- "Which Jerusalem?," Cathedra 11 (1979), 119–124 (in Hebrew)
- Tillsammans med F. F. Church, "Mani's Disciple Thomas and the Psalms of Thomas", Vigiliae Christianae 34 (1980), 47–55.
- "Chaldaean Oracles", Numen 27 (1980), 162–172 (Review article).
- "The Gnostic Temptation", Numen 27 (1980), 278–286 (Review article).
- "Le couple de l'Ange et de l'Esprit; traditions juives et chrétiennes", Revue Biblique 88 (1981), 42–61.
- "Aher: a Gnostic", B. Layton, ed., The Rediscovery of Gnosticism, II (Suppl. to Numen, 41; Leiden: Brill, 1981), 228–238.
- "Ascèse et Gnose: aux origines de la spiritualité monastique", Revue Thomiste 81 (1981), 557–576.
- "Polymorphie divine et transformations d'un mythologème: l'Apocryphon de Jean et ses sources", Vigiliae Christianae 35 (1981), 412–434.
- "Aspects de l'eschatologie manichéenne", Revue de l'Histoire des Religions 198 (1981), 163–181.
- "The Hidden Closeness: on the Church Fathers and Judaism", Mehkarei Yerushalaim be-Mahshevet Ysrael 2 (1982), 170–175] (på hebreiska; Review article).
- "Origen on God's Incorporeality: Context and Implications", Religion 13 (1983), 345–358.
- "Form(s) of God: Some Notes on Metatron and Christ", Harvard Theological Review 76 (1983), 269–288.
- "Monachisme et marranisme chez les manichéens d'Egypte", Numen 29 (1983), 184–201.
- "König und Schwein: zur Struktur des manichäischen Dualismus", J. Taubes, ed., Gnosis und Politik (Paderborn: Fink-Schoningh, 1984), 141–153.
- "Gnostics and Manichaeans in Byzantine Palestine", M. Livingstone, ed., Studia Patristica 10 (Kalamazoo: Cistercian Press, 1985), 273–278.
- "Die Gnosis und die christliche 'Entzauberung der Welt'", W. Schluchter, ed., Max Webers Sicht des antiken Christentums: Interpretation und Kritik (Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1985), 486–508.
- "Seal of the Prophets: the Nature of a Manichaean Metaphor," Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 7 (1986), 61–74.
- "Esotericism in Mani's Thought and Background", L. Cirillo, ed., Codex Manichaicus Coloniensis (Cosenza: Marra, 1986), 153–168.
- "The Manichaean Challenge to Egyptian Christianity", B. Pearson & J. Goehring, eds, The Roots of Egyptian Christianity (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1986), 307–319.
- "Old Wines and New Bottles: on Patristic Soteriology and Rabbinic Judaism", S.N. Eisenstadt, ed., The Origins and Diversity of Axial Age Civilizations (Albany: SUNY Press, 1986), 252–260; "Alter Wein und neue Schlauche: Über patristische Soteriologie und rabbinisches Judentum", S. N. Eisenstadt, Hrg., Kulturen der Achsenzeit: Ihre Ursprünge und Ihre Vielfalt (Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1987), vol II, 38–51. [tysk översättning].
- "Myth into Metaphor: the Case of Prometheus", Sh. Shaked, D. Shulman & G. G. Stroumsa, eds., Gilgul:Transformation, Revolution and Permanence in the History of Religions, Honour of R. J. Zwi Werblowsky (Suppl. to Numen; 50; Leiden: Brill, 1987), 309–323.
- "The Words and the Works: Religious Knowledge and Salvation in Augustine and Faustus of Milevis", S. N. Eisenstadt & I. F. Silver, eds., Cultural Traditions and Worlds of Knowledge: Explorations in the Sociology of Knowledge (Knowledge and Society, 7; Greenwich, Conn. & London; JAI Press, 1988), 73–84.
- Tillsammans med S. Stroumsa, "Anti-Manichaean Polemics in Late Antiquity and under Early Islam", Harvard Theological Review 81 (1988), 37–58.
