companies by incentivizing risk, creating moral hazard through the assurance of safety nets (that others will pay for) that ought not be, but unfortunately are, considered in business equations; and that a bailout promotes centralized bureaucracy by allowing government powers to choose the terms of the bailout.

Others, such as economist Jeffrey Sachs[5] have characterized this particular bailout as a necessary evil and have argued that the probable incompetence in management of the car companies is an insufficient reason to let them fail completely and risk disturbing the (current) delicate economic state of the United States, since up to three million jobs rest on the solvency of the Big Three and things are bleak enough as it is. In any case, the bones of contention here can be generalized to represent the issues at large, namely the virtues of private enterprise versus those of central planning, and the dangers of a free market's volatility versus the dangers of socialist bureaucracy.

Furthermore, government bailouts are criticized as corporate welfare, which encourages corporate irresponsibility.

Governments around the world have bailed out their nations' businesses with some frequency since the early 20th century. In general, the needs of the entity/entities bailed out are subordinate to the needs of the state.

Themes [link]

From the many bailouts over the course of the 20th century, certain principles and lessons have emerged that are consistent:[6][7][8][9]

  • Central banks provide loans to help the system cope with liquidity concerns, where banks are unable or unwilling to provide loans to businesses or individuals. Lending into illiquidity, but not insolvency, was articulated at least as early as 1873, in Lombard Street, A Description of the Money Market, by Walter Bagehot.
  • Let insolvent institutions (those with insufficient funds to pay their short-term obligations or those with more debt than assets) fail in an orderly way.
  • Understand the true financial position of key financial institutions, through audits or other means. Ensure the extent of losses and quality of assets are known and reported by the institutions.[10]
  • Banks that are deemed healthy enough (or important enough) to survive require recapitalization, which involves the government providing funds to the bank in exchange for preferred stock, which receives a cash dividend over time.[11]
  • If taking over an institution due to insolvency, take effective control through the board or new management, cancel the common stock equity (existing shareholders lose their investment) but protect the debt holders and suppliers.
  • Government should take an ownership (equity or stock) interest to the extent taxpayer assistance is provided, so that taxpayers can benefit later. In other words, the government becomes the owner and can later obtain funds by issuing new common stock shares to the public when the nationalized institution is later privatized.
  • A special government entity is created to administer the program, such as the Resolution Trust Corporation.
  • Prohibit dividend payments to ensure taxpayer money are used for loans and strengthening the bank, rather than payments to investors.
  • Interest rate cuts to lower lending rates and stimulate the economy.

Reasons against bailouts [link]

  • Signals lower business standards for giant companies by incentivizing risk
  • Creates moral hazard through the assurance of safety nets
  • Promotes centralized bureaucracy by allowing government powers to choose the terms of the bailout
  • Instills a corporatist style of government in which businesses use the state's power to forcibly extract money from taxpayers.

Paul Volcker, chairman of Barack Obama's White House Economic Recovery Advisory Board, said that bailouts create moral hazard: they signal to the firms that they can take reckless risks, and if the risks are realized, taxpayers pay the losses, also in the future. "The danger is the spread of moral hazard could make the next crisis much bigger".[12]

On November 24, 2008, American Republican Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) wrote, "In bailing out failing companies, they are confiscating money from productive members of the economy and giving it to failing ones. By sustaining companies with obsolete or unsustainable business models, the government prevents their resources from being liquidated and made available to other companies that can put them to better, more productive use. An essential element of a healthy free market, is that both success and failure must be permitted to happen when they are earned. But instead with a bailout, the rewards are reversed – the proceeds from successful entities are given to failing ones. How this is supposed to be good for our economy is beyond me.... It won’t work. It can’t work... It is obvious to most Americans that we need to reject corporate cronyism, and allow the natural regulations and incentives of the free market to pick the winners and losers in our economy, not the whims of bureaucrats and politicians."[13]

Costs [link]

In 2000, World Bank reported that banking bailouts cost an average of 12.8% of GDP.[14] The report stated:

Governments and, thus ultimately taxpayers, have largely shouldered the direct costs of banking system collapses. These costs have been large: in our sample of 40 countries governments spent on average 12.8 percent of national GDP to clean up their financial systems.

Cases [link]

Irish banking rescue [link]

Irish banks suffered substantial share price falls due to a lack of liquidity in finance available to them on the international financial markets. Currently, solvency is being revealed as the most serious concern as doubtful loans to property developers, still undeclared in bad debt provisions, come into focus.

