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Jetfire (WFC)

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The name or term "Jetfire" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Jetfire (disambiguation).
Jetfire is an Autobot from the Aligned continuity family.
Decepticon, please return that soul to God... wait, do I believe in God?

Jetfire is a dedicated scientist whose personal upgrades to his chassis have made him the fastest Autobot on Cybertron. He has a strong moral compass, which led to his falling-out with his friend Starscream, and does not believe in gray areas when making major decisions.

Megatron! Enough lives have been lost! You've got to stop this madness!Transformers: War for Cybertron




Aligned novels

Jetfire wasn't the first Autobot Seeker, but he was the first to defect from the Decepticons. He spent most of his time in a laboratory trying to further exploit the Autobots' flight capabilities – a scientific dead end, but one Optimus Prime placed great hope in. He was absent when Megatron entered Iacon and stole the Plasma Energy Chamber, but accompanied Optimus with Bumblebee as back-up during the rescue of Sentinel Prime from Kaon. They then moved to rid the Dark Energon from the core of Cybertron. While descending, Jetfire was tempted to try some Dark Energon, but Optimus told him if he did, Prime would have to kill him.

Once at the core, Optimus removed the Chamber and was given the Matrix of Leadership, as well as orders to evacuate the planet as it began repairing itself. Optimus launched Project Generation One, which Jazz dubbed the Ark. Jetfire found the notion suicidal, but agreed to help and gave the Autobots time to complete the Ark by creating a diversion. Aerialbots under his guidance gathered every space-worthy ship in the ruins of Six Lasers Over Cybertron, while Jetfire picked the Eight Track for himself to captain.

After drawing out Trypticon, Jetfire evaded the Station's detection system by flying in and out of the Asteroid Belt. He slowly but surely bolted the Eight Track with an ingress tube on to an unguarded part of the Station, allowing the Autobots to enter and blow up the Dark Energon Facility. Jetfire managed to detach the ship in time before Trypticon crashed in the Mithric Sea. However, Trypticon survived and transformed, and Jetfire refused a place on the Ark to distract the monster with the flight-capable Wrecker Springer. Megatron's elite entered Trypticon, who transformed into the Nemesis and flew after the Ark, leaving Jetfire on Cybertron with the Wreckers, Omega Supreme and Alpha Trion to deal with Shockwave's forces. Exodus

Jetfire remained a part of the Autobots, serving Ultra Magnus and the Wreckers as a long-range scout and recon expert during their guerilla tactics against Shockwave's rule. Shockwave finally made his move against Alpha Trion, arresting the sage from the Hall of Records. With Alpha Trion's neutrality no longer permitted, Ultra Magnus planned a rescue op. Jetfire joined Magnus's team of Wreckers to infiltrate Iacon, access the Tower of Shockwave, and retrieve Alpha Trion. They were provided support by the recently reactivated Omega Supreme, who would act as a suitable...distraction for their op.

Inside Iacon's walls, Jetfire and the Wreckers came to Maccadam's Old Oil House, who was secretly working with the Autobot resistance. Maccadam still shared the occasional oil with his Decepticon overlords, gathering intelligence. One of his patrons was an engineer who provided information on the Tower's mag-lev elevator, allowing the Wreckers to access it underground. The Wreckers were nearly accosted by Ratbat and the Decepticon city garrison, but Magnus radioed Omega Supreme who began long-range bombardment of the city, drawing away the Decepticons.

The Wreckers infiltrated Shockwave's secret lair and recovered Alpha Trion, but the situation was more dire than they anticipated. Shockwave had been trying to access Vector Sigma using Alpha Trion's systems, but the Quintessons had secretly tapped into that same circuitry to reactivate the long dormant Space bridge, beginning a Sharkticon invasion of Cybertron. The Wreckers raced to the Archives, where Alpha Trion intended to detonate the remaining articles of Cybertronian history that the Quintessons could claim. They were interrupted by General Tyrannicon of the Sharkticons, who jammed Alpha Trion's detonator. Fortunately, light-years away, Megatron had claimed the Sharkticon Matrix and therefore ended the Quintesson control over their slaves. Tyrannicon's troopers turned on him and each other, causing the all-but successful invasion to collapse in a matter of minutes. Retribution

Ask Vector Prime

In Uniend 610.23 Zeta, Ask Vector Prime when Optimus Prime put into motion his plan to launch the AllSpark into space, Jetfire was tasked with providing his team aerial cover and reconnaissance. Upon nearing the Well of AllSparks, Jetfire warned the rest of his group that Decepticons were heading towards it through the Tyger Pax bypass, despite it supposedly being an Autobot-controlled territory. Optimus got him to create a diversion, so to make Megatron think that the rest of the group was approaching the Well from a different side than their actual route. Jetfire ran into a group of Seekers before he could get into proper position, spoiling the effectiveness of this tactic. He was forced to lure the other fliers towards the Wreckers, so they might be able to help him take them out.

