
From Inkipedia, the Splatoon wiki

Species Spider crab
Hair color
Eye color
Gender Male
Location Galleria
Shop Shella Fresh
Maximum HP
Other forms
Hey, it's Bisk the spider crab! He's also the proud proprietor of Inkopolis Square's premier shoe shop, Shella Fresh. His many long limbs welcome customers one and all, and he exudes the type of laid-back cool you just can't teach.
— Squid Research Lab

Bisk is a character in Splatoon 2 and Splatoon 3. He is a spider crab who operates Shella Fresh.


Bisk appears to be a tall, yellow spider crab who wears tall, white boots with black laces that resemble a knee-high variant of the Punk Whites, a black tank top, a necklace that appears to have a crab claw, and a flannel shirt tied around his waist. On his other legs, he has shoes which appear to be slip-ons but in different colors. He wears thick, white, oval-rimmed sunglasses. The two limbs on his head are seemingly supposed to simulate long, flowing blonde hair.

Personality and traits

Bisk has a laid-back personality supported by his casual demeanor and frequent use of slang words. He likes shoes, crediting the fact that he wears many and that he owns Shella Fresh, the shoe shop of Inkopolis Square. He also appears to like freshness in others. Bisk also seems to have an amicable relationship with Crusty Sean. He is a musician and can play both the bass and electric guitar,[1] and he came to Inkopolis Square[1] and broke up with his girlfriend[2] to pursue a career in music. One of his many talents is that he can make a bubble bath with his foam.[1]


Splatoon 2

USA North America (English)

  • "AYYYYYY! Welcome to Shella Fresh. Yo, are you new or somethin', dude? No offense, but you're looking REAL dry. Like...bone dry. You seem nice enough, but I got a reputation to keep. I'll sell you some shoes soon as you can prove that you can keep it raw. Just hit the lobby and jump into a few Regular Battles. That should level you up REAL quick. In the meantime, I'll keep my eye out from some sweet kicks while you try to reach level 4." - When a player below level 4 enters the shop.
  • "Welcome to- Dude, did you know you're offline right now? Come back when you get your Internet connection on." - When the player is offline.
  • "Oh yeah! I almost forgot! We're running a new service here. Got some gear from the SplatNet online shop? It's prolly got different abilities than what I carry here. So now you can trade-in that gear here. Gear you can trade in is marked with a 🔁. Got it?" - Additional info when the player at level 4 or higher enters the shop. (Post 2.0.0 update)
  • "Dude! Welcome to Shella Fresh!" - When entering Shella Fresh.
  • "You want 'em, duder?" - When a player selects a pair of shoes.
  • "Wanna equip 'em?" - When a player buys a pair of shoes.
  • "You already have that pair, dude." - When the player selects an already bought pair.
  • "DAAAAANG, DUDE! You're looking flyer than an inkjet! Fresher than a mint farm! Check out these new sneaks I got!" - When the player reaches a certain level.
  • "Looks like you need to get your money right." - When the player tries to buy shoes they cannot afford.
  • "Thanks. If you wanna change your gear, you can do it from Plus Equip." - After a player purchases shoes.

Japan Japan

Netherlands Dutch

When the player enters the shop before reaching level 4.

  • "Oké dan! Welkom bij Fish & Kicks! Je bent zeker nieuw ofzo. Ik wil niet veel zeggen, maar je ziet er niet erg vers uit! Kom nog `ns langs als je de versheid van niveau 4 hebt. Ik heb wel een soort van reputatie hoog te houden hier, snap je? Als je er klaar voor bent, laat ik je hier maar wat graag shoppen, maar nu? Dus! Check de lobby en gooi jezelf in een standaardgevecht. Daar gaat je niveau wel van omhoog. Terwijl jij probeert op niveau 4 te komen, zoek ik vast een paar coole stappers voor je uit."

(Okay then! Welcome to Shella Fresh! You are surely new or something. I don't want to say much, but you don't look very fresh! Come back again when you have the freshness of level 4. I have a sort of reputation to keep high here, you understand? When you are ready, I'll gladly let you shop here, but now? So! Check the lobby and throw yourself in a regular battle. That will increase your level. While you try to get to level 4, I look for a pair of cool walkers for you.)

