
The DMFAS Programme offers a full range of capacity-building services, from technical and functional training on the system to more specialized training on debt management related issues:


Training is a key factor in the successful long-term use of DMFAS 6. Depending on the level of development of the debt management office and the needs of its staff, the DMFAS Programme can adjust any training programme to suit the specific needs of a wide range of users. The training modules are organized by technical and functional concepts. The DMFAS methodology is hands-on, practical and encourages best practices in the field.
  • DMFAS software technical training
    Intended for the database administrator and local IT staff, this training covers all the technical aspects of the software including installation, configuration and setting of parameters. Click for more information. The technical training catalogue is also available here.
  • DMFAS software functional training
    Functional training targets an audience of current or future users of DMFAS 6 and requires familiarity with basic debt management concepts. More information (including DMFAS 6 functional training catalogue for existing users and for new users).
Training on how to link DMFAS 6 to other applications, such as integrated financial and management systems, is also available.

The DMFAS Programme also offers debt managers additional workshops in other areas of debt management such as on debt data validation, on the production of a statistical bulletins, on debt portfolio analysis and seminars on how to develop a procedures manual.


This DMFAS Programme capacity-building workshop aims at improving the capacity of the national debt office to adopt  organizational arrangements, including internal procedures, that would guarantee the quality and reliability of debt data on a long-term basis. This workshop would also ensure that comprehensive, consistent and complete information is available for all levels of decision-making.

For more information on the data validation workshop: Flyer in English, français, español


The objectives of the Debt Statistics workshop are to introduce the main issues related to production of debt statistical bulletin, to promote the latest standards for international debt statistics and to develop a draft proposal for the establishment and refinement of a debt statistical bulletin.

For more information on the debt statistics workshop: Flyer in English, français, español


The Debt Portfolio Analysis (DPA) workshop is aimed at improving the capacity of public debt managers to assess structure, dynamics and risks of sovereign debt portfolios. This training is delivered through theoretical presentations and hands-on exercises, during which participants become familiar with best practices to evaluate the costs of a debt portfolio and its exposure to the main market risks (refinancing, interest rate and exchange rate risks); understand the basics of deterministic and stochastic risk modeling; appreciate the implications of the different debt instruments and monitor the implementation of debt strategies. The final output of a DPA national workshop is draft Debt Portfolio Review (DPR), which is a concise and cost/risk focused description of the debt portfolio evolution.
For more information on the debt portfolio analysis workshop: Flyer in English, français, español

The DMFAS Programme developed this course as part of the new training services for its client countries. It is mainly intended to developing countries or countries with economies in transition that need to respond to the challenges posed by a government securities market which is still nascent or at an early stage. The course is delivered through a mix of distance learning (on-line course) and face-to-face instruction during a workshop. The on-line  course will first  equip front/middle office staff with basic knowledge and skills in the field of capital markets and government securities, while the interactive workshop will give learners the opportunity to assess the strengths and weaknesses of their government's current issuance policy and find potential areas for improvement. The course is only available in English.

For more information on the course: Syllabus in English


The objectives of this new workshop on procedures are threefold : to provide debt offices with the keys to sound decision-making and to the right choices in the area of procedures; to foster ownership of the methodology for developing procedures and to promote best practices for producing efficient and sustainable procedures. The target audience includes any staff member or executive having responsibilities related to procedures or involved in the drafting or revision of procedures. The training combines presentations, case studies and group activities. Participants will become familiar with the concepts of process, procedures and work instructions and will learn the methodology for setting up procedures as well as the basics of drafting procedures. For the time being, the workshop is only available in French.
For more information on the course: Flyer in English and French



The DMFAS Programme is developing self learning material for the DMFAS users.  This material is available in the Client area of the website.
  • Basic debt concepts - fact sheets for DMFAS users: teach essential concepts on debt including the definition of debt, its classification, the interpretation and implementation of debt agreements, and debt reports. All the fact sheets are available in the client area.
  • Debt reorganization: learn on the concepts and mechanisms of debt reorganization before incorporating such data in DMFAS.
  • DMFAS webinar on introducing basic and best practices in producing and disseminating a debt statistical bulletin.