API Summary
The purpose of the Quttera Malware Scanner REST API is to scan a website/domain as well as a web page for the security issues. Such as active malware, suspicious content, defacement, phishing, outdated SSL certificates, blacklisting, and other potential or actual security problems. The API supports JSON, XML and YAML formats. Note: JSON is used as a default format if no format is specified.
  • HTTP Status Codes
    The Quttera API will return an appropriate HTTP status codes per request.
200 OK Success!
400 Bad Request An invalid request, such as a request with invalid URL, invalid format or wrong parameter is considered invalid and you will get this response.
401 Unauthorized API key is incorrect or/and is not activated.
402 Payment Required Returned when user reached scan requests limit.
403 Forbidden API key is incorrect.
404 Not Found The URI requested is invalid or the resource requested, such as URL or Investigation Report does not exist.
429 Too Many Requests
500 Internal Server Error
  • API request types
Resource Description Environment
Scan a domain/website (new scan) for malware Any
Get the status of the domain/website scan request Any
Get the detailed scan report of the domain/website Any
Scan website's SSL certificate Any
Get the status of the SSL information retrieval request Any
Get website's SSL information report Any
Scan a domain/website for integrity issues Any
Get the status of the domain/website integrity scan request Any
Get the domain/website integrity report Any
Find the opened ports on a domain Dedicated
Get the status of the port scanning request Dedicated
Get the open ports information report Dedicated
Get the blacklisting status of the domain Any
Get the detailed report per supported blacklisting authority Any
  • POST /api/v3/<api-key>/url/scan/<domain-name>[.json| .xml| .yaml]
    Scan a domain/website for malware and blacklist via HTTP POST request
Name Type Value
apikey mandatory API key provided during registration
domain-name mandatory url to scan
severity optional CLEAN (default), POTENTIALLY_SUSPICIOUS, SUSPICIOUS, MALICIOUS. // The lowest severity of the scanned data to include in the report. Use uppercase.
sensitivity optional HEURISTIC (default) or NORMAL // Sets the malware scan sensitivity level. HEURISTIC — detects both known and unknown (Potentially Suspicious and Suspicious severities) threats as well as anomalies and behavioral-based detection. NORMAL — detects only the known (Malicious severity) threats. Use uppercase.
crawler optional wget or qrobot (default). // Sets the type of crawler to use when downloading the URL content. qrobot (default) Quttera proprietary Distributed Heuristic Crawler type — It uses the Page Rank algorithm for its increased efficiency and quality. The benefit of a distributed heuristic web crawler is that it is robust against system crashes and other events. Supported by a majority of the hosting platforms. wget — Focused Crawler type — downloads the pages that are related to each other. It is also known as a Topic Crawler because of its way of working. The focused crawler determines the following — Relevancy, Way forward. It should be used if your website set on low spec hardware.
agent optional user-agent string. // Sets the value of the user-agent to use when downloading the URL content. When the parameter is not provided, the scanner uses the default agent (user-agent string) value based on server configuration (from the configuration file).
agent optional yaml, xml or json (default)

POST http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/<api-key>/url/scan/<domain-name>[.json| .xml| .yaml]
POST http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/<api-key>/url/scan/<domain-name>
Example request:

XML format
$> curl -d "severity=SUSPICIOUS&sensitivity=HEURISTIC&crawler=wget" -X POST "http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB/url/scan/quttera.com.xml"
JSON format (default)
$> curl -X POST "http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB/url/scan/quttera.com"

If an URL has already been investigated in last 15 minutes, the output will contain domain status (clean, potentially suspicious, suspicious or malicious).

If a scan job is 'in progress', the output will contain 'current investigation status' (new, download, downloaded or scan).

Returned Parameters:
Type Value
mandatory Operation error code
errorstr Literal presentation of the operation error code
status::blacklisted Provided URL is blacklisted <yes|no>
status::scanner_result URL investigation result: clean, potentially suspicious, suspicious, malicious or undef if URL still in progress
status::sensitivity Sensitivity level of the scan: NORMAL or HEURISTIC
status::state The state of the website/URL malware scan request: NEW, DOWNLOAD, DOWNLOADED, SCAN or DONE 
status::time Scan start time in epoc format
status::url Scanned URL

$> curl -X POST "http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB/url/scan/quttera.com.json"
  "error": 200,
  "errorstr": "success",
  "status": {
    "blacklisted": "no",
    "scanner_result": "undef",
	"sensitivity": "NORMAL",
    "state": "DOWNLOAD",
    "time": 1460373398,
    "url": "quttera.com"

Scan a domain for malware and blacklists

The Quttera API request and response examples for quttera.com

  • GET /api/v3/<api-key>/url/status/<domain-name>[.json| .xml| .yaml]
    Retrieves current submitted scan investigation URL status.