- "Mythos und Erinnerung: Jüdische Dimensionen der gnostischen Revolte gegen die Zeit", Judaica 44 (1988), 15–30.
- "Vetus Israel: les juifs dans la littérature hiérosolymitaine d'époque byzantine", Revue de l'Histoire des Religions 205 (1988), 115–131.
- "Religious Contacts in Byzantine Palestine", Numen 36 (1989), 16–41.
- "Caro salutis cardo: Shaping the Person in Early Christian Thought", History of Religions 30 (1990), 25–50.
- "Paradosis: Traditions ésotériques dans le christianisme des premiers siècles", La fable apocryphe, II, Apocrypha 2 (Turnhout: Brepols, 1991), 133–153.
- "Titus of Bostra and Alexander of Lycopolis: a Patristic and a Platonist Refutation of Manichaean Dualism", R. T. Wallis, ed., & J. Bregman, ass. ed. Neoplatonism and Gnosticism (Studies in Neoplatonism, Ancient and Modern, 6; Albany: S.U.N.Y. Press, 1991), 339–351.
- "Moses' Riddles: Esoteric Trends in Patristic Hermeneutics", Sh. Biedermann & B. A. Scharfstein, eds., Interpretation in Religion (Philosophy and Religion, 2; Leiden: Brill, 1992), 229–248.
- "The Early Christian Fish-Symbol Reconsidered", I. Gruenewald, Sh. Shaked & G. G. Stroumsa, eds., Messiah and Christos: Studies in the Jewish Origins of Christianity, in Honour of David Flusser (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1992), 199–205.
- "Herméneutique biblique et identité: l'exemple d' Isaac", Revue Biblique 99 (1992), 529–543.
- "Gnosis and Judaism in Nineteenth Century Christian Thought", Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, 2 (1992), 45–62. Återutgiven i Ch. Schulte, E. Goodman-Thau, G. Mattenklott, eds., Kabbalah und Romantik (Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1994), 43–57.
- "Anti-Cathar Polemics and the Liber de duobus principiis ", B. Lewis & F. Niewöhner, eds., Religionsgespräche im Mittelalter (Wolfenbütteler Mittelalter-Studien, 4; Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1992), 169–183.
- "Interiorization and Intolerance in Early Christianity", J. Assmann, ed., Die Erfindung des inneren Menschen (Studien zum Verstehen fremder Religionen, 6; Guttersloh: Mohn, 1993), 168–182.
- "Le radicalisme religieux du christianisme ancien", A. Le Boulluec & E. Patlagean, eds., Retours aux Ecritures (Bibliothèque de l' Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes; Louvain: Peeters,1993), 347–374; "Early Christianity as Radical Religion: Context and Implications", Israel Oriental Studies 14 (1994), 173–193. [lätt reviderad engelsk översättning].
- "Religious Transformations and Societal Changes", Ü. Kirdar & L. Silk, eds., A World Fit for People (New York, London, New York Univ. Press, 1994), 253–263.
- "A Zoroastrian Origin to the Sefirot ?", Sh. Shaked & A. Netzer, eds., Irano-Judaica 3 (Jerusalem: Ben Zvi, 1994), 17–33.
- "Gnostic Secret Myths", Ch. Elsas et al., eds., Tradition und Translation: Festschrift Carsten Colpe (Berlin, New York: de Gruyter, 1994), 26–41.
- "Mystical Descents", J. J. Collins & M. Fishbane, eds., Death, Ecstasy and Other Worldly Journeys (Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Press, 1995), 139–154.
- "Clement, Origen, and Jewish Esoteric Traditions", G. Dorival, ed., Origeniana Sexta, (Leuven: Peeters, 1995), 61–80; Återutgiven i A. & J. Assmann, eds., Schleier und Schwelle, II: Geheimnis und Offenbarung (Archäologie der literarischen Kommunikation, II; Paderborn: Fink Verlag, 1998), 123–142.
- "The Body of Truth and its Measures: New Testament Canonization in Context", H. Preissler & H. Seiwert, eds., Festschrift Kurt Rudolph, (Marburg: Diagonal, 1995), 307–316.