When the player at level 4 or higher enters the shop for the first time.

  • "Yo! Welkom bij Fish & Kicks! Gaat 't een beetje? Je kijkt nog wat onwennig, maar maak je geen zorgen. Je bent bij mij in goeie voeten. Eh, goeie handen, bedoel ik! Alle schoenen in mijn shop hebben extra effecten waarmee je gevechten naar jouw voet kunt zetten. Eh, hand! Ik bedoel hand! Meer weten over effecten? Druk dan eens op ZL."

(Yo! Welcome to Shella Fresh! Are you alright? You look a bit uneasy, but don't worry. You are in safe feet with me. Eh, safe hands, I mean! All shoes in my shop have extra abilities which give you the upper feet in your battles. Eh, hand! I mean hand! Want to know more about abilities? Then press ZL.)

When the player enters the shop for the first time after reaching level 4.

  • "O ja! Voor ik het vergeet! Ik bied een gloednieuwe dienst aan! Heb je spullen gekocht in de Tentashop? Dan hebben ze vast andere eigenschappen dan wat ik in de winkel heb liggen. Vanaf nu kun je de boel inruilen, als je een voorwerp hebt met een 🔁."

(Oh yeah! Before I forget! I offer a brand-new service! Have you bought items in the SplatNet Gear Shop? Then they probably have other characteristics than that I have in my shop. As of now you can trade in the load, if you have an item with the 🔁.)

When the player at level 7 or higher enters the shop for the first time.

  • "Yo! Welkom bij Fish & Kicks! Ah, daar ben je weer! En elke keer verser dan de vorige keer! Kijk gerust even rond of je wat ziet waarmee je uit de handen kunt. Eh, waarmee je uit de VOETEN kunt!"

(Yo! Welcome to Shella Fresh! Ah, there you are again! And every time fresher than the previous time! Feel free to look around to see if there's something which you can stand on your own two hands with. Eh, which you can stand on your own two FEET with!)

When the player at level 10 or higher enters the shop for the first time.

  • "Yo! Welkom bij Fish & Kicks! Jij bent 't, vers van de pers! Je wordt echt met elk niveau zelfverzekerder. Dat zie ik graag. Kijk op je gemak even of je iets ziet en laat 't me weten. Niks aan de hand. Eh, voet. Nee, toch hand!"

(Yo! Welcome to Shella Fresh! It's you, hot off the press! You get more self-assured with every level. That's what I like to see. Feel free to look around to see if something interests you and let me know. Then I'll lend you a hand. Eh, foot. No, hand!)

When the player at level 13 or higher enters the shop for the first time.

  • "Welkom bij Fish & Kicks! Kijk jou eens even! Vers als waterkers, taai als een haai, cool als een… onderwaterpaddenstoel! …Nee? Nou goed. Hoe dan ook, wat versheid betreft kunnen we elkaar de voet geven, toch? AAH! Ik bedoel natuurlijk de HAND geven!"

(Welcome to Shella Fresh! Just look at you! Fresh as watercress, tough as a shark, cool as a... underwater mushroom! ...No? Well alright. Anyhow, what freshness concerns, we can shake each other's feet, right? AAH! I mean shake each other's HANDS!)

When the player at level 16 or higher enters the shop for the first time.

  • "Welkom bij Fish & Kicks! Wauw! Klanten die mijn nieuwste schoenen echt kunnen rocken, zijn op de vingers van één v… eh, HAND te tellen! Maar jij bent er zo een!"

(Welcome to Shella Fresh! Wow! Customers that are able to really rock my newest shoes, can be counted on the fingers of one f... eh, HAND! But you are one of them!)

When the player at level 20 or higher enters the shop for the first time.

  • "Yo, welkom bij Fish &… Krijg nou… Ik… wauw! Nu overtref je zelfs mij! Eigenlijk kan ik dat niet accepteren, maar ik zal met mijn voet over mijn hart strijken. Ja, met mijn voet, ja!"

