About Us

Our History

SPOILER was launched in 2020, born from a deep love for entertainment and pop culture. Offering content in Spanish, we have dedicated ourselves to serving audiences throughout Latin America and other Spanish-speaking countries, such as Spain, becoming an essential source of entertainment news, movies, series, celebrities, music, and streaming.

In December 2023, we expanded our horizons with the launch of Spoiler US, seeking to expand our presence in the American market and offer high-quality content in English, committing ourselves to reach an even wider global audience.

SPOILER is a flagship media brand managed by Futbol Sites, founded by Federico Grinberg, Nahuel Pan, and Javier Troncoso. Presently,

is a subsidiary of , a premier European digital sports media conglomerate founded in Denmark in 2004 by Jesper Søgaard and Christian Kirk-Rasmussen. Better Collective is currently undergoing significant expansion, operating more than 20 offices worldwide.


Our mission at SPOILER is to enrich the lives of our readers through entertainment news and cultural content that not only informs but also entertains and inspires. We strive to be the most reliable and attractive source of information on cinema, series, music, celebrities, and the latest trends in streaming, connecting fans with their passions and fostering a vibrant community around pop culture.


We aspire to be the undisputed leader in entertainment news both in the Spanish-speaking world and in the Anglophone market. We stand out for our integrity, innovation, and the exceptional quality of our content. SPOILER seeks to be the place for celebration, discussion, and sharing of pop culture, becoming the essential meeting point for entertainment enthusiasts worldwide.

Values | Code of Journalistic Ethics

  • Integrity: Committed to the truth, we offer well-researched news and analysis, adhering to the highest ethical standards.
  • Innovation: We constantly seek new ways to present stories, leveraging technology to enhance our readers' experience.
  • Diversity: We celebrate diversity within pop culture, covering a wide range of genres and perspectives to meet the varied interests of our global audience.
  • Community: We are dedicated to building an inclusive and participatory community for entertainment fans, promoting dialogue and the exchange of ideas.

Always based on the principles of freedom of expression and the right to information as fundamental pillars of a democratic society, SPOILER has a code of ethics that is founded on these

Editorial Team (Staff)

Each edition of SPOILER has its own team of journalists, dedicated to generating original content focused on entertaining and informing our audiences. Our teams are composed of professionals passionate about entertainment and pop culture, committed to providing the most current and relevant news and analysis. Learn more about our teams:

Contact Information

For press inquiries, collaborations, and any other questions, do not hesitate to contact us at:

The offices of Futbol Sites are located in each of the countries where SPOILER and its other products produce content:

  • Argentina:

    3 de Febrero 2823 3°A, Ciudad de Buenos Aires CP 1429, República Argentina |
  • Brasil:

    Alameda Rio Negro, 503, Sala 2020, Alphaville, 06454-000 City: Barueri - SP |
  • Chile:

    Heriberto Covarrubias 21 Of. 404, Ñuñoa, Santiago, Chile |
  • Colombia:

    Calle 93 # 12-14 Office 504, Bogotá D.C, Colombia |
  • México:

    Prado Sur 150 office 224, Lomas - Virreyes, Lomas de Chapultepec, 11000 Mexico City |
  • Uruguay:

    Rincón 602, #601 - Montevideo - Uruguay |

Privacy Policy

Due to the commercial activity developed as part of the business model of the journalistic industry, SPOILER has strict privacy policies aimed at protecting the site's users and aligning with the highest international standards. You can read here our

and our , as well as our for visitors. if you have any questions.

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