- "From Esotericism to Mysticism in Early Christianity", H. Kippenberg & G. G. Stroumsa, eds., Secrecy and Concealment: Studies in the History of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Religions (Numen Book Series 65; Leiden: Brill, 1995), 289–309.
- "From Anti-Judaism to Antisemitism in Early Christianity?," O. Limor & G. Stroumsa, eds., Contra Judaeos Ancient and Medieval Polemics between Christians and Jews (Texts and Studies in Mediaeval and Early Modern Judaism; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1995), 1–26.
- "Myth as Enigma: Cultural Hermeneutics in Late Antiquity", G. Hasan-Rokem & D. Shulman, eds., Untying the Knots: On Riddles and Other Enigmatic Modes (New York: Oxford University Press, 1996), 271–283.
- "Philosophy of the Barbarians: On Early Christian Ethnological Representations", H. Cancik, H. Lichtenberger & P. Schäfer, eds., Geschichte-Tradition-Reflexion: Festschrift Martin Hengel (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1996), vol. II, 339–368.
- "Hebrew Humanism Revisited: Jewish Studies and Humanistic Education in Israel", Jewish Studies Quarterly, 3 (1996), 123–135.
- "Jewish Myth and Ritual and the Beginnings of Comparative Religion: The Case of Richard Simon", Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 6 (1997), 19–35.
- "Milk and Meat: Augustine and the End of Ancient Esotericism", A. & J. Assmann, eds., Schleier und Schwelle, I: Geheimnis und Offentlichkeit (Archäologie der literarischen Kommunikation V.1; Paderborn: Fink Verlag,1997), 251–262.
- "Comparatisme et philologie: Richard Simon et les origines de l'orientalisme," F. Boespflug et F. Dunand, eds., Le comparatisme dans l'histoire des religions (Paris: Cerf, 1997), 47–62.
- "Gnostische Gerechtigkeit und Antinomismus: Epiphanes' Über die Gerechtigkeit", A. Assmann, B. Janowski & M. Welker, eds., Gerechtigkeit: Richten und Retten in der abendländischen Tradition und ihren altorientaischen Ursprungen (Paderborn: W. Fink, 1998), 149–161.
- "Tertullian on Idolatry and the Limits of Tolerance", G. Stanton & G. Stroumsa, eds., Tolerance and Intolerance in Early Judaism and Christianity (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998), 172–184.
- "Mystical Jerusalems," L.I. Levine, ed., Jerusalem: its Sanctity and Centrality in Judaism, Christianity and Islam (New York, Jerusalem: Continuum and Magnes, 1998), 349–370.
- "Jewish and Gnostic Traditions among the Audians", A. Kofsky & G. Stroumsa, eds., Sharing the Sacred: Religious Contacts and Conflicts in the Holy Land, 1st-15th Cent. (Jerusalem, Ben Zvi, 1998), 97–108.
- With P. Fredriksen, "The Two Souls and the Divided Will", A. Baumgarten, J. Assmann, G. G. Stroumsa, eds., Soul, Self, Body in Religious Experience, (Studies in the History of Religions; Leiden: Brill, 1998), 198–217.
- "Celsus, Origen, and the Nature of Religion," L. Perrone, ed., Discorsi di verita: paganesimo, giudaism e cristianesimo a confronto nel "Contro Celso" di Origene (Studia Ephemeridis Augustinianum; Rome: Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, 1998), 81–94.
- "Buber as an Historian of Religion: Presence, not Gnosis ", Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions 101 (1998), 1–17; Återutgiven i P. Mendes-Flohr, ed., Martin Buber: A Contemporary Perspective (Syracuse, Jerusalem: Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 2002), 25–47.]
- "The Christian Hermeneutical Revolution and its Double Helix," P. W. van der Horst et al., eds., The Use of Sacred Books in the Ancient World (Leuven: Peeters, 1998), 9–28.
- "Georges Dumézil, Ancient German Myths, and Modern Demons," Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 6 (1998), 125–136.
