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Emergency Management Director (EMD) & Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC)

EMD News

  • October 2024:  FEMA has released National Resilience Guidance for individuals, communities, and organizations.  This guide offers a national vision and steps that can be taken across the whole community to strengthen resilience.

  • June 2024: The Spontaneous Volunteer Management annex supports towns and EMDs in planning for volunteers before, during and after an emergency. The annex covers gathering and managing volunteers, necessary volunteer gear and preparation, and ways of planning in advance for volunteer tasks, and tracking volunteer hours.

  • June 2024: If an EMD or their designee needs to send out a VT-ALERT message and does not have an account, they can fill out the new "Alert Request Form" on the VT-ALERT page

  • June 2024: Registration is open for the September 10th & 11th Vermont Emergency Preparedness Conference.

  • May 2024: If you are aware of Severe Weather impacts at anytime, please consider submitting a report to the National Weather Service

Keep Current with the Following Resources: 


EMD of the Year

2024 Vermont Local Emergency Management Director of the Year: Michael Billingsley of Plainfield!

2024 EMD of the Year: Michael Billingsley


    Welcome to the Vermont Emergency Management Director (EMD) and Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC) resource page. 

    EMD Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

    • What is an EMD and what are they responsible for?
      • The Emergency Management Director (EMD) is an appointed individual in each town or city who has direct responsibility for the organization, administration, and coordination of the local organization for emergency management, subject to the direction and control of the executive officer or legislative branch.  Generally, the Emergency Management Director manages the local emergency management organization, including the identification of the resources and organization that would be used to support incident command; manages the creation and maintenance of the Local Emergency Operations Plan; manages the maintenance of the Local Emergency Operations Center; facilitates Emergency Management meetings with municipal stakeholders to discuss current emergency management plans, organization, equipment, training, and exercises; coordinates citizen preparedness initiatives; coordinates volunteer recruitment; participates in the creation of the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan; participates in the Emergency Manager Certification program offered by Vermont Emergency Management; and, if determined necessary, appoints an Emergency Management Coordinator to assist in executing any of these responsibilities.
    • Who is the EMD for my town?
      • While every town has an EMD, the individual holding the title varies from town to town. Vermont Emergency Management maintains a list of the EMD for each city and town, as noted on their most recent Local Emergency Management Plan submission.
    • What is the difference between an Emergency Management Coordinator and an Emergency Management Director?
      • An Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC) may be appointed to support the work of the Emergency Management Director (EMD).  The actual functions of the EMC will vary greatly by town or city as they are based on the support needed by each EMD.
    • Who can EMDs contact for help?
      • EMDs have a wide support network available to assist in all phases of emergency management. See the Emergency Management Partner page for a list of partners and other resources available to assist EMDs.
    • What training does an EMD need?
      • It is recommended that EMDs and EMCs are well versed in the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the Incident Command System (ICS). These trainings are available for free, online through the FEMA Emergency Management Institute or in-person, scheduled through the Vermont Learning Management System

      • In addition to Incident Command System (ICS) training, VEM offers the following EMD/EMC specific training:

        • EMD Seminar
          • The EMD seminar is a 2 hour training for new EMDs or EMCs with an introduction to duties, available resources, and best practices. EMD Seminars are available upon request through your Regional Planning Commission (RPC) or VEM Regional Coordinator, or available as recorded training through the Learning Management System.
        • EMD Course​
          • The EMD Course is an 8hr training available in either a full one day course, or broken into several sessions. See the Vermont Learning Management System for upcoming dates and registration. 
      • ​It is recommended that each EMD take the training to become a Certified EMD.  See the EMD Certification page for a list of trainings and practical applications required to become a Certified EMD in Vermont.
    • What authority does an EMD have?
      • Under 20 V.S.A. § 6, the EMD "shall have direct responsibility for the organization, administration, and coordination of the local organization for emergency management, subject to the direction and control of the executive officer or legislative branch."  Specific authorities, such as spending limits, should be included in a Delegation of Authority issued by the executive officer or legislative branch. 
    • What protections do EMDs have? 
      • Under 12 V.S.A. § 519, "(a) A person who knows that another is exposed to grave physical harm shall, to the extent that the same can be rendered without danger or peril to himself or without interference with important duties owed to others, give reasonable assistance to the exposed person unless that assistance or care is being provided by others. (b) A person who provides reasonable assistance in compliance with subsection (a) of this section shall not be liable in civil damages unless his acts constitute gross negligence or unless he will receive or expects to receive remuneration. Nothing contained in this subsection shall alter existing law with respect to tort liability of a practitioner of the healing arts for acts committed in the ordinary course of his practice."
    • What should an EMD do before an incident occurs? 
    • What should an EMD do during an incident? 
      • During an incident, the EMD will generally be coordinating information flow between the municipality and the state, coordinating resource acquisition on behalf of the Incident Commander, and maintaining a common operating picture for the incident occurring within the town.
    • What should an EMD do after an incident? 
      • After an incident, the EMD will generally be coordinating information flow between the municipality and the state, documenting incident damages, assisting the municipality in returning back to normal, and, if the incident is large enough, coordinating with the state and FEMA on a disaster declaration.
    • How can an EMD reduce the impact of future incidents? 
      • EMDs should always be working within their municipality to identify potential mitigation actions that can be taken to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to people and property due to disasters.  Contact your Regional Planning Commission to find out who leads mitigation efforts for your municipality.
    • What is VT-Alert?
      • Vermont Alert is the state system designed to keep Vermonters informed about emergency situations, weather alerts, or road information - among other details that could affect everyday life.  Users select what information they wish to receive, how they receive that information - email, text, phone call, etc. - and for what areas the alerts pertain.  VT Alert is a free service and it only takes a few minutes to sign up for an account. For more information or to register, please visit the Vermont Alert webpage.
    • Why does every municipality need a LEMP?   
      • The Local Emergency Management Plan (LEMP) is a municipality's guidebook to how they will function when an incident occurs.  This plan should identify points of contact that the state can coordinate with during an incident, the potential hazards and vulnerabilities that exist within the municipality, and the resources that the municipality has to respond to an incident.  Additionally, each municipality is required to have an up-to-date LEMP in order to apply for any grant funding from Vermont Emergency Management, and it is required to receive increased funding from the Emergency Relief and Assistance Fund.
    • What does our municipality need to do to complete the LEMP, are there resources to assist us?
      • Municipalities can use one of the LEMP formats provided.  Any municipality utilizing the LEMP must ensure that their plan meets the required elements that are included in the municipal adoption form.  Contact your Regional Planning Commission for assistance in completing your LEMP.
    • Who is typically involved when the LEMP and the EOC are activated?
    For more information, please contact your Vermont Emergency Management Regional Coordinator.