Active languages
This page shows a list of active languages in, together with the names of the translators working on that language. A translator's name appears larger, the more edits the translator has contributed. The color of an underline indicates how recently a translator has been active here.
317 languages in total.
[sah] Yakut - саха тыла
Language statistics and recent translations
Translators: HalanTul, MARKSDNW, София, Bert Jickty, Алгыс, Туллук, Мария Олесова, Марианна, Ай-Куо, Айсар, TumatUola, Krivoshapkina, Kaganer, Танзиля Кутлугильдина, Nemo bis, Macofe, Matma Rex, Рашат Якупов, Gartem, Lizalizaufa, Fitoschido, Kyraha, Meno25, Исмаил Садуев, Dreamy Jazz, Envlh, McDutchie, Patrik L., Shirayuki, Urhixidur, Умар, 아라, AVRS, Andrijko Z., Bangin, Base, Bugoslav, Dušan Kreheľ, Jsoby, Ladsgroup, Lifeway, MuratTheTurkish, Pacha Tchernof, Pcoombe, Purodha, Reedy, TMg, Teak, Varnent, Vlad5250 and Xð
Legend for the color: Last translation 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 days ago.
This information was cached 17 hours 57 minutes ago.