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World War I

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World War I was a major conflict on Earth during the early years of the 20th century, stretching into at least 1919. The conflict involved several world powers, including the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany. Combat in the war revolved around trenches in some capacity, as well as the strategic deployment of pickelhaubes.

Several years later, a sequel was released, though a possible third installment of the trilogy remains in development hell.



Live-action movie series

Titan movie comics

Time-lost sailors from World War I were among the many individuals trapped in the Bermuda Triangle. Circa 2009, they mistook Soundwave for a German weapon. Making Waves

The Last Knight film


Bulldog was active on Earth during the First World War, disguising himself as a British Mark IV tank. A century later, his deteriorating mental faculties meant that he believed it was still 1919, and as a result was prone to firing shells at strangers. The Last Knight

2005 IDW continuity

Domitius Major and Centurion were caught on a World War I battlefield. The experience was enough to shake them from their artificial memories implanted by Shockwave, though Domitius perished shortly afterwards. Strange Visitors

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