GET http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/<api-key>/url/status/<domain-name>[.json| .xml| .yaml]
GET http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/<api-key>/url/status/<domain-name>
Example request:

YAML format
GET http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB/url/status/quttera.com.yaml

If requested URL doesn't exist in database, the query returns not-found (404) error.

If URL was found then its investigation status is being returned.

Returned Parameters:
error Operation error code
errorstr Literal presentation of the operation error code
status::blacklisted Provided URL is blacklisted <yes|no>
status::scanner_result URL investigation result: clean, potentially suspicious, suspicious, malicious or undef if URL still in progress
status::sensitivity Sensitivity level of the scan: NORMAL or HEURISTIC
status::state The state of the website/URL malware scan request: NEW, DOWNLOAD, DOWNLOADED, SCAN or DONE 
status::time Scan start time in epoc format
status::url Scanned URL

$> curl -X GET "http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB/url/status/blog.quttera.com.yaml"
error: 200
errorstr: success
  blacklisted: 'no'
  scanner_result: potentially suspicious
  sensitivity: "HEURISTIC"
  state: DONE
  time: 1460288238
  url: blog.quttera.com

Get status of the malware scan request

The Quttera API request and response examples for quttera.com

  • GET /api/v3/<api-key>/url/report/<domain-name>[.json| .xml| .yaml]
    Retrieves detailed investigation report for previously scanned domain/website.

Example request:

YAML format
GET http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB/url/report/quttera.com.yaml

Returns detailed scan report for previously scanned domain/website.

Returned Parameters:
error Operation error code
errorstr Literal presentation of the operation error code
report::blacklist_report::blacklist_status Scanned URL blacklisting status, NoThreat if URL is not blacklisted
report::blacklist_report::providers List of blacklisting providers. Each report contains the following fields:
name - blacklisting provider name
status - blacklisting status
Reason - result generation time
report::blacklisted_domains Blacklisted domain list detected during URL investigation
report::blacklisted_domains_count Blacklisted domain count number detected during URL investigation
report::blacklisted_iframes Blacklisted iframe list detected during URL investigation
report::blacklisted_iframes_count Blacklisted iframe count number detected during URL investigation
report::domains Domain list detected during URL investigation
report::domains_count Domain count detected during URL investigation
report::files Malware scan report list per file downloaded from a domain/website. The following fields are displayed per the report:
MD5 - file/page MD5
details - more details about detected threats
dump - dump of the detected threat
dumpMD5 - dump MD5
endtime - time when the investigation of this page/file has been finished
filename - URI of this file/page
filesize - size of this page/file in bytes
filetype - type of this page/file in bytes
line - a line in the file where the detected threat is located (text file only)
offset - an offset in the line where the detected threat is located (text file only)
reason - reason why file/page was detected
threat - classification of the detected threat
scantime - reason why file/page was detected
threat_name - the name of the detected threat
report::iframes Detected iframe list during URL investigation
report::iframes_count Detected iframe count during URL investigation
report::links List of links detected during URL investigation
report::sandbox_requests List of all HTTP requests. Available in a dedicated environment only.
required_url - requested URL
required_ip - requested IP
redirected_url - web address in a redirect response
redirected_ip - IP of the web address in a redirect response
http_method - type of the HTTP request
http_status_code - status of the HTTP request
report::links_count Links count detected during URL investigation
report::malicious_files Malicious file detection count during URL investigation
report::psuspicious_files Potentially suspicious files count detected during URL investigation
report::suspicious_files Suspicious files count detected during URL investigation
report::scanned_content Downloaded and investigated content size (bytes)
report::scanned_files Scanned files count
report::state URL/domain investigation state
report::sensitivity Sensitivity level of the scan: NORMAL or HEURISTIC
report::time Invetigation report generation time in epoc format
report::timestr Invetigation report generation time in ascii format
report::url Scanned URL

