Obrazy : gadget, umenie, ženy, lístkov, koncepčný, digitalart, montáž, December, screenshot 5400x5400
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after being taken out of its shell he will adorn the world for its beauty after falling to the ground flake is felt hearts though already fifteen years life can sometimes feel that short also sometimes during the fifteen years something can be changed or remain silent in place. .......................................................................................... This is a change in myself in painting. fifteen years ago, I painted with the traditional system, and now I am painting with digital media I love to paint because it enjoys the manufacturing process .. so full of imagination and something unexpected could happen our minds......... rant73 ................................................................................................
Na fotografii zadarmo high-rozlíšenie gadget, umenie, ženy, lístkov, koncepčný, digitalart, montáž, December, screenshot
, odobratých v SM-G530H 12/31 2016 Snímka odfotografovaná s 4.0mm, f/2.4s, 1/30s, ISO 125
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