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Format:Continuum mechanics

Pentru alte sensuri, vedeți Solid (dezambiguizare).

Un obiect solid este un corp care se găseşte în starea de agregare a materiei caracterizată de rezistenţă la deformare şi la schimbarea volumului acestuia.

La o scală microscopică, un solid are următoarele trei proprietăţi:

  • Atomii sau moleculele care alcătuiesc solidul sânt împachetate compact împreună. Solidul mai poate fi definit ca un asemenea corp distanţa relativă dintre punctele căruia nu variază în timp. Domeniul şţiinţei, care cercetează mişcarea de translaţie şi rotaţie a solidului, inclusiv în câmpuri de forţă externe, se numeşte mecanica corpului solid.
  • Aceste elemente constituente au poziţii în spaţiu bine precizate în raport cu celelalte elemente, care determină rigiditatea solidului. În mineralogie şi cristalografie, o structură cristalină este un aranjament unic de atomi într-un cristal. A crystal structure is composed of a unit cell, a set of atoms arranged in a particular way; which is periodically repeated in three dimensions on a lattice. The spacing between unit cells in various directions is called its lattice parameters. The symmetry properties of the crystal are embodied in its space group. A crystal's structure and symmetry play a role in determining many of its properties, such as cleavage, electronic band structure, and optical properties.
    • If sufficient force is applied, either of these properties can be disrupted, causing permanent deformation.
  • Because any solid has some thermal energy, its atoms vibrate. However, this movement is very small, and cannot be observed or felt under ordinary conditions.

The branch of physics that deals with solids is called solid-state physics, and is a type of condensed matter physics. Materials science is primarily concerned with properties of solids such as strength and phase transformations. It overlaps strongly with solid-state physics. Solid-state chemistry overlaps both of these fields, but is especially concerned with the synthesis of novel materials.

The lightest known solid is man-made and is called aerogel. The lightest aerogel produced has a density of 1.9 mg/cm³ or 1.9 kg/m³ (1/530 as dense as water).

Format:State of matter