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266 tocTrophic relationships in the Early Miocene Upper Marine Molasse of Baden-Württemberg, Southwest Germany, with special emphasis on the elasmobranch fauna

Olaf Höltke, Rodrigo B. Salvador, and Michael W. Rasser

Article number: 26.3.a46
Copyright Paleontological Society, November 2023

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Submission: 5 August 2023. Acceptance: 5 October 2023.


The Early Miocene Upper Marine Molasse (OMM) in south-western Germany contains a diverse fossil ecosystem in which elasmobranch teeth are especially abundant. However, the scarcity of outcrops and sometimes poor preservation of fossils resulted in scant recent literature about the OMM. Here, we focus on the elasmobranch fauna to determine the trophic relationships within the OMM, using fossil teeth as proxies for diet and trophic levels based on functional morphology and an actualistic species- or genus-level approach. Herein we present a fresh and comprehensive palaeoecological reconstruction of the OMM ecosystem in Baden-Württemberg. All five outcrop areas available for the present analysis (Baltringen, Meßkirch-Rengetsweiler, Meßkirch-Walbertsweiler, Ulm-Ermingen, and Ursendorf) exhibit a similar faunal composition, with the apex predator being Otodus (Megaselachus) sp. Among the other elasmobranchs, there are mostly piscivorous and malacophagous species; taxa that feed on a variety of other invertebrates or amniotes (including marine mammals) are also present. The OMM sediments deposited in shallow-water settings, but there are fossils of more oceanic species that might, at times, have approached the shore. With a soft bottom, partly covered by sea grass, the OMM environment would have been like the present-day warm-waters settings of the Mediterranean.

Olaf Höltke. Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany. [email protected]
Rodrigo B. Salvador. Department of Arctic and Marine Biology, The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway and The Arctic University Museum of Norway, The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway. [email protected]
Michael W. Rasser. Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Stuttgart, Germany. [email protected]

Keywords: dental morphology; Elasmobranchii; Obere Meeresmolasse; OMM; palaeoecology; palaeoenvironment

Final citation: Höltke, Olaf, Salvador, Rodrigo B., and Rasser, Michael W. 2023. Trophic relationships in the Early Miocene Upper Marine Molasse of Baden-Württemberg, Southwest Germany, with special emphasis on the elasmobranch fauna. Palaeontologia Electronica, 26(3):a46.

Copyright: November 2023 Paleontological Society.
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Trophic relationships or food chains are a common theme in the literature about modern marine ecosystems (e.g., Lindeman, 1942; Arias-Gonzalez et al., 1997; Heithaus and Vaudo, 2012; Heithaus et al., 2012; Wetherbee et al., 2012; Bănaru et al., 2013; Bornatowski et al., 2014, 2018), as well as about palaeoecosystems (e.g., Scott, 1978; Maisey, 1994; Bianucci et al., 2000; Westgate, 2001; Stanton Jr., 2006; Aguilera and de Aguilera, 2014; Perez et al., 2017, 2021; Alberti and Reich, 2018 and references therein; Collareta, 2021).

Recently, isotopes from shark teeth have been used to determine the trophic position of extant and extinct species (see Martin et al., 2015; Kast et al., 2022; and McCormack et al., 2022). In palaeoecosystems, several of the parameters observable in their extant counterparts are generally not available, including stomach content, primary productivity data, and information on dietary energy levels between trophic levels (TL). Another important difference between recent and fossil ecosystems is the time factor. In modern ecosystems, the “everyday” (or seasonal, annual, etc.) conditions are directly accessible to study. Even ‘long-term’ studies conducted in modern ecosystems represent an insignificant time interval when compared to the fossil record. Indeed, a typical fossil assemblage usually represents a broad interval of geological time (time-averaging), whose duration is often difficult to estimate. Additionally, the time intervals for analysis need to be defined in accordance with litho- and sedimentological evidence, to properly acknowledge possible environmental changes throughout the section (e.g., from shallow to deep waters). Understanding the trophic relationships is a valuable tool for getting a better and more detailed picture of the paleoenvironment.

