Стандартні номерні знаки Хорватії використовують формат CC-NNN(N)-L(L). Між літерним кодом та цифрами розташовано герб Хорватії. Номерні знаки не доповнено європейською символікою та кодом країни на синьому тлі, хоча Хорватія — член ЄС.
Previously used on Yugoslav plates, but never on plates in independent Croatia, lest the code would be mistaken for Knin, capital of, at the time extant, separatistRepublic of Serbian Krajina. Krapina was assigned the new code KR, previously (and currently) used for Kranj, Slovenia.
Podravska Slatina changed its name to Slatina in 1992. These plates are not issued anymore since late 2004, but still in use. Accordingly, Slatina has new city code SL.
Previously used on Yugoslav plates, but never on plates in independent Croatia. Sisak now uses the new code SK, which is same as for the Macedonian capital, Skopje.
Previously used on Yugoslav plates, but never on plates in independent Croatia since the city changed its name from Slavonska Požega to Požega in 1991. Accordingly, Požega has the new city code PŽ.
Titova Korenica
Previously used on Yugoslav plates, but never on plates in independent Croatia (Korenica is now under GS code).