Swedish banking rescue [link]

During 1991–1992, a housing bubble in Sweden deflated, resulting in a severe credit crunch and widespread bank insolvency. The causes were similar to those of the subprime mortgage crisis of 2007–2008. In response, the government took the following actions:[16]

  • Sweden's government assumed bad bank debts, but banks had to write down losses and issue an ownership interest (common stock) to the government. Shareholders were typically wiped out, but bondholders were protected.
  • When distressed assets were later sold, the profits flowed to taxpayers, and the government was able to recoup more money later by selling its shares in the companies in public offerings.
  • The government announced the state would guarantee all bank deposits and creditors of the nation’s 114 banks.
  • Sweden formed a new agency to supervise institutions that needed recapitalization, and another that sold off the assets, mainly real estate, that the banks held as collateral.

This bailout initially cost about 4% of Sweden's GDP, later lowered to between 0–2% of GDP depending on various assumptions due to the value of stock later sold when the nationalized banks were privatized.

U.S. Savings and Loan Crisis [link]

In response to widespread bank insolvency as a result of the Savings and Loan crisis, the United States established the Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC) in 1989.

US TARP and related programs [link]

In 2008-9 the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve System bailed out numerous very large banks and insurance companies, as well as General Motors and Chrysler. Congress at the urgent request of President George W. Bush passed the Troubled Asset Relief Program or "TARP", funded at $700 billion[17]. The banks have largely repaid the money and the net cost of TARP may eventually be in the range of $30 billion.[18] The bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac, which insure mortgages, totals $135 billion by October 2010, and could be much higher, depending on the future of the housing and mortgage markets.[19]

The issue of federal bailouts of the banks and big corporations became a major issue of the 2010 elections, with the Tea Party movement in particular focusing its attack on bailouts.[20]

See also [link]



References [link]

  1. ^ Definition of a bailout from a business dictionary
  2. ^ Chomsky, Noam (2006). Failed States. 
  3. ^ a b Surowiecki, James (2008-02-31). "Too Dumb To Fail". The New Yorker. Retrieved 2008-09-21. 
  4. ^ Too Big to Fail?
  5. ^ A Bridge for the Carmakers
  6. ^ Mason-Lessons from Bailouts Part 2
  7. ^ Lessons from Japan Bailout
  8. ^ IMF Paper
  9. ^ Time Magazine - Lessons from Japan & Asia
  10. ^ NYT-Lessons from Japan
  11. ^ Blodgett History of Bailouts
  12. ^ Volcker Criticizes Obama Plan on ‘Systemically Important’ Firms Bloomberg, 2009-09-24
  13. ^ The Bailout Surge, by Ron Paul, 11-24-2008
  14. ^ Patrick Honohan and Daniela Klingebiel, Development Research Group, Finance and Sector Strategy and Policy Department, "Controlling the Fiscal Costs of Banking Crises" "The World Bank September 2000
  15. ^ "Behind the Bailout" — NOW on PBS
  16. ^ Dougherty, Carter (2008-09-22). "Stopping a Financial Crisis, the Swedish Way". The New York Times. Retrieved 2008-09-24. 
  17. ^ Haidar, Jamal Ibrahim, 2009. "The mark-to-market valuation and executive pay package regulations within the 2009 US (Bailout) Emergency Economic Stabilization Act," Journal of Economic Policy Reform, Taylor and Francis, vol. 12(3), pages 189-199, September
  18. ^ see Daniel Gross, "Treasury's TARP, AIG bailout Costs Fall to $30 Billion," Yahoo! Finance Oct. 5, 2010
  19. ^ Tamara Keith, "Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Bailout Costs Could Soar"NPR Oct. 21, 2010
  20. ^ Brad Bannon, "Bank Bailout Spawned Obama and Dems’ Tea Party Problem" USNews September 9, 2010; Bannon is a liberal pollster

Further reading [link]

External links [link]

United States [link]

Parks and Recreation (season 5)

The fifth season of Parks and Recreation originally aired in the United States on the NBC television network, from September 20, 2012 and concluded on May 2, 2013. This season consisted of 22 episodes.

Season 5 focused on Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler) and her staff at the parks and recreation department of the fictional Indiana town of Pawnee. Whilst not having an overarching storyline like Season 4, this season detailed the aftermath of Leslie's role as a Councilwoman in Pawnee. Other storylines included Ben Wyatt (Adam Scott) and April Ludgate (Aubrey Plaza)'s career move to Washington D.C, Ann Perkins (Rashida Jones)'s pregnancy, the progress in Ben and Leslie's relationship, Andy's attempts at becoming a cop, and Ron Swanson (Nick Offerman) meeting single-mom Diane (Lucy Lawless).