The sediments of the Upper Marine Molasse (“Obere Meeresmolasse” in German, abbreviated as OMM) in Baden-Württemberg, southwestern Germany, contains a diverse fossil ecosystem in which sharks and rays are especially abundant, being mostly represented by isolated teeth. The OMM fossil assemblage represents a relatively short timespan in the Miocene (early to middle Ottnangian, ca. 18 to 17.6 myr). Therefore, it can be assumed that the faunal elements present in the OMM in Baden-Württemberg inhabited the same suite of palaeohabitats and were largely contemporaneous. However, many of the elasmobranch fossil teeth are poorly preserved. The amount of determinable shark and ray teeth are much lower than that of other similar deposits, such as those of northern Germany. Other macrofossils are also often poorly preserved. This may be the reason for the scant recent literature about OMM macrofossils in Baden-Württemberg (Barthelt et al., 1991; Pfeil, 1991; Baier et al., 2004; Höltke, 2009; Nebelsick et al., 2019; Höltke et al., 2020; Feichtinger and Pollerspöck, 2021; Höltke et al., 2022; see also the informative outreach website by Feichtinger et al., 2022).

In the present study, we focused on the elasmobranch fauna to determine the trophic relationships within the OMM by using fossil teeth as proxies for diet and trophic levels based on functional morphology and an actualistic genus or species-level approach (Rasser et al., 2019). We present a novel and comprehensive palaeoecological reconstruction of the OMM ecosystem in Baden-Württemberg.


In southern Germany, the sediments within the North Alpine Foreland Basin are divided in the following units: Lower Marine Molasse, Lower Freshwater Molasse, Upper Marine Molasse, Brackish Molasse, and Upper Freshwater Molasse. The Upper Marine Molasse (OMM) in Baden-Württemberg belongs to the early Miocene and ranges from the early to the middle Ottnangian (middle Burdigalian, ca. 18 to 17.6 myr; for details, see Geyer and Gwinner, 1991; Heckeberg et al., 2010). During the deposition of the Brackish Molasse (upper Ottnangian), the so-called “Graupensandrinne” level was formed, which eroded most of the underlying OMM sediments (Geyer and Gwinner, 1991). Only parts of the OMM sediments were preserved within this Graupensandrinne; they are called “Grobsandzug”.

The Grobsandzug is time-equivalent to the early Ottnangian Kalkofen Formation, an OMM formation of the Molasse Basin of Southern Germany (Heckeberg et al., 2010) (Figure 1). The authors defined a new lithostratigraphic terminology for the Ottnangian deposits of the OMM in Southwest Germany. The hanging of the Kalkofen Formation is formed by the Baltringen Formation and the Steinhöfe Formation (Figure 1). For more specific details about OMM geology, we refer the reader to previous works (Schreiner, 1966; Geyer and Gwinner, 1991; Kuhlemann and Kempf, 2002; Höltke, 2009; Heckeberg et al., 2010). We focus our analysis on the following OMM fossiliferous deposits: Baltringen (middle Ottnangian), Meßkirch-Rengetsweiler (early Ottnangian), Meßkirch-Walbertsweiler (early Ottnangian), Ulm-Ermingen (early Ottnangian), and Ursendorf (early Ottnangian) (Figure 2). Meßkirch-Rengetsweiler, Meßkirch-Walbertsweiler, and Ursendorf are part of the Grobsandzug mentioned above. In addition to shark and ray teeth, fossil remains of other taxa were also recovered from these deposits, including bonyfish teeth and molluscs.

Ulm-Ermingen (early Ottnangian)

s figure2Ermingen is famous for the so-called “Erminger Turritellenplatte”, a mass accumulation of gastropod shells belonging to the genus Turritella Lamarck, 1799 (Baier, 2008; Höltke, 2009; Nebelsick et al., 2019). A succession of 3.5 m of the Turritellenplatte was excavated in 2005 by a team from the Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart (SMNS; Stuttgart, Germany). The Turritella shells are firmly cemented within bioclastic, coarse grained-sandstone with a calcareous matrix that can pass into a quartz-rich limestones (Nebelsick et al., 2019). According to Nebelsick et al. (2019), silty marls with sands are also present, containing isolated specimens of Turritella and bivalves (Veneridae). Towards the top of the excavated succession, unconsolidated sands appear that are rich in Turritella specimens, followed by large blocks in situ (Nebelsick et al., 2019). The changes in the fabric of the Turritella -dominated beds were used by Nebelsick et al. (2019) to reconstruct a generally deepening environment that corresponds to an Early Miocene transgression. Despite this deepening, a shallow-water, soft-bottom community persisted, with endo- and epibenthic and pelagic organisms, like recent faunas of warm-temperate to (sub)tropical continental shelves. The mass occurrence of the semi-infaunal gastropod genus Turritella indicates a nutrient-rich palaeoenvironment, which in turn, implies a high degree of water movement within the Molasse Sea, with nutrients being readily available from local upwelling and tidal current transport (Nebelsick et al., 2019). Turritella -dominated assemblages are also known from other rich palaeoecosystems such as the Gatun Formation from the Upper Miocene of Panama (Anderson et al. 2017) as well as from the Pisco Formation (Late Miocene) of Cerro Los Quesos, Ica Desert, Peru (Di Celma et al., 2015).

