Obrazy : noc, karneval, farba, vyhliadkové, svet, festival, Brunej, bruneisightseeing, bandarseribegawan, fér, štít, colourfulroundsheild 2400x1974
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The Royal Regalia Building - Located at Jalan Sultan, this museum is devoted to the sultan Hassanal Bolkiah. The main gallery displays the coronation and Silver Jubilee Chariots, gold and silver ceremonial armory and traditional jewellery encrusted coronation crowns. A collection of documents that chronicles the sultan's life up to the coronation together with the constitutional history gallery is also housed in the same building.
Na fotografii zadarmo high-rozlíšenie noc, karneval, farba, vyhliadkové, svet, festival, Brunej, bruneisightseeing, bandarseribegawan, fér, štít, colourfulroundsheild
, odobratých v DSLR-A300 01/13 2017 Snímka odfotografovaná s 30.0mm, f/3.5s, 1/100s, ISO 200
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