  • Amy Poehler as Leslie Knope, is the council woman for the town of Pawnee, with a strong love of her home town, who has not let politics dampen her sense of optimism; her ultimate goal is to become President of the United States. Poehler departed from the NBC sketch comedy series Saturday Night Live, where she was a cast member for nearly seven years, to star in Parks and Recreation. It was only after she was cast that Daniels and Schur established the general concept of the show and the script for the pilot was written.
  • Michael Winterbottom

    Michael Winterbottom (born 29 March 1961) is an English filmmaker. He began his career working in British television before moving into features. Three of his films — Welcome to Sarajevo, Wonderland and 24 Hour Party People — have been nominated for the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival. Winterbottom often works with the same actors; many faces can be seen in several of his films, including Shirley Henderson, Paul Popplewell, John Simm, Steve Coogan, Rob Brydon, Raymond Waring and Kieran O'Brien.

    Early life

    Winterbottom was born in Blackburn, Lancashire. He went to Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Blackburn, and then studied English at Balliol College, Oxford before going to film school at Bristol University, where his contemporaries included Marc Evans.


    Early television career

    Winterbottom's television directing career began with a documentary about Ingmar Bergman and an episode of the children's series Dramarama in 1989. He followed this with the television film Forget About Me in 1990, starring Ewen Bremner, which followed two British soldiers who become involved in a love triangle with a young Hungarian hitch-hiker on their way to Budapest for a Simple Minds concert.


    In chemistry, soap is a salt of a fatty acid. Consumers mainly use soaps as surfactants for washing, bathing, and cleaning, but they are also used in textile spinning and are important components of lubricants.

    Soaps for cleansing are obtained by treating vegetable or animal oils and fats with a strongly alkaline solution. Fats and oils are composed of triglycerides; three molecules of fatty acids attach to a single molecule of glycerol. The alkaline solution, which is often called lye (although the term "lye soap" refers almost exclusively to soaps made with sodium hydroxide), brings about a chemical reaction known as saponification.

    In this reaction, the triglyceride fats first hydrolyze into free fatty acids, and then these combine with the alkali to form crude soap: an amalgam of various soap salts, excess fat or alkali, water, and liberated glycerol (glycerin). The glycerin, a useful by-product, can remain in the soap product as a softening agent, or be isolated for other uses.

    Soaps are key components of most lubricating greases, which are usually emulsions of calcium soap or lithium soap and mineral oil. These calcium- and lithium-based greases are widely used. Many other metallic soaps are also useful, including those of aluminium, sodium, and mixtures of them. Such soaps are also used as thickeners to increase the viscosity of oils. In ancient times, lubricating greases were made by the addition of lime to olive oil.

    Soap (Melanie Martinez song)

    "Soap" is a song by Melanie Martinez, featured on her debut studio album, Cry Baby. The song was released July 10, 2015, along with a music video the same day. It is set to impact Alternative radio outlets according to Warner Music.

    Background and compostion

    "Soap" was premiered exclusively on ELLE magazine's website on July 10, 2015. The electropop,indie pop and bubblegum pop track was released as the second single from Melanie's debut album, "Cry Baby".

    In the interview with ELLE, Melanie described the song, "Soap was written about my current boyfriend when we were first talking, I felt too scared to say how I felt about him and thought if I told him it'd be like throwing a toaster in his bath. So I washed my mouth out with soap. I think anyone can really relate to this song. I'm sure there was a time in everyone's life where they felt too scared to say how they felt so they 'washed their mouth out with soap'". She continued, "Everyone is allowed to be vulnerable. I think women and men and dogs and cats and ants and aliens can all express themselves and be vulnerable".

    Soap (disambiguation)

    Soap is a surfactant cleaning compound used for personal or other cleaning.

    Soap may also refer to:

  • Sugar soap, a material used for cleaning surfaces before repainting
  • Soap opera, ongoing, episodic work of fiction on TV or radio
  • Soap (TV series), a 1970s sitcom
  • S.O.A.P. (band), a Danish pop music duo
  • Sons of All Pussys, a Japanese band often abbreviated S.O.A.P.
  • SOAP (originally an acronym for Simple Object Access Protocol), a protocol specification in computer networks
  • Spectrometric Oil Analysis Program, a method for testing the oil in aircraft engines for the concentration of critical metals to identify wear of engine parts.
  • Symbolic Optimal Assembly Program, an assembly language for the IBM 650 computer
  • SOAP note, a method of documentation used in medical charts
  • Short Oligonucleotide Analysis Package, a bioinformatics package used for the assembly and analysis of DNA sequences
  • Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program, for medical students who were not initially matched with U.S. residencies by the National Resident Matching Program
  • Podcasts:
