Contact Us

We strive to reply to every email within 24 hours.

Frequently Asked Questions (Please Read)

"Can I place an advertisement on your website?"

No. We are not interested in advertising. Yes, that disinterest extends to so-called "native advertisements." Learn more.

"Do you accept guest posts on your blog?"

No. We are not interested in guest posts.

"How much for a paid product promotion/endorsement?"

If you're asking us for a third party software security assessment of your product or service, we will be delighted to accommodate your company's needs.

However, we don't promote or endorse anything for our clients. Hire us if you want a professional team of security experts to provide an honest analysis of your product/service. No rubber stamps here.

"Are you interested in purchasing [product/service]?"

No. Please do not contact us to attempt to sell us anything. We have our own procurement process and we will not purchase SEO/marketing services in particular.

Use this form to send us a message:

Get In Touch With Us

Our primary email address is [email protected] .

For technical inquiries, security issues, or questions about one or more of our free and open source software projects, feel free to send an email to [email protected].

Our security team has a GnuPG public key available, should you wish to encrypt your message.

Even if your questions are not related to our services, technology, or community involvement, we are still interested in hearing them.

No strings attached. We promise you that simply contacting Paragon Initiative Enterprises directly or through this form will not sign you up for anything. We will never spam you.


For those who are interested, we do have newsletters. Contacting us through the form on the left will not sign you up for either of them. Please click one or both of the links below to opt in to receive our newsletters.

Paragon Initiative Quarterly will email you 4 times per year. Infrequent, high-value content pertaining to software development, security, and our free and open source software projects.

Paragon Initiative Vanguard is an unscheduled mailing list, which serves as an instant feed to any security vulnerabilities we publish on the Full Disclosure mailing list, typically up to a day before they arrive.

We deliver smart business solutions that are easy to use and secure by default.