- "Dreams and Visions in Early Christian Discourse," D. Shulman & G. G. Stroumsa, eds., Dream Cultures: Towards a Comparative History of Dreaming (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999), 129–212.
- "Du repentir à la pénitence: l'exemple de Tertullien," A. Charles-Saget, ed., Retour, repentir et constitution de soi (Paris: Vrin, 1998), 74–94; "From Repentance to Penance in Early Christianity: Tertullian's De paenitentia in Context," i J. Assmann & G. G. Stroumsa, eds., Transformations of the Inner Self in Ancient Religions (Leiden: Brill, 1999), 167–178. [lätt reviderad översättning].
- "Purification and its Discontents: Mani's Rejection of Baptism," J. Assmann & G. G. Stroumsa, eds., Transforming the Inner Self in Ancient Religions (Leiden: Brill, 1999), 405–420; Återutgiven i J. A. North & S. R. F. Price, eds., The Religious History of the Roman Empire: Pagans, Jews and Christians (Oxford Readings in Classical Studies; Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 2011), 460–478.
- "From Cyril to Sophronius: Jerusalem Literature from the Byzantine Period", M. Stern, S. Safrai, Y. Tsafrir, eds., Sefer Yerushalaim (Jerusalem: Ben Zvi, 1999), 419–440 [in Hebrew].
- "The Birth of Manichaean Studies: Isaac de Beausobre Revisited," R. E. Emmerick, W. Sundermann, & P. Zieme, eds., Studia Manichaica (Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2000), 601–612.
- "Homeros Hebraios: Homère et la Bible aux origines de la culture européenne (17e-18e. siècles)," M. A. Amir-Moezzi & J. Scheid, eds., L'Orient dans l'histoire religieuse de l'Europe (Turnhout: Brepols, 2000), 87–100.
- "John Spencer and the Roots of Idolatry," History of Religions 40 (2001), 1–23.
- "Richard Simon: From Philology to Comparativism," Archiv für Religionsgeschichte 3 (2001), 89–107.
- "Madness and Divinization in Early Christian Monasticism", D. Shulman & G. Stroumsa, eds., Self and Self transformations in the History of Religions (New York: Oxford University Press, 2002), 73–88.
- "Thomas Hyde and the Birth of Zoroastrian Studies," Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam (JSAI) 26 (2002), 216–230.
- "Enlightenment Perceptions of Roman Religion," J. Rüpke et al., eds., Epitome tes oikoumenes: Studien zur römischen Religion in Antike und Neuzeit (Potsdam: Steiner, 2002), 193–202.
- "Du maître de sagesse au maître spirituel," G. Filoramo, ed., Maestro e discepolo: Temi e problemi della direzione spirituale traVI secolo a.C. e VII secolo d.C. (Brescia: Morcelliana, 2002), 13–24; "From Master of Wisdom to Spiritual Master," D. Brakke, M. L. Satlow, S. Weitzman, eds., Religion and the Self in Antiquity (Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2005), 183–196). [översättning].
- "Early Christianity: a Religion of the Book?," M. Finkelberg & G. Stroumsa, eds., Homer, The Bible and Beyond: Literary and Religious Canons in the Ancient World (Jerusalem Studies in Religion and Culture, 2; Leiden: Brill, 2003), 153–173; ”El Cristianismo en sus Orígenes: una Religión del Libro?”, ‘Illu, Revista de Ciencias de las Religiones, 7 (2002), 121–139. [Spansk översättning].
- "Antiquitates Judaicae: Some Precursors of the Modern Study of Israelite Religion,", H. Lapin & D. Martin, eds., Jews, Antiquity, and the Nineteenth Century Imagination (Bethesda: University Press of Maryland, 2003), 17–32.
- "Alexandria and the Myth of Multiculturalism," L. Perrone, ed., Origeniana Octava: Origen and the Alexandrian Tradition / Origene e la tradizione alesandrina (Leuven: Peeters, 2003), I, 23–29.
- "Comments on Charles Hedrick’s Article: a Testimony," Journal of Early Christian Studies, 11 (2003), 147–153.