error: 200
errorstr: success
    blacklist_status: NoThreat
    - name: Google Safebrowsing
      status: NoThreat
      time: '1460288238'
    - name: MalwareDomainList
      status: NoThreat
      time: '1446634120'
    - name: Phishtank
      status: NoThreat
      time: '1446634120'
    - name: Quttera Labs
      status: NoThreat
      time: '1446634120'
    - name: Yandex Safebrowsing
      status: NoThreat
      time: '1460288238'
  blacklisted_domains: {}
  blacklisted_domains_count: 0
  blacklisted_iframes: {}
  blacklisted_iframes_count: 0
  blacklisted_links: {}
  blacklisted_links_count: 0
    2.bp.blogspot.com: NoThreat
    add.my.yahoo.com: NoThreat
    apis.google.com: NoThreat
    blog.quttera.com: NoThreat
    blogger.com: NoThreat
    helpdesk.quttera.com: NoThreat
    img1.blogblog.com: NoThreat
    quttera.blogspot.co.il: NoThreat
    quttera.blogspot.co.uk: NoThreat
    quttera.blogspot.com: NoThreat
    quttera.com: NoThreat
    search.yahoo.com: NoThreat
    wordpress.org: NoThreat
    www.blogger.com: NoThreat
    www.bluesnap.com: NoThreat
    www.netvibes.com: NoThreat
    youtube.com: NoThreat
  domains_count: 33
  - MD5: 13A77058E307411490672C9D1737DD9C
    details: Too low entropy detected in string [["..."]]
      of length 168 which may point to obfuscation or shellcode.
    dump: '[[ ... ]]'
    dumpMD5: CD4E058F528912C966F9DE35F29A4465
    endtime: Sun Apr 10 13:37:16 2016
    filename: www.blogger.com/static/v1/widgets/1976504288-widgets.js
    filesize: '102035'
    filetype: ASCII
    line: '159'
    offset: '45'
    reason: Detected procedure that is commonly used in suspicious activity.
    result: '8'
    scantime: '5.700000'
    threat: Potentially Suspicious
    threat_name: PS.SuspScript.gen
  - MD5: 7DFD909FC235AF20392AB15C2B7500B3
    details: File is clean
    dumpMD5: '00000000000000000000000000000000'
    endtime: Sun Apr 10 13:37:02 2016
    filename: blog.quttera.com/index.html
    filesize: '115323'
    filetype: HTML
    offset: '0'
    reason: No significant issues detected.
    result: '1'
    scantime: '0.843000'
    threat: Clean
    <iframe allowfullscreen%3D"" frameborder%3D"0" src%3D"https://www.youtube.com/embed/zPhj16hzj8g">: NoThreat
  iframes_count: 2
    blog.quttera.com//b/csi.js?h%3Drf2qna3orel6eez56hjgxruq77qjyxbefnbscbe0iuq: NoThreat
    blog.quttera.com//js/cookiechoices.js: NoThreat
    blog.quttera.com//search/label/website-malware-scanning-products: NoThreat
    blog.quttera.com/javascript:history.go(-1)%3B: NoThreat
    blog.quttera.com/javascript:void(0): NoThreat
    blog.quttera.com/mailto:[email protected]: NoThreat
    http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-rzmm8l4tq5c/umzunv_uxui/aaaaaaaaa0i/m8pc8aawm9e/s1600/shlomo_hacked.png: NoThreat
    http://downloads.mailchimp.com/js/jquery.mailcheck.min.js: NoThreat
    https://www.youtube.com/embed/zphj16hzj8g: NoThreat
  - required_url:   https://orig.quttera.com/some-uri
    redirected_url: https://redirected.quttera.com/another-uri
    http_method:    GET
    http_status_code: 301
  - required_url:   https://orig2.quttera.com/some-uri
    redirected_url: https://redirected2.quttera.com/another-uri
    http_method:    POST
    http_status_code: 302
  links_count: 137
  malicious_files: 0
  psuspicious_files: 1
  scanned_content: 1431315
  scanned_files: 24
  state: clean
  sensitivity: HEURISTIC
  suspicious_files: 0
  time: 1460288237.616
  timestr: Sun Apr 10 13:37:17 2016
  url: blog.quttera.com

Get detailed malware scan report for domain/website

The Quttera API request and response examples for quttera.com

  • POST /api/v3/<api-key>/ssl/scan/<domain-name>[.json| .xml| .yaml]
    Retrieves website's SSL certificate.

