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Dr. Ahmad Syazni Kamarudin

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Ahmad Syazni Kamarudin is an associate professor and the deputy dean (research and development) of the Faculty of Bioresources and Food Industry, Sultan Zainal Abidin University. He received his BSc in biotechnology with management at the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in 2006, his MSc in aquaculture from the Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, and earned his Ph.D. in bioresource science from Hiroshima University in 2014. His main research interests include the development of microsatellite markers for animals and fishes; fish breeding management, including population structure and genetic variability; biology of fishes and shellfish; and stable isotope analysis.

Short Biography

Ahmad Syazni Kamarudin is an associate professor and the deputy dean (research and development) of the Faculty of Bioresources and Food Industry, Sultan Zainal Abidin University. He received his BSc in biotechnology with management at the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in 2006, his MSc in aquaculture from the Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, and earned his Ph.D. in bioresource science from Hiroshima University in 2014. His main research interests include the development of microsatellite markers for animals and fishes; fish breeding management, including population structure and genetic variability; biology of fishes and shellfish; and stable isotope analysis.