(Yo, welcome to Shella F... What the... I... wow! Now you surpass even me! I can't accept this actually, but I guess I have to throw my feet up. Yes, my feet, yeah!)

When a player enters the shop the second time after any of previous instances.

  • "Hé, hé! Welkom bij Fish & Kicks!"

(Hey, Hey! Welcome to Shella Fresh!)

When the player selects a pair of shoes they already own but came from the SplatNet Gear Shop.

  • "Hé, die schoenen heb je al, maar dan met een ander hoofdeffect. Wil je ze ruilen?"

(Hey, you already have those shoes, but with a different main ability. Do you want to trade them?)

When the player selects an item.

  • "Wil je deze kopen?"

(You want to buy these?)

When the player purchased an item.

  • "Wil je nu hierin lopen?"

(You want to walk in them now?)

After the player chooses whether to equip a new item.

  • "Dank je. Je vertrekt in elk geval niet met lege voeten, eh, handen. Gebruik Plus UITRUSTING als je iets anders aan wilt trekken."

(Thank you. You leave in any case not empty feeted, eh, handed. Use Plus GEAR if you want to wear something else.)

When the player has not enough cash to purchase an item.

  • "Niet genoeg cash. Je hebt zeker een gat in je voet. Hand, bedoel ik."

(Not enough cash. You probably live from feet to mouth. Hand, I mean.)

When the player selects an item they already own.

  • "Die schoenen heb je al, dus het ligt voor de voet om ze niet opnieuw te kopen. Hm? Eh, voor de HAND, ja."

(You already have those shoes, so you should know like the back of your feet not to buy them again. Hm? Eh, like the back of your HAND, yes.)

When the player is not connected to the Internet.

  • "Welkom b... Ho, ho, wacht even. WACHT. EVEN! Je bent gewoon offline! Maak eerst verbinding met het internet en kom dan terug, oké?"

(Welcome t... Whoa, whoa, hold on. HOLD. ON! You are just offline! First connect to the internet and then come back, okay?)

Germany German

When the player enters the shop before reaching level 4.

  • "Komm nur rein! Krabkicks steht dir offen! Sag mal, biste neu in der Stadt? Nimm's mir nicht krumm, aber das sieht man dir voll an. Ab Stufe 4 kommen wir erst ins Geschäft. Tut mir ja leid, aber ich muss auf meinen Ruf achten. Wenn du dann bewiesen hast, dass du was drauf hast, kriegste auch Schuhe bei mir. Geh einfach in die Lobby und kämpf dich durch 'n paar Standardkämpfe. Das sollte schon reichen. Ich halt hier die Stellung, bis du auf Stufe 4 bist, und seh mal zu, ob ich schicke Treter für dich finde."

Splatoon 3

Netherlands Dutch

When the player enters the shop before reaching level 4:

  • "Oké dan! Welkom bij Fish & Kicks! Je bent zeker nieuw ofzo. Ik wil niet veel zeggen, maar je ziet er niet erg vers uit! Ik heb wel een soort van reputatie hoog te houden hier, snap je? Als je er klaar voor bent, laat ik je hier maar wat graag shoppen, maar nu? Dus! Check de lobby en gooi jezelf in een standaardgevecht. Daar gaat je niveau wel van omhoog. Terwijl jij probeert op niveau 4 te komen, zoek ik vast een paar coole stappers voor je uit."
(All righty then! Welcome to Shella Fresh! You must be new or something. I don't want to ruffle any feathers, but you don't look very fresh! I do have a sort of reputation to uphold here, you know? Once you are ready for it, I am more than happy to let you shop here, but now? So! Check the lobby and throw yourself into a regular battle. That will surely raise your level. While you are trying to get to level 4, I will pick out a pair of cool walkers for you.)

When the player at level 4 or higher enters the shop for the first time:

  • "Yo! Welkom bij Fish & Kicks! Gaat 't een beetje? Je kijkt nog wat onwennig, maar maak je geen zorgen. Je bent bij mij in goeie voeten. Eh, goeie handen, bedoel ik! Alle schoenen in mijn shop hebben extra effecten waarmee je gevechten naar jouw voet kunt zetten. Eh, hand! Ik bedoel hand! Meer weten over effecten? Druk dan eens op ."
(Yo! Welcome to Shella Fresh! Are you all right? You are still looking a little uneasy, but you needn't worry. You are in good feet with me. Uh, good hands, I mean! All shoes in my shop have secondary abilities with which you get the upper foot in your battles. Uh, hand! I mean hand! Know more about abilities? Then try pressing .)