POST http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/<api-key>/ssl/scan/<domain-name>[.json|.xml|.yaml]
POST http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/<api-key>/ssl/scan/<domain-name>
Example request:

JSON format (default)
POST http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB/ssl/scan/quttera.com.json

The response varies depending on the existence of a similar request in the queue. If there is an SSL scan request 'in progress', the output will contain its status (new, scan, scanned or done).

If SSL information for the URL exists in the database and is no older than 15 minutes, the output will contain SSL details similar to the response of the SSL report query.

Returned Parameters:
error Operation error code
errorstr Literal presentation of the operation error code
status::state SSL request's progress state NEW, SCAN , SCANNED or DONE

$> curl -X POST "http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB/ssl/scan/quttera.com.json"
  "error": 200,
  "errorstr": "success",
  "status": {
	"state": "new"

Retrieve a website's SSL certificate

The Quttera API request and response examples for quttera.com

  • GET /api/v3/<api-key>/ssl/status/<domain-name>[.json| .xml| .yaml]
    Get status of the SSL information retrieval request.

GET http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/<api-key>/ssl/status/<domain-name>[.json| .xml| .yaml]
GET http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/<api-key>/ssl/status/<domain-name>
Example request:

YAML format
GET http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB/ssl/status/quttera.com.yaml

Returns the status of the current SSL information retrieval request. If the request for the specified URL doesn't exist in database, the query returns not-found (404) error.

Returned Parameters:
error Operation error code
errorstr Literal presentation of the operation error code
status::state SSL request's progress state NEW, SCAN , SCANNED or DONE
status::time Scan start time in epoc format
status::url Scanned URL

$> curl -X GET "http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB/ssl/status/blog.quttera.com.yaml"
error: 200
errorstr: success
  state: DONE
  time: 1460288238
  url: blog.quttera.com

Get status of the API request to retrieve the website's SSL certificate

The Quttera API request and response examples for quttera.com

  • GET /api/v3/<api-key>/ssl/report/<domain-name>[.json| .xml| .yaml]
    Get website's SSL information report.

GET http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/<api-key>/ssl/report/<domain-name>[.json| .xml| .yaml]
GET http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/<api-key>/ssl/report/<domain-name>
Example request:

YAML format
GET http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB/ssl/report/quttera.com.yaml

Returns the SSL certificate information for the submitted website/url.

Returned Parameters:
error Operation error code
errorstr Literal presentation of the operation error code
report::cert_issuer_cn SSL certificate authority - common name
report::cert_issuer_o SSL certificate authority - organization name
report::expiration_date Expiration date (timestamp)
report::expiration_days Expiration in days (negative value means expired)
report::expired Expired - True/False
report::issue_date The certificate issuing date
report::state SSL request's progress state NEW, SCAN , SCANNED or DONE
report::time Start time of the request in epoc format
report::trusted true for the Trusted Certificate Authority; false for the self-signed SSL certificate
report::url Scanned URL

$> curl -X GET "http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB/ssl/report/quttera.com.yaml"
error: 200
errorstr: success
  cert_issuer_cn: Sectigo RSA Extended Validation Secure Server CA
  cert_issuer_o: Sectigo Limited
  expiration_date: 1645916400
  expiration_days: 709
  expired: false
  issue_date: 1584399600
  state: DONE
  time: 1584704351
  trusted: true
  url: https://quttera.com

Get a website's SSL certificate report

The Quttera API request and response examples for quttera.com

  • POST /api/v3/<api-key>/integrity/scan/<domain-name>[.json| .xml| .yaml]
    Scans a domain/website for invalid/broken HTTP headers, broken links, not secure links, page errors, redirects and other integrity issues.

POST http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/<api-key>/integrity/scan/<domain-name>[.json|.xml|.yaml]
POST http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/<api-key>/integrity/scan/<domain-name>
Example request:

JSON format (default)
POST http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB/integrity/scan/quttera.com.json

The response varies depending on the existence of a similar request in the queue. If there is an integrity scan request 'in progress', the output will contain its status (new, scan, scanned or done).

