图片素材 : 泛着, 白色, 摄影, 粮食, 环, 紫色, 抽烟, 照片, 远程, 线, 绿色, 镜片, 颜色, 光滑, 破碎, 盐, 蓝色, 黑色, 多彩, 黄色, 香烟, 漩涡, 数学, 锯齿状, 过渡, 艺术, 波浪, 爆破, 彩虹, 面具, 立体派, 冰冷, g, 操纵, 转型, 立方体, 器官, 频闪, 充满活力, 粒状, 彩色, swirly, 巨浪, 脚本, 过滤器, 掩蔽, snoot, 倒, gnu, fu, 转变, 正弦, 在感, brigh, pieices 5151x2346
This is just an old smoke photo that I colored in Photoshop then took into gimp and filtered the smoke into cubes. Brought the cubes back to photoshop and did some retouching.
免费的高分辨率照片 光, 泛着, 白色, 摄影, 粮食, 环, 波, 紫色, 抽烟, 抽烟, 照片, 远程, 冰, 线, 绿色, 镜片, 颜色, 光滑, 破碎, 盐, 蓝色, 黑色, 多彩, 黄色, 香烟, 漩涡, 数学, 锯齿状, 过渡, 艺术, 波浪, 爆破, 彩虹, 面具, 立体派, 冰冷, g, 操纵, 转型, 多, 立方体, 器官, 频闪, 充满活力, 漩涡, 粒状, 彩色, swirly, 巨浪, 脚本, 过滤器, 掩蔽, snoot, 立方体, 倒, gnu, fu, 转变, 正弦, 在感, brigh, pieices
, 拍摄用 未知相机 01/15 2017 照片拍摄
漂亮Nice! Couldn't find your profile, but would love to see if you had variations on this, too (black background?). Of course, not requesting those, or acting entitled to them, purely curious! :-)翻译