
Talk To Us

Connect to someone right now

No matter what your challenge; whether you have a question about yourself, a friend, or a loved one, or just want to talk confidentially with someone who understands, we are here for you.

What to expect when you contact us

  • You will immediately be connected to a peer who is a veteran or a member of the military community
  • We will listen, understand, and provide support
  • Every conversation is 100% confidential
  • Everyone we serve is welcome to remain anonymous
  • There is no challenge that we won’t help you find a solution for
  • We will remain connected and engaged with you after your initial contact, for as long as it takes, until the issue is resolved


  • Someone is available right now to answer your call
  • Speak to a Veteran Support Specialist 24/7/365
  • Confidential peer support and resources for the military community


Click chat tab at the bottom of the page to start session

  • Someone is available right now to chat
  • Speak to a Veteran Support Specialist 24/7/365
  • Confidential peer support and resources for the military community


  • Complete the form below to send a private message directly to a peer
  • Someone will be in touch as soon as possible

Request a call

  • Let us contact you
  • Send us your info and a peer will be in touch soon