If integrity information for the URL exists in the database and is no older than 15 minutes, the output will contain the integrity details similar to the response of the integrity report query.

Returned Parameters:
error Operation error code
errorstr Literal presentation of the operation error code
status::state SSL request's progress state NEW, SCAN , SCANNED or DONE

$> curl -X POST "http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB/integrity/scan/quttera.com.json"
  "error": 200,
  "errorstr": "success",
  "status": {
	"state": "new"

Scan a website for the integrity issues

The Quttera API request and response examples for quttera.com

  • GET /api/v3/<api-key>/integrity/status/<domain-name>[.json| .xml| .yaml]
    Get the status of the domain/website integrity scan request.

GET http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/<api-key>/integrity/status/<domain-name>[.json| .xml| .yaml]
GET http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/<api-key>/integrity/status/<domain-name>
Example request:

YAML format
GET http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB/integrity/status/quttera.com.yaml

Returns the status of the current integrity scan request. If the request for the specified URL doesn't exist in database, the query returns not-found (404) error.

Returned Parameters:
error Operation error code
errorstr Literal presentation of the operation error code
status::state SSL request's progress state NEW, SCAN , SCANNED or DONE
status::time Scan start time in epoc format
status::url Scanned URL

$> curl -X GET "http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB/integrity/status/blog.quttera.com.yaml"
error: 200
errorstr: success
  state: DONE
  time: 1460288238
  url: blog.quttera.com

Get status of the integrity scan request

The Quttera API request and response examples for quttera.com

  • GET /api/v3/<api-key>/integrity/report/<domain-name>[.json| .xml| .yaml]
    Get website integrity report.

GET http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/<api-key>/integrity/report/<domain-name>[.json| .xml| .yaml]
GET http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/<api-key>/integrity/report/<domain-name>
Example request:

YAML format
GET http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB/integrity/report/quttera.com.yaml

Returns the integrity issues for the submitted website/url.

Returned Parameters:
error Operation error code
errorstr Literal presentation of the operation error code
report::headers_comments A list of alerts and warnings occured during validation of retrieved HTTP security headers
report::links_alert A list of links that are broken, redirect, invalid, or have other security issues
report::state SSL request's progress state NEW, SCAN , SCANNED or DONE
report::time Start time of the request in epoc format
report::url Scanned URL

$> curl -X GET "http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB/integrity/report/quttera.com"