As the battle got in full swing, Jetfire was unable to rid himself of several Seekers still tailing him as he flew over the Well, leading to him taking considerable damage. He still managed to fire down a missile salvo towards Megatron, driving the Decepticon leader back somewhat. When the AllSpark was finally launched, the resulting shockwave caused Jetfire to tumble out of the sky. Bumblebee at Tyger Pax

Transformers: The Ultimate Pop-Up Universe

Jetfire acts as the Autobots' Air Guardian. The Ultimate Pop-Up Universe

2015 Robots in Disguise cartoon

Following the restoration of Cybertron from the Great War, Jetfire was one of the many Autobots blacklisted by the new High Council for being a supporter of Optimus Prime. Enemy of My Enemy


Transformers: War for Cybertron (360/PS3/PC)

Voice actor: Troy Baker (English), more»

When Megatron attacked Starscream's station, Jetfire confronted him during a lull in the fighting, noting he did not want to fight and that Dark Energon was too dangerous to use, Jetfire himself having seen what it can do. When Megatron declared his intent to take it anyway, Jetfire proclaimed that the Decepticon would destroy them all. Megatron mused, as Jetfire flew away, "You say that as if it were a bad thing."

Later, when Megatron had attained Dark Energon and demonstrated his control over it, Starscream offered to serve him and make more. Jetfire was aghast, and quickly escaped the station. Megatron decided to let him go, as he "...wanted the Autobots to know their doom approaches."

During Megatron's siege of Iacon, Jetfire and the other Aerialbots were outnumbered and lacked surface-to-air support, causing significant losses. When Optimus took command, Jetfire specifically requested that the planetary guns be reactivated, which Optimus and his team promptly achieved. With that taken care of, he proceeded to feed tactical data and warnings whenever the still-overmatched Aerialbots could not stop all the incoming Decepticon Seekers, as well as recommendations on key targets of opportunity, including at least one Decepticon warship.

After Optimus assumed the mantle of Prime and kickstarted the Core of Cybertron's self-purging, he declared that the Autobots would have to leave their homeworld, as it would be rendered uninhabitable. However, as the transports began to leave, a powerful orbital weapon, part of Trypticon station, blasted apart every ship it could target. Prime sent Silverbolt, Air Raid, and Jetfire to take it out. Jetfire provided key knowledge during the assault, including weak points of machinery and barriers, as well as their main target of the plasma cooling system that prevented the orbital weapon from overloading. He made sure the Aerialbots stayed until the mechanism was destroyed (when the system reached 110% capacity and Air Raid was surprised it "went that high", Jetfire pointed out it didn't, and that was the point).

Megatron noted with some amusement that the Aerialbots apparently hadn't considered the possibility of backup systems, and ordered "Trypticon" to resume firing. He also entered Optimus Prime's coordinates and told it to bear on him. When Trypticon responded, Jetfire realized that the station, or at least the primary weapon, was a Cybertronian...shortly after which the team realized that they should be able to destroy its transformation systems and force it back into its normal form, which, whatever it was, had to be better than a killsat.

They found to their shock that this placed them inside Trypticon's mouth, and just barely managed to escape through the gaps between its teeth before it closed its jaws on them; it then headed for the surface, a massive jet pack controlling its descent. The Aerialbots managed to blast the pack apart, causing it to fall to Cybertron's surface like a meteor.

As Optimus, Bumblebee, and Ironhide battled the brute, which had survived the assault, the Aerialbots managed to find them and set about providing air support. However, Trypticon was much faster than they expected, taking out all three—not quite killing them, but putting them out of the fight.

Some time after Trypticon's defeat, they were at least back on their feet, and appeared with Optimus Prime as he surveyed the Ark. Transformers: War for Cybertron (360/PS3/PC)

Transformers: War for Cybertron (DS)

Voice actor: Troy Baker (English), more»
WFCDS Jetfire.jpg

With an attack to obtain the Omega Key from Megatron imminent, Zeta Prime ordered Jetfire and Optimus to take the majority of their forces to protect a library while Zeta hid the Omega Key. However, the Decepticons only attacked faster and harder, and it was in this battle Zeta Prime eventually fell.

Jetfire was among the few Autobots who stood to assist Omega Supreme in the total annihilation of the Decepticons in Iacon. However, Megatron arrived with his strike team, and after defeating Cliffjumper, chased Jetfire through the ravaged city. Jetfire finally decided enough was enough, and faced the Decepticons down. However, the former scientist failed, and could only watch as Megatron advanced and defeated Omega Supreme.