- "A Nameless God: Judaeo-Christian and Gnostic Theologies of the Name," P. J. Tomson & D. Lambers-Petry, eds., The Image of the Judaeo-Christians in Ancient Jewish and Christian Literature (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2003), 230–243.
- "Christ’s Laughter: Docetic Origins Reconsidered," Journal of Early Christian Studies, 12 (2004), 267–288.
- "Cultural Memory in Early Christianity: Clement of Alexandria and the History of Religions," S. N. Eisenstadt, J.P. Arnason & B. Wittrock, eds., Axial Civilizations and World History (Jerusalem Studies in Religion and Culture 4; Leiden, Boston, Köln: Brill, 2005), 293–315.
- "Moses the Lawgiver and the Idea of Civil Religion in Patristic Thought," G. Filoramo, ed., Teologie politiche: modelli a confronto (Brescia: Morcelliana, 2005), 135–148.
- "In illo loco: Paradise Lost in Early Christian Mythology," Sh. Shaked, ed., Genesis and Regeneration: Essays on Conceptions of Origins (Jerusalem: Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 2005), 110–126.
- "Noah's Sons and the Religious Conquest of the Earth: Samuel Bochart and his Followers," M. Mulsow & J. Assmann, eds., Sintflut und Gedächtnis (Munich: Fink, 2006), 307–318.
- "Myth into Novel: the Late Freud on Early Religion," R. Ginzburg & I. Pardes, eds., New Perspectives on Freud's “Moses and Monotheism”, (Tübingen: Niemeyer, 2006), 203–216.
- "To See or not to See: on the Early History of the visio beatifica," P. Schaefer, ed., Wege mystischer Gotteserfahrung/ Mystical Approaches to God (Schriften des Historischen Kollegs Kolloquien 65; Oldenburg: Historisches Kolleg München, 2006), 67–80.
- "Arnaldo Momigliano and the History of Religions," P. Miller, ed., Arnaldo Momigliano and the Antiquarian Foundations of Modern Cultural History (Toronto: Toronto University Press, 2007), 286–311.
- "Religious Dynamics between Christians and Jews in Late Antiquity," A. M. Casiday & F. Norris, eds., Cambridge History of Christianity, 300–600 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007), 151–172.
- Tillsammans med Ronnie Goldstein, “The Greek and Jewish Origins of Docetism: a New Proposal,” Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum/ Journal of Ancient Christianity 10 (2007), 423–441.
- “False Prophet, False Messiah and the Religious Scene in Seventh-Century Jerusalem,“ J. Carlton Paget & M. Bockmuehl, eds., Redemption and Resistance: The Messianic Hopes of Jews and Christians in Antiquity (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 2007), 278–289.
- "Eastern Wisdoms in Late Antiquity," Annual of Medieval Studies at Central European University 14 (2008), 31–40, Reka Forai, ed.
- “Communautés religieuses, communautés de savoir,” Christian Jacob, ed., Lieux de savoir, vol. 1, Espaces et communautés (Paris: Albin Michel, 2007), 271–278.
- "The End of Sacrifice: Religious Mutations of Late Antiquity," M. Misset-van der Weg, ed., Empsuchoi Logoi: Festschrift Pieter van der Horst (Leiden: Brill, 2008), 29–46; En något annorlunda version i J. Arnason & K. Raaflaub, eds., The Roman Empire in Context: Historical and Comparative Perspectives (London: John Wiley, 2011), 134–147.
- "The Scriptural Movement of Late Antiquity and Christian Monasticism," JECS 16 (2008), 61–76.
- “Lettre à Pier Cesare Bori”, Annali di Storia dell’Esegesi 25 (2008), 167–170.
- “Christian Memories and Visions of Jerusalem in Jewish and Islamic Context,” Oleg Grabar & Benjamin Zeev Kedar, eds., Where Heaven and Earth Meet: Jerusalem's Holy Esplanade (Jerusalem, Austin: Ben Zvi Institute and University of Texas Press, 2009), 321–333 & 404–405.
- "Sacrifice and Martyrdom in the Roman Empire," Archivio di Filosofia 76 (2008) [Il Sacrificio,] 145–154.