  "error": 200, 
  "errorstr": "success", 
  "report": {
    "headers": {
      "Connection": "keep-alive", 
      "Content-Length": "162", 
      "Content-Type": "text/html; charset=UTF-8", 
      "Date": "Wed, 15 Jul 2020 08:57:27 GMT", 
      "Link": "; rel=shortlink", 
      "Location": "https://www.quttera.com/", 
      "Server": "nginx", 
      "Transfer-Encoding": "chunked", 
      "Vary": "Accept-Encoding", 
      "X-Edge-Location-Klb": "jbyEDL2py8n1Mj9ZL4cDOpeN61e3277900e43bb23124615038d682b5", 
      "X-Kinsta-Cache": "HIT"
    "headers_comments": [
      "ALERT: HTTP security header 'Content-Security-Policy' is missing", 
      "ALERT: HTTP security header 'X-XSS-Protection' is missing", 
      "ALERT: HTTP security header 'Strict-Transport-Security' is missing", 
      "ALERT: HTTP security header 'X-Frame-Options' is missing", 
      "ALERT: HTTP security header 'Expect-CT' is missing", 
      "ALERT: HTTP security header 'X-Content-Type-Options' is missing", 
      "ALERT: HTTP security header 'Feature-Policy' is missing", 
      "ALERT: HTTP security header 'X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies' is missing", 
      "ALERT: HTTP security header 'Referrer-Policy' is missing", 
      "WARNING: HTTP header 'X-Download-Options' is missing", 
      "WARNING: HTTP header 'Public-Key-Pins' is missing", 
      "WARNING: HTTP header 'Public-Key-Pins-Report-Only' is missing"
    "links_alert": [
        "alert": "redirection", 
        "hosting_page_md5": "6666CD76F96956469E7BE39D750CC7D9", 
        "hosting_page_url": null, 
        "http_status": "200", 
        "redir_target": "https://www.quttera.com/", 
        "url": "http://quttera.com", 
        "url_md5": "6E954AAF8C45D0362E1815695FDA7C03"
        "alert": "redirection", 
        "hosting_page_md5": "6E954AAF8C45D0362E1815695FDA7C03", 
        "hosting_page_url": "http://quttera.com", 
        "http_status": "404", 
        "redir_target": "https://www.quttera.com/data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=", 
        "url": "http://quttera.com/data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=", 
        "url_md5": "F0071B39E5AD17764885E06E0FD078A1"
        "alert": "redirection", 
        "hosting_page_md5": "6E954AAF8C45D0362E1815695FDA7C03", 
        "hosting_page_url": "http://quttera.com", 
        "http_status": "403", 
        "redir_target": "https://somedomain23.com/cread.php?awinmid=5877&awinaffid=249173&clickref=&p=%5B%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2F", 
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        "alert": "redirection", 
        "hosting_page_md5": "6E954AAF8C45D0362E1815695FDA7C03", 
        "hosting_page_url": "http://quttera.com", 
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        "redir_target": "https://somedomain23/cread.php?awinmid=6311&awinaffid=249173&clickref=", 
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        "url_md5": "C3C35272D98964CA6C9652AEB3AE37C1"
        "alert": "redirection", 
        "hosting_page_md5": "6E954AAF8C45D0362E1815695FDA7C03", 
        "hosting_page_url": "http://quttera.com", 
        "http_status": "403", 
        "redir_target": "https://somedomain23.com", 
        "url": "https://www.quttera.com/location/", 
        "url_md5": "B5C00F4D65FA6441C359EA43340A740A"
        "alert": "redirection", 
        "hosting_page_md5": "6E954AAF8C45D0362E1815695FDA7C03", 
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        "http_status": "403", 
        "redir_target": "https://somedomain", 
        "url": "https://www.quttera.com/location/location2/", 
        "url_md5": "68E8BC7FF2F65D3CF6DFD68C42A4196F"
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        "hosting_page_md5": "6E954AAF8C45D0362E1815695FDA7C03", 
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        "http_status": "200", 
        "redir_target": "https://www.www.somedomain23.com.com/?a=IA2973ICF", 
        "url": "https://www.quttera.com/location/", 
        "url_md5": "38DDB34F01C635FCE8C6D382B8523A5A"
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        "hosting_page_md5": "6E954AAF8C45D0362E1815695FDA7C03", 
        "hosting_page_url": "http://quttera.com", 
        "http_status": "200", 
        "redir_target": "https://www.www.somedomain23.com.com/?a=IA2973ICF", 
        "url": "https://www.quttera.com/location/", 
        "url_md5": "8A20B84CEE7C7C850D527E28489C767F"
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        "hosting_page_md5": "6E954AAF8C45D0362E1815695FDA7C03", 
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        "redir_target": "https://somedomain22/somephp/?AffID=0048", 
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        "alert": "redirection", 
        "hosting_page_md5": "6E954AAF8C45D0362E1815695FDA7C03", 
        "hosting_page_url": "http://quttera.com", 
        "http_status": "200", 
        "redir_target": "https://somethingelse.pxf.io/c/154827/603173/5170?sharedid=RODP01", 
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        "url_md5": "B6C53BAA8F1493D0680BD3CFFBD4BF7F"
        "alert": "redirection", 
        "hosting_page_md5": "6E954AAF8C45D0362E1815695FDA7C03", 
        "hosting_page_url": "http://quttera.com", 
        "http_status": "200", 
        "redir_target": "https://somethingelse.g6ww.net/vkAKj", 
        "url": "https://www.quttera.com/recommends/something-explained/", 
        "url_md5": "B4EDFAFA79B5A364D03BDF914F0816CB"
        "alert": "redirection", 
        "hosting_page_md5": "6E954AAF8C45D0362E1815695FDA7C03", 
        "hosting_page_url": "http://quttera.com", 
        "http_status": "200", 
        "redir_target": "https://somethingelse.pxf.io/c/154827/348706/5170?u=https%3A%2F%2Ffanyv88.com%3A443%2Fhttps%2Fwww.somethingelse.com%2Fblog%2Fsomethingelse-just-got-even-better-automatic-others%2F", 
        "url": "https://www.quttera.com/location/", 
        "url_md5": "99D77A928725652378BB34F80B80ED3B"
    "state": "DONE",
    "time": 1587050244,
    "url": "quttera.com"