When a player of level 10 or above enters the shop for the first time:

  • "Yo! Welkom bij Fish & Kicks! Jij bent 't, vers van de pers! Je wordt echt met elk niveau zelfverzekerder. Dat zie ik graag. Kijk op je gemak even of je iets ziet en laat 't me weten. Niks aan de hand. Eh, voet. Nee, toch hand!"
(Yo! Welcome to Shella Fresh! It is you, hot off the press! You are truly becoming more confident with each level. Just what I like to see. Have a look at your leisure to see if you can find anything and let me know. I gladly lend a hand. Uh, foot. No, hand!)

When a player of level 20 or above enters the shop for the first time:

  • "Welkom bij Fish & Kicks! Kijk jou eens even! Vers als waterkers, taai als een haai, cool als een... onderwaterpaddenstoel! ...Nee? Nou goed. Hoe dan ook, wat versheid betreft kunnen we elkaar de voet geven, toch? AAH! Ik bedoel natuurlijk de HAND geven!"
(Welcome to Shella Fresh! Take a look at you! Fresh as watercress, tough as a shark, cool as a... underwater mushroom! ...No? Well, then. In any case, as for freshness, we can shake each other by the foot, right? AAH! I meant shake each other by the HAND!)

When a player of level 30 or above enters the shop for the first time:

  • "Yo, welkom bij Fish &... Krijg nou... Ik... Wauw! Nu overtref je zelfs mij! Eigenlijk kan ik dat niet accepteren, maar ik zal met mijn voet over mijn hart strijken. Ja, met mijn voet, ja!"
(Yo, welcome to Shella Fre... What the... I... Wow! Now you are outdoing even me! Frankly, I can't accept that, but I will throw my feet up. Yes, my feet, yes!)

When entering the shop without an internet connection:

  • "Welkom b... Ho, ho, wacht even. WACHT. EVEN! Je bent gewoon offline! Maak eerst in de lobby verbinding met het internet en kom dan terug, oké?"
(Welcome t... Ho, ho, hang on. HANG. ON! You are simply offline! First connect to the Internet in the lobby and then come back, okay?)

When entering the shop:

  • "Hé, hé! Welkom bij Fish & Kicks!"
(Hey, hey! Welcome to Shella Fresh!)

When entering the shop from another shop:

  • "Hé, hé! Welkom!"
(Hey, hey! Welcome!)

When the shop stocks a pair of already-owned shoes for the first time:

  • "Waaauw... Vandaag heb ik stappers in de aanbieding waar jij al een paar van hebt, man. Dan heb je de kans om hun zeldzaamheid te verhogen of ze in te ruilen. Jouw keuze, man! Meer zeldzaamheid kan je meer effectvakjes of ervaring geven. Of je ruilt ze gewoon in voor een paar helemaal frisse stappers. Wat ik zou doen? Mij maakt het niet uit. Jouw voeten, jouw leven."
(Wooow... Today I have walkers on offer you already have a pair of, man. Then you have the opportunity to raise their star power or trade them in. Your choice, man! A raised star power can give you more ability slots or experience. Or you simply trade them in for a pair of entirely fresh walkers. What I would do? It doesn't matter to me. Your feet, your life.)

When selecting a pair of shoes:

  • "Wil je deze kopen?"
(Do you want to buy these?)

When selecting a pair of already-owned shoes:

  • "Waanzin, man! Die stappers lijken precies op stappers die je al hebt! Wil je daar de zeldzaamheid van verhogen of ze misschien inruilen?"
(Wicked, man! Those walkers look precisely like those walkers you already have! Do you want to raise the star power of those or trade them in perhaps?)