- "The History of Religions as a Subversive Discipline," (Hebrew), Igeret 31 (2009), 17–18.
- “Ex Oriente Numen: From Orientalism to Oriental Religions,” Corinne Bonnet, Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge, Danny Praet, eds., Franz Cumont et les religions orientales (Brussels, Rome: Istituto storico belga di Roma, 2009), 89–101.
- “Les martyrs chrétiens et l’inversion des émotions,” Philippe Borgeaud, Anne-Caroline Rendu Loisel, eds., Violentes émotions: Approches comparatistes (Recherches et rencontres 27; Droz: Geneva, 2010), 167–181.
- “La religion impensable et la naissance de l’histoire des religions,” Pierre-Antoine Fabre, Annie Tardits & François Trémolières, eds., L’impensable qui fait penser: histoire, théologie, psychanalyse, Pour Jacques Le Brun (Le genre humain ; Paris: Seuil, 2009), 65–80.
- "History of Religions: Old Problems, New Challenges," Historia Religionum 1 (2009), 33–40.
- "Trasformazioni religiose e societa in cambiamento," Giovanni Filoramo & Francesco Remottie, eds., Pluralismo religioso e modelli di convivenza (Alessandria: Edizioni dell'Orso, 2009), 5–15.
- "Athens or Jerusalem: From Eschatological Hopes to Cultural Memory," J. Dijkstra, J. Kroesen, & Y. Kuiper, eds., Myths, Martyrs, and Modernity. Studies in the History of Religions in Honour of Jan N. Bremmer, J. Dijkstra, J. Kroesen, Y. Kuiper, eds., (Numen Book Series 127; Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2010), 501–513.
- “Cristiano Grottanelli, an Albatross,” Lares 75 (2010), 263–268.
- "Barbares ou hérétiques? Juifs et arabes dans la conscience byzantine (IVe- VIIIe s.), Mireille Loubet & Didier Pralon, eds., Eukarpa: Etudes sur la Bible et ses exégètes en hommage a Gilles Dorival (Paris: Le Cerf, 2011), 265–277; "Barbarians or Heretics? Jews and Arabs in Byzantine Consciousness," R. Bonfil, O. Irshai, G. Stroumsa, R. Talgam, eds., Jews of Byzantium: Dialectics of Minority and Majority Cultures (Jerusalem Studies in Religion and Culture 14; Leiden: Brill, 2011), 761–776. [Lätt reviderad översättning].
- "Jewish Survival in Late Antique Alexandria," R. Bonfil, O. Irshai, G. Stroumsa, R. Talgam, eds., Jews of Byzantium: Dialectics of Minority and Majority Cultures (Jerusalem Studies in Religion and Culture: Leiden: Brill, 2011), 257–269.
- “From Abraham’s Religion to the Abrahamic Religions,” Historia Religionum 3 (2011), 11–22.
- “On the Roots of Christian Intolerance,” F. Prescendi & Y. Volokhine, D. Barbu & Ph. Matthey, eds., Dans le laboratoire de l’historien des religions (Religions en perspective, 24 ; Geneva: Labor et Fides, 2011), 193–210.
- « Réflexions sur ‘l’enracinement historique des Evangiles’, » Résurrection 141–142 (2011), 13–26.
- "The History of Religions as a Subversive Discipline: Comparing Judaism, Christianity and Islam," Volkhard Krech & Marion Steinicke, eds., Dynamics in the History of Religion between Asia and Europe: Encounters, Notions, and Comparative Perspectives (Leiden: Brill, 2011), 149–158.
- "Augustine and the Book," M. Vessey, ed., A Companion to Augustine (Oxford: Blackwell, 2012), 151–157.
- “Reading Practices in Early Christianity and the Individualization Process,” Jörg Rüpke & Wolfgang Spickermann, eds., Reflections on Religious Individuality: Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian Texts and Practices (Religionsgeschichtliche Versuche und Vorarbeiten 62; Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2012), 175–192.