Get status of the integrity scan request

The Quttera API request and response examples for quttera.com

  • POST /api/v3/<api-key>/ports/scan/<domain-name>[.json| .xml| .yaml]
    Find the opened ports on a domain

POST http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/<api-key>/ports/scan/<domain-name>[.json| .xml| .yaml]
POST http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/<api-key>/ports/scan/<domain-name>
Example request:

JSON format (default)
$> curl -X POST "http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB/ports/scan/quttera.com"

The response varies depending on the existence of a similar request in the queue. If there is a request 'in progress' to scan for open ports on the specified domain, the output will contain its status (new, scan, scanned or done).

If the information on the open ports for the specified domain exists in the database and is no older than 15 minutes, the output will contain open ports details similar to the response of the open ports report query.

Returned Parameters:
error Operation error code
errorstr Literal presentation of the operation error code
status::state SSL request's progress state NEW, SCAN , SCANNED or DONE

$> curl -X POST "http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB/ports/scan/quttera.com"
  "error": 200,
  "errorstr": "success",
  "status": {
    "state": "NEW",

Scan a domain for open ports

The Quttera API request and response examples for quttera.com

  • GET /api/v3/<api-key>/ports/status/<domain-name>[.json| .xml| .yaml]
    Get status of the current port scanning request.

GET http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/<api-key>/ports/status/<domain-name>[.json| .xml| .yaml]
GET http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/<api-key>/ports/status/<domain-name>
Example request:

YAML format
GET http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB/ports/status/quttera.com.yaml

Returns the status of the current port scanning request. If the request for the specified URL doesn't exist in database, the query returns not-found (404) error.

Returned Parameters:
error Operation error code
errorstr Literal presentation of the operation error code
status::state SSL request's progress state NEW, SCAN , SCANNED or DONE
status::time Scan start time in epoc format
status::url/span> Scanned URL

$> curl -X GET "http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB/ports/status/blog.quttera.com.yaml"
error: 200
errorstr: success
  state: DONE
  time: 1460288238
  url: blog.quttera.com

Get status of the port scanning API request

The Quttera API request and response examples for quttera.com

  • GET /api/v3/<api-key>/ports/report/<domain-name>[.json| .xml| .yaml]
    Get open ports information report.

GET http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/<api-key>/ports/report/<domain-name>[.json| .xml| .yaml]
GET http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/<api-key>/ports/report/<domain-name>
Example request:

YAML format
GET http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB/ports/report/quttera.com.yaml

Returns the list of the open ports on the submitted domain.

Returned Parameters:
error Operation error code
errorstr Literal presentation of the operation error code
report::ports::port port number
report::ports::protocol/span> transport protocol - TCP/UDP
report::ports::service running service/application
report::ports::state/span> open, filtered or closed. // filtered means that the port is protected by a firewall; closed means that prob packet received but there is no bound application to handle the request.
status::state SSL request's progress state NEW, SCAN , SCANNED or DONE
report::time/span> Start time of the request in epoc format
report::url Scanned URL

$>  curl http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/9b4ce6659f8e5b6b53d0e1fb3fe986e9/ports/report/quttera.com
  "error": 200,
  "errorstr": "success",
  "report": {
    "ports": [
        "port": "80",
        "protocol": "tcp",
        "service": "http",
        "state": "open"
        "port": "443",
        "protocol": "tcp",
        "service": "https",
        "state": "open"
    "state": "DONE",
    "time": 1587050244,
    "url": "quttera.com"

Get the open ports information report for the domain

The Quttera API request and response examples for quttera.com

  • GET /api/v3/<api-key>/blacklist/status/<domain-name>[.json|.xml|.yaml]
    Get the blacklisting status of the domain.

GET http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/<api-key>/blacklist/status/<domain-name>[.json| .xml| .yaml]
GET http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/<api-key>/blacklist/status/<domain-name>
Example request:

JSON format (default)
GET http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB/blacklist/status/blog.quttera.com

If requested URL doesn't exist in database, the query returns not-found (404) error.

