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Ivy League

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Reveesion aes o 07:48, 9 Januar 2021 bi OCNative (Collogue | contribs) (The "Scots" that wis uised in this airticle wis written bi a body that's mither tongue isna Scots.)

The Ivy League is a collegiate athletic conference comprisin sports teams frae aicht private institutions o heicher eddication in the Northeastren Unitit States.


Ivy League varsities hae some o the lairgest varsity financial endowments in the warld, which allaes the varsities tae provide mony resoorces for thair academic programs an research endeavors. As o 2014, Harvard Varsity haes an endowment o $36.4 billion.[1] Addeetionally, each varsity receives millions o dollars in research grants an ither subsidies frae federal an state govrenment.

Locations o Ivy League varsities
Institution Location Athletic nickname Unnergraduate enrollment Graduate enrollment Tot enrollment 2015 Endowment Academic staff Motto
Brown Varsity Providence,
Rhode Island
Bears 6,316[2] 2,333[2] 8,649 $3.3 billion[3] 736[4] In Deo Speramus
(In God We Hope)
Columbia Varsity New York Ceety,
New York
Lions 7,160[5] 15,760[5] 22,920 $9.6 billion[6] 3,763[7] In lumine Tuo videbimus lumen
(In Thy licht shall we see the licht)
Cornell Varsity Ithaca,
New York
Big Red 13,931[8] 6,702[8] 20,633 $6.2 billion[9] 2,908 I wad foond an institution whaur ony person can find instruction in ony study.
Dartmouth College Hanover,
New Hampshire
Big Green 4,248[10] 1,893[10] 6,141 $4.7 billion[11] 571 Vox clamantis in deserto
(The vyce o ane cryin in the wilderness)[12]
Harvard Varsity Cambridge,
Crimson 7,181[13] 14,044[13] 21,225 $37.6 billion[14] 4,671[15] Veritas
Varsity o Pennsylvanie Philadelphia,
Quakers 10,337[16] 10,306[16] 20,643 $10.1 billion[17] 4,464[18] Leges sine moribus vanae
(Laws wioot morals are uiseless)[19]
Princeton Varsity Princeton,
New Jersey
Tigers 5,113[20] 2,479[20] 7,592 $22.7 billion[9] 1,172 Dei sub numine viget
(Unner God's pouer she flourishes)
Yale Varsity New Haven,
Bulldugs 5,275[21] 6,391[21] 11,666 $25.6 billion[22] 4,140[23] אורים ותומים
Lux et veritas
(Licht an truth)


  1. Fitzpatrick, Dan (23 September 2014). "Harvard Endowment Earns 15.4% Return for Fiscal 2014". The Wall Street Journal.
  2. a b "Facts about Brown University". Brown.edu. Retrieved 30 Januar 2011.
  3. Michael McDonald, "Brown Posts 16.1 Percent Investment Gain in Year Ended June 30," Bloomberg.com/news, Oct. 1, 2014 (bloomberg.com/news/2014-10-01/brown-posts-16-1-investment-gain-in-year-ended-june-30.html)
  4. "Faculty & Employees". Brown University. Retrieved 8 October 2014.
  5. a b [1]. Columbia University Common Data Set. Retrieved on 2010-04-18.
  6. Christian Zhang, "University announces 17.5 percent return on endowment in 2014," Columbia Daily Spectator, Oct. 1, 2014 (columbiaspectator.com/news/2014/10/01/university-announces-175-percent-return-endowment-2014)
  7. http://www.columbia.edu/cu/opir/abstract/opir_faculty_history_1.htm
  8. a b "Cornell Common Data Set" (PDF). Retrieved 30 Januar 2011.
  9. a b Peter Jacobs, "How All the Ivy League Endowments Performed," Business Insider, Oct. 22, 2014 (businessinsider.com/ivy-league-university-endowments-fiscal-year-2014-returns-2014-10)
  10. a b "Microsoft Word - header_factbook.doc" (PDF). Retrieved 17 Julie 2011.
  11. "College endowment valued at $4.5 billion," The Dartmouth, Sept. 16, 2014 (thedartmouth.com/2014/09/16/news/college-endowment-valued-at-4-5-billio)
  12. The umwhile translation is that mair commonly uised bi Dartmouth itsel
  13. a b [2]. Harvard University Factbook. Retrieved on 2010-04-18.
  14. Michael McDonald, "Harvard’s 15.4% Gain Trails as Mendillo Successor Sought," Bloomberg.com/news, Sept. 24, 2014 (bloomberg.com/news/2014-09-23/harvard-has-15-4-investment-gain-trailing-dartmouth-penn-1-.html)
  15. http://www.provost.harvard.edu/institutional_research/Provost_-_09_18-19facuni.pdf
  16. a b "Penn: Facts and Figures". Upenn.edu. 19 November 2010. Retrieved 30 Januar 2011.
  17. Michael McDonald, "University of Pennsylvania Posts 17.5% Investment Return," Bloomberg.com/news, Sept. 18, 2014 (bloomberg.com/news/2014-09-18/university-of-pennsylvania-posts-17-5-investment-return-1-.html)
  18. "Penn: Penn Facts". The University of Pennsylvania. Retrieved 8 October 2014.
  19. Guide to the Usage of the Seal and Arms of the University of Pennsylvania University Archives and Records Center, University of Pennsylvania. Retrieved 10 September 2009.
  20. a b [3]. Princeton University Common Data Set. Retrieved on 2010-04-18.
  21. a b "Factsheet – Statistical Summary of Yale University". Yale.edu. 30 Juin 2009. Retrieved 30 Januar 2011.
  22. Adrian Rodrigues, "Yale endowment rises to all-time high," Yale Daily News, Sept. 25, 2014 (yaledailynews.com/blog/2014/09/25/yale-endowment-rises-to-all-time-high)
  23. "About - Facts". Yale University. Retrieved 8 October 2014.