Jetfire recovered and rejoined the Autobots. He was often their intel agent, and helped take back Iacon, and locate Zeta Prime. However, their leader died shortly after his rescue. Optimus was declared Optimus Prime, the new leader of the Autobots by the Autobot High Council. Jetfire helped his new leader reach Cybertron's core to save it from the Dark Energon. It was made clear that the recovering Core couldn't sustain the Autobot population, so a mass evacuation was ordered by Optimus. However, Trypticon Space Station began attacking the fleeing Autobot masses, and Jetfire followed Optimus to destroy it. On Cybertron's surface, the crashed station transformed into a monstrous city-sized Decepticon, Trypticon. Upon Trypticon's defeat, Jetfire stayed with Optimus on Cybertron to further battle Megatron. Transformers: War for Cybertron (DS)

Transformers: Cybertron Adventures

As the Autobots prepared to evacuate Cybertron, the Decepticons attempted to destroy their supply lines and bring down their transport ships. During one launch, Thundercracker and Skywarp commenced strafing and bombing of the Autobot position, so Optimus Prime dispatched Air Raid and Jetfire to hold off the Seekers. Unfortunately, the Decepticons managed to get Trypticon back on-line, and the orbital station started taking potshots at the Autobots from the sky. Jetfire and the Aerialbots took to the air, shooting up the energon relay stations that fed power to Trypticon. Jetfire infiltrated the orbital base on his strafing runs, sequentially cutting off all power to the ATG weapon systems, until Trypticon fell right out of the sky.

Unfortunately, once Trypticon Station fell to the planet's surface, it revealed itself as a massive Transformer, laying waste to Cybertron. As Optimus Prime coordinated the attack from the ground, Jetfire fought from the air until Trypticon finally went down, and the war continued for another day. Transformers: Cybertron Adventures

Transformers: Fall of Cybertron

Voice actor: Troy Baker (English)

Jetfire was stationed in Autobot City, launch site of the Ark, during the Autobots' final days on Cybertron. When Megatron launched a brutal assault on the Ark, Jetfire was dismayed to learn that the attack came from the direction of Grimlock's apparently abandoned post, and subsequently joined the main battle.

When the Ark finally launched a few days later, Jetfire led the Aerialbots in the battle against the Nemesis. Jetfire was able to destroy several tow cables that the Decepticons were boarding the Ark with, and subsequently helped treat some of the wounded. When Jazz went up against the titan combiner Bruticus, Jetfire assisted him by leaving EMP grenades for him to lure Bruticus into, stunning the combiner. Jetfire and the Aerialbots then were able to defeat Bruticus with Jazz's help, before both the Ark and the Nemesis were flung into the space bridge portal to parts unknown. Fall of Cybertron

Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark


Voice actors: Troy Baker (English)

When Optimus Prime and Jazz infiltrated the Decepticon base Kolkular, Jetfire was stationed near Trypticon's crash site as backup in case anything went wrong. When Prime and Jazz were imprisoned while freeing Cliffjumper, Jetfire was contacted and informed by Perceptor that his mission, "Operation: Longshot" was a go. Jetfire's job was to infiltrate the wreckage of Trypticon and commandeer his weapons systems in order to fire upon Kolkular and free Prime and the others.

Upon entering Trypticon's wreckage, Jetfire happened upon his former friend Starscream, who was planning to steal energon from the wreckage. Despite the fact that Jetfire wanted to take revenge on Starscream for betraying him, Jetfire stuck to the shadows and kept searching for Trypticon's weapons systems. However, Starscream discovered Jetfire and deployed his soldiers to dispose of Jetfire. Despite the Decepticon opposition, Jetfire successfully reached Trypticon's weapons systems and rerouted the energon Starscream had been stealing to the systems, using them to fire upon Kolkular and free his allies. He then evacuated Trypticon as Starscream cursed him and swore to take revenge for Jetfire taking his energon. Rise of the Dark Spark


MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Rise of the Dark Spark


Foc jetfire.jpg
  • Despite being a Neutral before joining Optimus Prime's cause in War for Cybertron, Jetfire begins the game with his glowing details already in Autobot red as opposed to Neutral yellow.
  • Interestingly, Optimus decided that Silverbolt should lead the attack on Trypticon Station, despite the fact that Jetfire had worked there for a prolonged period of time and would have known exactly how to cripple the station's power. It's possible that Optimus didn't know about Jetfire's tenure at the station, but this is unlikely seeing as how he had always been allied to the Autobots. It is more likely that Jetfire was the "Planetary" Air Commander (as seen in Defend Iacon), and that Silverbolt was already "Orbital" Air Commander. For what it's worth, in all his appearances in Fall of Cybertron, he's leading the Aerialbots.
  • Also interesting is the fact that, while Jetfire underwent no physical changes for Fall of Cybertron, his face/helmet went from cartoon-accurate colors to primarily red with white for... seemingly no reason. Perhaps this represents minor upgrades in-universe?
  • Jetfire's model is usable in War for Cybertron multiplayer as the Air Defender-type chassis for Scientist-class characters. His parts are also available to Scientists in Fall of Cybertron, now classified as Guardian-type components.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Jetfire (ジェットファイアー Jettofaiā)
  • Russian: Istrebitel (Истребитель, "Aircraft Fighter")
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