- “Scriptures and paideia in late antiquity,” Maren R. Niehoff, ed,, Homer and the Bible in the Eyes of Ancient Interpreters (Jerusalem Studies in Religion and Culture 16; Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2012), 29–41; “Bibel und paideia – ‘Textgmeindschaften’ in der Spätantike,” Therese Fuhrer, Alma-Barbara Renger, Hg., Performanz von Wissen: Strategien der Wissensvermittlung in der Vormoderne (Heidelberg: Winter, 2012), 161–172. [tysk översättning]; "Ecritures et paideia dans l'antiquité tardive," Michel Tardieu & Maria Gorea, eds., Autorité des auteurs antiques: entre anonymat, masque et authenticité (Homo religiosus II, 13; Turnhout: Brepols, 2014), 189–202. [Fransk översättning].
- “John Selden et les origins de l’orientalisme,” Quentin Epron, ed., John Selden: juriste européen, Annuaire de l’Institut Michel Villey 3 (1012), 1–11.
- “The Afterlife of Orphism: Jewish, Gnostic and Christian Perspectives,” Historia Religionum 4 (2012), 139–157.
- “Robert Bellah on the Origins of Religion – A Critical Review,” Revue de l’Histoire des Religions 229 (2012), 467–477.
- “Le sacrifice des autres,” Postface to Francesca Prescendi & Agnès Nagy, eds., Sacrifices humains: dossiers, discours, comparaisons (Bibliothèque de l’Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, 160 ; Turnhout: Brepols, 2013), 269–271.
- “God’s Rule in Late Antiquity,” Kai Trampedach & Andreas Pečar, eds., Theokratie und theokratischer Diskurs (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2013), 197–209.
- “Athens, Jerusalem and Mecca: the Patristic Crucible of the Abrahamic Religions,” Markus Vinzent, ed., Studia Patristica 62, vol. 10 (Leuven: Peeters, 2013), 153–168.
- “False Prophets of Early Christianity,” Beate Dignas, Robert Parker & Guy G. Stroumsa, eds., Priests and Prophets among Pagans, Jews and Christians (Leuven: Peeters, 2013), 208–229.
- “Les sages sémitisés: nouvel ethos et mutation religieuse dans l’empire romain, “ Corinne Bonnet & Laurent Bricault, eds., Penthée: Religious Transformations in the Graeco-Roman Empire (Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2013), 293–307.
- “Judéo-christianisme et origines de l’islam,” Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres 2013, 1 (janvier-mars), 489–512.; “Jewish Christianity and Islamic Origins,” Benham Sadeghi, Asad Q. Ahmed, Adam Silverstein & Robert Hoyland, eds., Islamic Cultures, Islamic Contexts: Essays in Honor of Patricia Crone (Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2014), 72–96 [reviderad engelsk version].
- “On the Status of Books in Early Christianity,” Carol Harrison, Caroline Humfress & Isabella Sandwell, eds., Being Christian in Late Antiquity: a Festschrift for Gillian Clark (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014), 57–73.
- “‘Religion:’ America and the Rest,” [Review article on W. E. Arnal and R. T. McClutcheon, The Sacred is the Profane: The Political Nature of Religion], Method and Theory in the Study of Religion 26 (2015), 1–6.
- “The Mystery of the Greek Letters: A Byzantine Kabbalah?” Historia Religionum, 6 (2014), 35–43.
- “The New Self and Reading Practices in Late Antique Christianity,” Church History and Religious Culture, 95 (2015), 1–18.
- “From Qumran to Qur’an: The Religious Worlds of Ancient Christianity,” Charlotte Methuen, Andrew Spicer, John Wolffe, eds., Christianity and Religious Plurality (Studies in Church History 51; Boydell Press, 2015), 1–13.
- ”Three Rings or Three Impostors? The Comparative Approach to the Abrahamic Religions and its Origins,” A. Silverstein, G. G. Stroumsa, eds., & M. Blidstein, assoc. ed., The Oxford Handbook of the Abrahamic Religions (Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 2015), 56–70.
- “The Scholarly Discovery of Religion in Early Modern Times,” Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks & Sanjay Subrahmanyam, eds., The Cambridge History of the World, vol. VI (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015), 313–333.