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Geavaheaddjeságastallan:Jon Harald Søby (WMNO)

Siidosisdoallu ii dorjo eará gielaide.

Datomaler på nordsamiska

[rievdat wikiteavsttain]

Hei! Would there be any chance of finding someone who would be interested in creating the basic templates like no:Kategori:Datomaler or no:Mal:Infoboks on this wikipedia? For some reason almost all of them are missing and it limits the amount of info that can be added here quite a lot. Thanks! -Yupik (ságastallan) 21:54, 28 skábmamánnu 2017 (UTC)

Yupik: Definitely, that's something I can do. In fact it's one of the things we've been thinking about doing for our Sami project (that I'm looking forward to talking to you about in December!). I think "infrastructure" things such as this is something that doesn't necessarily have to be done by volunteers, especially since a lot of those templates can be very complicated, and it doesn't really make sense to try to get new contributors only to have them frustrated by the lack of basic stuff that may be too difficult for newcomers to handle.
I also wish to create some basic infoboxes that fetch stuff from Wikidata, like no:Mal:Infoboks biografi – with that template, all you have to do is put {{Infoboks biografi}} on a page, and it fetches everything from Wikidata automatically. Maybe you saw in Gáffestohpu, but ArticlePlaceholder was just enabled here, you can see an example of how it works on e.g. Special:AboutTopic/Q42 or
Are there any specific templates/sets of templates you have in mind to begin with? I think enwiki's en:Template:Infobox would be a good place to start (much better than the Norwegian equivalent, since the English one uses a Lua module which is much more customizable). Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) (ságastallan) 23:32, 28 skábmamánnu 2017 (UTC)
That would be a great one to start with! I noticed how efficient the templates were when I was creating an article on the Catalan wikipedia for ca:Helene Schjerfbeck and had to use the ca:Plantilla:Infotaula persona template. I was really impressed that it took data from wikidata and filled it in automatically (although it is somewhat disturbing to see English in the infobox on the page itself :)) A lot of the templates on the Northern Sámi wikipedia are broken nowadays for whatever reason, so I think it would be a better idea to replace them with the more up-to-date versions like the one you suggested. -Yupik (ságastallan) 07:59, 29 skábmamánnu 2017 (UTC)
This is another one that would be in constant use: no:Mal:Fødselsdato and other similar ones like the ones that automatically calculate dates. -Yupik (ságastallan) 08:02, 29 skábmamánnu 2017 (UTC)
Oh yes, the Catalan Wikipedia is awesome. We should definitely look to them for inspiration. In fact we are putting together an "advisory council" with active Wikimedians from other minority-language projects that can advise us on various issues, and we've asked at least one of the Catalans we know to join it. By the way, to do this in the most correct way I think it is best if I get the "importer" rights here on this wiki. Where do you think I should request that? It's not something you as a bureaucrat can assign, it has to be done by the stewards, but before that we need some community consensus to show them. Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) (ságastallan) 12:54, 29 skábmamánnu 2017 (UTC)
Well you have my "consensus" :D I think the only other semiactive contributor here is SámiTranslator. -Yupik (ságastallan) 16:24, 29 skábmamánnu 2017 (UTC)
BTW do you have more info about the advisory board? I'd be really interested in finding out more about it. -Yupik (ságastallan) 16:26, 29 skábmamánnu 2017 (UTC)
Nothing shareable at the moment I'm afraid, we've only just begun asking people to join – but like I said, the idea is to have a group to ask for input on how they've done stuff in their Wikipedias, to give pointers on what to look at. For all I know, everything we need to make truly awesome stuff could already exist in Basque or whatever, but how would we know? Hence a group of people from projects in similar situations is good to have. :-) Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) (ságastallan) 13:41, 30 skábmamánnu 2017 (UTC)

geography-template / malla (eatnandiehtu)

[rievdat wikiteavsttain]



there is a discussion at [1], and one is asking if Davvisámegiella-wiki shoud have the geography-template that Nynorsk-wiki has (since 2018) and that wiki-norskBokmål has.

The uses on Nynorsk-wiki includes: "Neighboring municipalities" and "Mountain-tops and glaciers surrounding Mount Everest".

You are hereby invited to that discussion thread, at "Gáffestohpu". With ip-addressed Regards from 04:33, 2 njukčamánnu 2019 (UTC)/ 04:36, 2 njukčamánnu 2019 (UTC)

Infoboxes, and strings of nonsense

[rievdat wikiteavsttain]

Many infoboxes have goobledook, such as that found in the infobox of the article
"({{{Expansion depth limit exceeded}}})".

