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Hotlink (SG)

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This article is about the heroic Decepticon. For his evil counterpart, see Hotlink (G1). For a list of other meanings, see Hotlink (disambiguation).
Hotlink is a heroic Decepticon from the Shattered Glass continuity family.
Hi, I exist!

Hotlink is a crew member of the Rising Sea, and later part of the Decepticon army.


IDW Shattered Glass comic

Hotlink was a member of the Rising Sea, and watched as Flamewar drunkenly eulogized their recently-deceased captain Cannonball. Like the rest of his crew, Hotlink continued to serve under Flamewar and Slipstream. Shattered Glass II #4

In the present day, Hotlink flew into battle with the rest of Flamewar's team to fight Rodimus. Shattered Glass II #3 At the end of the battle, he was among those welcoming Soundwave after his survival. Shattered Glass II #5


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