When deciding whether to exchange a pair of shoes:

  • "Je weet het wel zeker, toch? Je verliest dan wel de zeldzaamheid en extra effecten."
(You are sure about it, right? You do lose the star power and secondary abilities.)

After buying a pair of shoes:

  • "Wil je nu hierin lopen?"
(Do you want to walk in these now?)

After the player is offered to equip a purchase:

  • "Dank je. Je vertrekt in elk geval niet met lege voeten, eh, handen. Gebruik UITRUSTING als je iets anders aan wilt trekken."
(Thank you. In any case, you won't leave empty-feeted, uh, handed. Use GEAR if you want to put on something else.)

When trying to trade in a pair of shoes that has the same main ability:

  • "Ruilen? Nee, man. Die hebben hetzelfde effect als deze."
(Trade? No, man. Those have the same ability as these.)

When selecting a pair of already-owned shoes with max star power:

  • "De zeldzaamheid van die stappers zit al aan de max, weet je."
(The star power of those walkers is already at the max, you know.)

When selecting a pair of shoes already bought on the same day:

  • "Die schoenen heb je al, dus het ligt voor de voet om ze niet opnieuw te kopen. Hm? Eh, voor de HAND, ja."
(You already have those shoes, so you should know like the back of your foot not to buy them again. Hm? Uh, like the back of your HAND, yes.)

When selecting a pair of shoes already bought on the same day in Inkopolis Plaza:

  • "Da's balen, daar heb ik er geen meer van achter de voet. Eh, nee... hand."
(Tough break, I don't have any more of those on foot. Uh, no... hand.)

When not having enough cash:

  • "Niet genoeg cash. Je hebt zeker een gat in je voet. Hand, bedoel ik."
(Not enough cash. You must be living from foot to mouth. Hand, I mean.)

When spending at least 100,000 cash for the first time:

  • "Ha, ik begin het gevoel te krijgen dat ik je hier elke dag zie. Of zijn er meer van jou? Woooh. Ik geloof dat je wat hoort te krijgen, weet je. Dit is een badge voor alle klanten die hier graag hangen."
(Ha, I am beginning to get the feeling I see you here every day. Or are there more of you? Whoa. I believe you are supposed to get something, you know. This is a badge for all the customers who are glad to hang out here.)

When spending at least 1,000,000 cash for the first time:

  • "Hé, weet je... Soms mis ik je echt, als je hier niet bent. Bedankt dat je weer spullen hebt gekocht, vind ik echt tof van je. Ik hoop dat jij ook het gevoel hebt dat wij wat voor jou doen. Ik heb iets speciaals voor je achter de voet... hand gehouden. Deze zeldzame badge voor onze allergeweldigste gasten. Nou? Wat vind je daarvan?"
(Hey, you know... Sometimes I truly miss you, when you are not here. Thanks for buying stuff again, I truly think it is great of you. I hope you are feeling like we are doing something for you too. I have kept something special for you on foot... hand. This rare badge for our most awesome dudes of them all. Well? What do you think of that?)


Splatoon 2

Splatoon 3


  • If the player attempts to purchase gear that they cannot afford, Bisk reacts by foaming a lot more than before.
  • He was originally planned to be designed as a handsome ladykiller person.[2]
  • The glasses he wears are based on the real-life Clout Goggles.
  • Bisk chose Team Order for the Chaos vs. Order Splatfest, his reasoning being that he wanted to be on the same side as Crusty Sean.[3]


"Bisk" is derived from bisque, a type of soup commonly made from crabs or other crustaceans.

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese シガニー
Sigourney; from Takaashi-gani (Japanese spider crab)
Netherlands Dutch Ren Given male name, and a pun on rennen ("to run")
CanadaFrance French Bisk Same as English
Germany German Bisk Same as English
Italy Italian Ezechele Pun on Ezechiele, a male given name, and chela ("claw")
Russia Russian Крабыч
A surname meaning "son of a crab"
SpainMexico Spanish Paticio Pun on Patricio, a male given name, and pata ("leg")
China Chinese (Simplified) 蟹尼
Xiè ní
Transliteration of Japanese name and 蟹 Xiè ("Crab").
South Korea Korean 시가니
Same as Japanese
