Gambar : pohon, alam, sungai kecil, gurun, Hiking, jejak, sinar matahari, daun, bunga, musim panas, aliran, hijau, rimba, batuan, creativecommons, tumbuh-tumbuhan, hutan hujan, clintoncounty, gugur, tepi pantai, hulu, pennsylvaniawilds, jurang, pennsylvania, natureconservancy, patnc, ritchierun, daerah berhutan, habitat, ekosistem, cagar Alam, bioma, hutan pertumbuhan tua, lingkungan alami, fitur geografis, berdaun lebar beriklim dan hutan campuran, hutan konifer beriklim, hutan riparian 5184x3456
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Riparian forest (with lots of stinging nettle) at the headwaters of Ritchie Run, Clinton County, at the West Branch Research and Demonstration Forest. Noted on the US Geological Survey topographic map, a trail (unblazed and mostly overgrown) descends into the spring-fed headwaters from a woods road near the preserve's informational kiosk. The stream had very little water and wasn't worth shooting; however, the mature forest of hemlocks, white pines, and hardwoods was well worth exploring.
Bebas-foto resolusi tinggi dari pohon, alam, hutan, sungai kecil, gurun, Hiking, jejak, sinar matahari, daun, bunga, musim panas, aliran, hijau, rimba, pohon, batuan, creativecommons, tumbuh-tumbuhan, hutan hujan, clintoncounty, gugur, tepi pantai, hulu, pennsylvaniawilds, jurang, pennsylvania, natureconservancy, patnc, ritchierun, daerah berhutan, habitat, ekosistem, cagar Alam, bioma, hutan pertumbuhan tua, lingkungan alami, fitur geografis, berdaun lebar beriklim dan hutan campuran, hutan konifer beriklim, hutan riparian
, diambil dengan Canon EOS REBEL T3i 12/30 2016 gambar yang diambil dengan 30.0mm, f/4.5s, 1/4s, ISO 100