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Provinces o Argentinae

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Argentinae is subdividit intae twinty-three provinces (Spaingie: provincias, singular provincia) an ane autonomous ceety (Ciudad autónoma de Buenos Aires, informally the Capital Federal). The ceety an the provinces hae their awn constitutions, but exist unner a federal seestem.

Provinces are then dividit intae depairtments (Spaingie: departamentos, singular departamento), except for Buenos Aires Province, which is dividit intae partidos.

First-level Poleetical diveesions o Argentinae

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Provinces o Argentinae an Autonomous Ceety o Buenos Aires

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a No a Province. Autonomous Ceety an seat o Naitional Govrenment.
(Kent as Buenos Aires Ceety an aw).
b or Provincia del Río Negro.
c Tierra del Fuego Province includes claims ower Argentine Antarcticae, Falkland Islands, an South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands.

Provinces o Argentinae.Tierra del Fuego, Antarcticae an Sooth Atlantic Islands ProvinceSanta CruzChubutRío NegroNeuquénLa PampaBuenos Aires ProvinceBuenos Aires CeetySanta FeCórdobaSan LuisMendozaSan JuanLa RiojaCatamarcaSaltaJujuyTucumánSantiago del EsteroChacoFormosaCorrientesMisionesEntre RíosMalvinas IslandsArgentine Antarctica
Provinces o Argentinae.


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Flag Province/Destrict Caipital Offeecial Leid Population (2010)[1] Rank Aurie (km²) Rank Densitie (/km²)[1] Rank
Buenos Aires Buenos Aires Ceety -- 2,891,082 4 203 24 14,241.8 1
Buenos Aires Province Buenos Aires Province La Plata 15,594,428 1 307,571 1 50.7 3
Catamarca Province Catamarca Province S.F.V. de Catamarcaa 367,820 20 102,602 11 3.6 20
Chaco Province Chaco Province Resistencia 1,053,466 10 99,633 12 10.6 11
Chubut Chubut Province Rawson 506,668 18 224,686 3 2.3 22
Córdoba Province, Argentinae Córdoba Province Córdoba 3,304,825 2 165,321 5 20.0 6
Corrientes Province Corrientes Province Corrientes Spainyie, Guaraní 993,338 11 88,199 16 11.3 10
Entre Ríos Province Entre Ríos Province Paraná 1,236,300 7 78,781 17 15.7 7
Formosa Province Formosa Province Formosa 527,895 17 72,066 19 7.3 14
Jujuy Jujuy San Salvador de Jujuy 672,260 14 53,219 20 12.6 8
La Pampa Province La Pampa Province Santa Rosa 316,940 22 143,440 8 2.2 23
La Rioja Province, Argentinae La Rioja Province La Rioja 331,847 21 89,680 14 3.7 19
Mendoza Province Mendoza Province Mendoza 1,741,610 5 148,827 7 11.7 9
Misiones Province Misiones Province Posadas 1,097,829 9 29,801 21 36.8 4
Neuquén Province Neuquén Province Neuquén 550,334 16 94,078 13 5.8 17
Río Negro Province Río Negro Province Viedma 633,374 15 203,013 4 3.1 21
Salta Province Salta Province Salta 1,215,207 8 155,488 6 7.8 12
San Juan Province, Argentinae San Juan Province San Juan 680,427 13 89,651 15 7.6 13
San Luis Province San Luis Province San Luis 431,588 19 76,748 18 5.6 18
Santa Cruz Province, Argentinae Santa Cruz Province Río Gallegos 272,524 23 243,943 2 1.1 24
Santa Fe Province Santa Fe Province Santa Fe 3,200,736 3 133,007 10 24.1 5
Santiago del Estero Province Santiago del Estero Province   Santiago del Estero 896,461 12 136,351 9 6.6 15
Tierra del Fuego Province, Argentinae Tierra del Fuego Province Ushuaia 126,190 24 21,263b 23 5.8b 16
Tucumán Tucumán San Miguel de Tucumán   1,448,200 6 22,524 22 64.3 2

a San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca.
b No includin claims tae the Falkland Islands an the Argentine Antarcticae.

Freemit airtins

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