Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

We strive for a School and community in which all members are valued and respected. We celebrate differences and welcome all voices to shape culture, policy, and outcomes. We advance our diversity, equity, and inclusion goals through shared responsibility, accountability, transparency, and continuous improvement.

The UCSF School of Pharmacy excels thanks to the contributions of people of all backgrounds. We are aligned with UCSF’s PRIDE (Pro­fes­sion­al­ism, Respect, Integrity, Diversity and Excellence) values and strive to embody these values in everything we do.

From the lab to the clinic, the School’s researchers, educators, and pharmacists strive to blend an understanding of population-level biomedicine with consideration of individual patients. Our world-leading PhD and doctor of pharmacy (PharmD) degree programs train students to not only pursue new discoveries and better disease therapies, but to also lead their communities with diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in mind.

All members of our community are encouraged to speak up on issues of DEI. Below, catch up on the School's recent efforts with DEI as well as upcoming events and resources for learning, funding, and social support.

Funding opportunities in DEI

Achieving true diversity, equity, and inclusion in the School of Pharmacy requires funding. These grant and scholarship opportunities are available to ensure that our scientists, health care providers, and staff members, especially in the earliest stages of their careers, have the support they need to pursue their goals.

Support for DEI in research, education, and community

  • Health Equity Curriculum Internship: This internship, administered by the School’s PharmD degree program, compensates six to eight PharmD students annually for helping faculty members update the pharmacy curriculum to responsibly address diversity, equity, and inclusion. Interns, who are typically 2nd- or 3rd-year students, meet with faculty members monthly to discuss improvements the following month’s 1st-year PharmD teaching materials. Contact: Stephanie Hsia, Jennifer Cocohoba.

Career opportunities in science and medicine

  • Post-Baccalaureate Research Opportunity to Promote Equity in Learning (PROPEL): PROPEL is a one-to-two-year paid post-baccalaureate research opportunity serving 10–15 incoming post-bacc researchers from groups underrepresented in science through a modest financial incentive for faculty hiring managers, career and pro­fes­sion­al development training sessions, networking opportunities, and laboratory mentorship. While it does not directly provide funding, the organization helps faculty members secure funding from a variety of sources for their post-bac researchers.
  • QBI Grants/Scholarships: The Quantitative Biosciences Institute funds two scholarship programs for women scientists hailing from regions that are underrepresented in the biosciences. Contact: Jacqueline Fabius.
  • UCSF-Stanford CERSI Diversity Scholars Program: The UCSF-Stanford Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation (CERSI), a joint venture between the two Bay Area research institutions and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), offers funding for two to four scholars from diverse ethnic backgrounds each year.
  • UCSF SOP Post Baccalaureate Program: The School’s post-baccalaureate program provides recent college graduates with the preparation needed to be competitive applicants for pharmacy programs across the country. Supported in part by funding from the dean of the School, one of its missions is to support students from underrepresented backgrounds as they approach careers in pharmacy.
  • Bay Area Youth Science (BAYS) Program: The BAYS program, administered by the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, supports paid internships for rising junior- and senior-year high school students to work in UCSF research laboratories.

School DEI resources

A variety of groups within the School and throughout UCSF are available to provide pro­fes­sion­al and social support in the DEI arena.

Equity and Inclusion Speaker Series

  • The E&I Speaker Series features discussions with DEI experts and members of the SOP community.

Department of Clinical Pharmacy

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

  • DEI Staff Committee

Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences

Quantitative Biosciences Institute (QBI)

Graduate Program Resources


Executive Vice Dean

Eric Davila

Sharon L. Youmans, PharmD, MPH, partners with the Dean to drive the School's strategic priorities, including overseeing the School's DEI efforts.

UCSF DEI resources

UCSF Office of Diversity and Outreach (ODO)

  • The Office of Diversity and Outreach coordinates UCSF’s public efforts in DEI education, recruitment, and celebration.
  • UCSF’s PRIDE values—Pro­fes­sion­al­ism, Respect, Integrity, Diversity, and Excellence—define how UCSF carries out its mission equitably and inclusively.

UCSF Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination

UCSF Graduate Division