
PlanetScale CLI commands: deploy-request

Getting Started

Make sure to first set up your PlanetScale developer environment. Once you've installed the pscale CLI, you can interact with PlanetScale and manage your databases straight from the command line.

The deploy-request command

This command allows you to create, review, diff, and manage deploy requests.


pscale deploy-request <SUB-COMMAND> <FLAG>


Your database must have a production branch with safe migrations enabled before you can create a deploy request.

Available sub-commands

Sub-commandSub-command flagsDescription
apply <DATABASE_NAME> <DR_NUMBER>Apply changes to a gated deploy request.
cancel <DATABASE_NAME> <DR_NUMBER>Cancel a deploy request.
close <DATABASE_NAME> <DR_NUMBER>Close the specified deploy request.
create <DATABASE_NAME> <BRANCH_NAME>--into <BRANCH_NAME>, --notes <NOTE>Create a new deploy request.
deploy <DATABASE_NAME> <DR_NUMBER|BRANCH_NAME>--instantDeploy the specified deploy request.
diff <DATABASE_NAME> <DR_NUMBER>--webShow the diff of the specified deploy request.
edit <DATABASE_NAME> <DR_NUMBER>--auto-apply string Possible values: enable, disable (default: "enable")Edit a deploy request.
list <DATABASE_NAME>--webList all deploy requests for a database.
revert <DATABASE_NAME> <DR_NUMBER>Revert a deployed deploy request.
review <DATABASE_NAME> <DR_NUMBER>--web, --approve, --comment <COMMENT>Approve or comment on a deploy request.
show <DATABASE_NAME> <DR_NUMBER|BRANCH_NAME>--webShow the specified deploy request.
skip-revert <DATABASE_NAME> <DR_NUMBER>Skip and close a pending deploy request revert.

* Flag is required

The value <DR_NUMBER> represents the deploy request number (not to be confused with id). To see a deploy request number, run pscale deploy-request list <DATABASE_NAME>.

You can also find the number in the PlanetScale dashboard in the URL of the specified deploy request:<ORGANIZATION>/<DATABASE>/deploy-requests/<DR_NUMBER>.

Sub-command flag descriptions

Some of the sub-commands have additional flags unique to the sub-command. This section covers what each of those does. See the above table for which context.

Sub-command flagDescriptionApplicable sub-commands
--into <BRANCH_NAME>Specify that the new deploy request deploy to a specified branch. Default is main.create
--notes <NOTE>A note describing the deploy request. Acts as the first comment.create
--webPerform the action in your web browserdiff, list, show
--approveApprove a deploy requestreview
--comment <COMMENT>Leave a comment on a deploy requestreview
--instantDeploy a deploy request using MySQL’s built-in ALGORITHM=INSTANT option. Deployment will be faster, but cannot be reverted.deploy

Available flags

-h, --helpGet help with the deploy-request command
--org <ORGANIZATION_NAME>Specify the organization for the deploy request you're acting upon

Global flags

--api-token <TOKEN>The API token to use for authenticating against the PlanetScale API.
--api-url <URL>The base URL for the PlanetScale API. Default is
--config <CONFIG_FILE>Config file. Default is $HOME/.config/planetscale/pscale.yml.
--debugEnable debug mode.
-f, --format <FORMAT>Show output in a specific format. Possible values: human (default), json, csv.
--no-colorDisable color output.
--service-token <TOKEN>The service token for authenticating.
--service-token-id <TOKEN_ID>The service token ID for authenticating.


The deploy-request command with review subcommand and --comment flag


pscale deploy-request review <DATABASE_NAME> 1 --comment 'Lets wait on this.'


A comment is added to the deploy request <DATABASE_NAME>/1.

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