If URL was found then its blacklisting status is being returned.

Returned Parameters:
error Operation error code
errorstr Literal presentation of the operation error code
status::blacklisted Provided URL is blacklisted <yes|no>
status::url Scanned URL

$> curl -X GET "http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB/blacklist/status/blog.quttera.com"  
  "error": 200,
  "errorstr": "success",
  "status": {
	"blacklisted": "no"
	"url": "blog.quttera.com"

Get blacklisting status of the domain

The Quttera API request and response examples for quttera.com

  • GET /api/v3/<api-key>/blacklist/report/<domain-name>[.json|.xml|.yaml]
    Get the blacklisting status of the domain.

GET http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/<api-key>/blacklist/report/<domain-name>[.json| .xml| .yaml]
GET http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/<api-key>/blacklist/report/<domain-name>
Example request:

JSON format (default)
GET http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB/blacklist/report/blog.quttera.com

If requested URL doesn't exist in database, the query returns not-found (404) error.

If URL was found then its blacklisting status is being returned.

Returned Parameters:
error Operation error code
errorstr Literal presentation of the operation error code
status::blacklisted Provided URL is blacklisted <yes|no>
status::url Scanned URL
status::time Last update time in epoc format
authority::name Name of the blacklisting authority
authority::blacklisted Provided URL is blacklisted by the authority <yes|no>

$> curl -X GET "http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB/blacklist/report/blog.quttera.com"  
  "error": 200,
  "errorstr": "success",
  "status": {
	"blacklisted": "no"
	"url": "blog.quttera.com"
   "authority": [
	"name":"Google Safebrowsing"
	"blacklisted": "no"
	"name":"Google Safebrowsing V4"
	"blacklisted": "no"
	"blacklisted": "no"
	"blacklisted": "no"
	"name":"Quttera Labs"
	"blacklisted": "no"
	"blacklisted": "no"
	"name":"Yandex Safebrowsing"
	"blacklisted": "no"
	"blacklisted": "no"

Get blacklisting report for the domain

The Quttera API request and response examples for quttera.com

  • Scanning full URLs
    In addition to a domain/website scan, Quttera REST API v3 provides an interface to scan URLs. The URL should be encoded in base64 format and provided in the API request instead of the domain name. Following is a list of API commands used to scan https://blog.quttera.com:443 URL
Example request:

$> echo -n 'https://blog.quttera.com:443' | base64

$> curl -X POST "http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB/url/scan/aHR0cHM6Ly9ibG9nLnF1dHRlcmEuY29tOjQ0Mw==.json"
$> curl -X POST "http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB/url/scan/aHR0cHM6Ly9ibG9nLnF1dHRlcmEuY29tOjQ0Mw==.xml"
$> curl -X POST "http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB/url/scan/aHR0cHM6Ly9ibG9nLnF1dHRlcmEuY29tOjQ0Mw==.yaml"

$> curl -X GET "http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB/url/status/aHR0cHM6Ly9ibG9nLnF1dHRlcmEuY29tOjQ0Mw==.json"
$> curl -X GET "http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB/url/status/aHR0cHM6Ly9ibG9nLnF1dHRlcmEuY29tOjQ0Mw==.xml"
$> curl -X GET "http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB/url/status/aHR0cHM6Ly9ibG9nLnF1dHRlcmEuY29tOjQ0Mw==.yaml"

$> curl -X GET "http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB/url/report/aHR0cHM6Ly9ibG9nLnF1dHRlcmEuY29tOjQ0Mw==.json"
$> curl -X GET "http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB/url/report/aHR0cHM6Ly9ibG9nLnF1dHRlcmEuY29tOjQ0Mw==.xml"
$> curl -X GET "http://scannerapi.quttera.com/api/v3/ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB/url/report/aHR0cHM6Ly9ibG9nLnF1dHRlcmEuY29tOjQ0Mw==.yaml"
  • API Integrations
    You can integrate the Website Malware Scanner API into your system, or use the existing integrations with other platforms:
    To request an integration with other platforms, please send us an email ([email protected])
  • Support
    If you have any questions about the API you can chat with us at our Forum or send us an email ([email protected]).