Dinobot (Kre-O subgroup)
From Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Dinobot" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Dinobot (disambiguation). |
- The Dinobots are an Autobot subgroup from the brick-built world of Kre-O
The Dinobots all resemble (for a loose definition of "resemble") dinosaurs or other prehistoric reptiles.
They consist of several smaller groups.
The ones who combine to form Grimstone are:
A cold-blooded group of questionable allegiance combine to form Lazerbolt:
An additional four non-combining but otherwise similar ones are:
The known members of the largest group are:
It is unknown whether Slog is a Dinobot, but he sure looks like one.
Kre-O cartoon
Lazerbolt, fighting on the Decepticon side of a large battle, was defeated by Optimus Prime. Optimus summarized the events of the live-action film series. Slug wrote the script for Optimus's presentation and did not take Bumblebee's criticism of it very well. Optimus's attempt to spoil the fourth movie was interrupted by Grimlock ordering pizza, leading to the Autobot leader introducing the Dinobots. When the pizza arrived, Lazerbolt separated into his components and tried to steal Optimus's slice. Take Us Through the Movies