Jimbo Wales' vision of wikipedia, does not include infoboxes with goobledegook, one might say.

(Problematic infoboxes should perhaps be hidden, and
info temporarily transferred into the main text, until
whatever year the problem(s) might get fixed.)

FYI, on my user page, I have started two sections regarding articles with "infobox goobledegook". Regards! Sju hav (ságastallan) skábmamánu 20 b. 2019 dii. 1.37 (UTC)

Any article version from now on, that gets template added, while the template has garbled text,
should perhaps be reverted.

In case someone comes up with ideas about which template, should be removed from which single article, first, then
that would be quite interesting to hear.
(There might be cases, where/when a template should be removed, until
a time (or year) comes, when a good enough template will arrive for that article.) Regards! Sju hav (ságastallan) skábmamánu 20 b. 2019 dii. 11.31 (UTC)

Right and wrong Wiki globe.

[rievdat wikiteavsttain]

This one of the wrong ones and as you can see it is used on a zillion pages; this is the right one. In addition the SVG versions, the incorrect versions have PNG versions too. These are also used on multiple pages.... -Yupik (ságastallan) cuoŋománu 27 b. 2020 dii. 20.03 (UTC)

@Yupik: The naming scheme that the first one uses are used for the current, official logos used by the various projects (in theory…). So whenever the official logo changes, that file should be updated to reflect that. Which I have done… now. :-) Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) (ságastallan) cuoŋománu 28 b. 2020 dii. 17.27 (UTC)
Giitu, giitu, giitu! :D -Yupik (ságastallan) cuoŋománu 28 b. 2020 dii. 17.32 (UTC)

Different problem :D

[rievdat wikiteavsttain]

Not sure where the lang codes on Wikidata are anymore, but someone has put simplified Chinese in Northern Saami and misspelled it: álki kiinágiella (zh-hans). It should have two n's: álki kiinnágiella (zh-hans). To be frank, I'm not even sure that's a very good translation for it since álki means 'simple', but that can be taken care of later. It can be seen in this item. -Yupik (ságastallan) cuoŋománu 28 b. 2020 dii. 4.25 (UTC)

@Yupik: That comes from CLDR, so it's not Wikimedia-specific (i.e. it has to be changed on their end). You have CLDR access, don't you? Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) (ságastallan) cuoŋománu 28 b. 2020 dii. 17.29 (UTC)
Ergh, yeah, I do. I'm trying to avoid opening up yet another platform and getting sucked into it though :D -Yupik (ságastallan) cuoŋománu 28 b. 2020 dii. 17.32 (UTC)
Ii soaitte gullat dán áššái muhto galggašii leat "álkiduvvon". Kiinnágiella ii leat álki, dan gal ieš vásihan :) Ja ii dáidde leat álki vaikko atná álkiduvvon mearkkaid ge... --SámiTranslator (ságastallan) cuoŋománu 28 b. 2020 dii. 18.16 (UTC)
Ii leat álki, ii! Figgen oahppat kiinnágiela ööö 30 jagi dassái :D Ja giitu sáni ovddas, álkiduvvon dat lea, iige álki. Smihtten ja smihtten, muhto ii boahtán millii. -Yupik (ságastallan) cuoŋománu 28 b. 2020 dii. 22.23 (UTC)

Need your input on a policy impacting gadgets and UserJS

[rievdat wikiteavsttain]

Dear interface administrator,

This is Samuel from the Security team and I hope my message finds you well.

There is an ongoing discussion on a proposed policy governing the use of external resources in gadgets and UserJS. The proposed Third-party resources policy aims at making the UserJS and Gadgets landscape a bit safer by encouraging best practices around external resources. After an initial non-public conversation with a small number of interface admins and staff, we've launched a much larger, public consultation to get a wider pool of feedback for improving the policy proposal. Based on the ideas received so far, the proposed policy now includes some of the risks related to user scripts and gadgets loading third-party resources, best practices for gadgets and UserJS developers, and exemptions requirements such as code transparency and inspectability.

As an interface administrator, your feedback and suggestions are warmly welcome until July 17, 2023 on the policy talk page.

Have a great day!

Samuel (WMF), on behalf of the Foundation's Security team suoidnemánu 10 b. 2023 dii. 12.08 (UTC)