Meßkirch-Rengetsweiler (early Ottnangian, Grobsandzug)

Not far away from the open sand pit in Walbertsweiler (see below), the active sand pit owned by the Steidle Company takes its place in Rengetsweiler. The geology of the Grobsand deposit occurring herein was documented by Bieg et al. (2007) based on an excavation by an SMNS team in September 2006. These sediments belong to the European Neogene Mammal Zones MN 2b to MN 3 (Sach, 2016). They consist of sand with muddy intercalations. The palaeoenvironment was probably shallow water like the one in Walbertsweiler, and evidence for tides is present, including flaser bedding and ripple bedding (following Bieg et al., 2007). The presence of Metaxytherium sp. (Sirenia) is an indication of the presence of sea grass meadows.

Meßkirch-Walbertsweiler (early Ottnangian, Grobsandzug)

The fossils originate from an open sand pit near Meßkirch-Walbertsweiler (Barthelt et al., 1991). Sediments consist of alternated sands and marls and were deposited in a sublittoral environment at a water depth of less than 50 m (Barthelt et al., 1991). Most fossils (especially invertebrates) are abraded and eroded, so data is scarce. Sirenian fossils have also been found at this locality, which indicates the presence of sea grass weed.

Ursendorf (early Ottnangian, Grobsandzug)

The geology of Ursendorf was described by Bieg et al. (2007) based on an excavation conducted by an SMNS team in the sand pit of the Teufel Company. The sediments consist of sands with different grain size (Bieg et al., 2007, Höltke, 2009), with fossils coming from coarse-grained and poorly sorted sands. In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, there were more (and similarly coarse-grained) sand pits in the surroundings of the present-day pit, hence some fossils in the SMNS collection probably come from these older pits. The sedimentary succession examined during the excavation in 2006 showed a cross-bedding that indicates a high-energy regime (Bieg et al., 2007) and a palaeoenvironment comprised of a soft bottom, with a rich bryozoan and sea-grass community (Höltke, 2009). However, based on the fossil content, there were also habitats below the storm wave base. The fossils of Ursendorf were the main theme of part of some publications: Molluscs (Höltke, 2009), elasmobranchs (Höltke et al., 2020), bryozoans (Miller, 1875), echinoderms, and sponges (Schütze, 1904).

Baltringen (middle Ottnangian)

The fossil fauna of Baltringen was examined by Probst (1877, 1878, 1879a), who extensively described the elasmobranchs and bony fishes. That author erected several new taxa, many of which were later put into synonymy. A more recent list of fossil fish from this locality was published by Sach (2016). Pollerspöck and Unger (2022) published a re-evaluation of the new ray taxa erected by Probst (1877). Baltringen is the type locality of the Baltringen Formation, which consist of sands with silt lenses (Heimann et al., 2009; Heckeberg et al., 2010). This formation was deposited in a tide-influenced subtidal environment (Heckeberg et al., 2010) and has been assigned to the Mammal Zone MN 4a (Sach, 2016). The presence of Sirenia (Metaxytherium sp.) is indicative of sea grass.


The localities studied here were chosen based on the number of fossils of elasmobranchs (sharks and rays) available in the palaeontological collection of the Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart (SMNS, Stuttgart, Germany) as well as on the number of studies available in the literature detailing the fossil content of these deposits (Table 1 and Table 2). For reconstructing the food chain, other fossils (vertebrates and invertebrates; Table 3) were also considered, as they were the potential prey of the ancient elasmobranchs.

We also included two instances of personal communications with collectors: the finding of a dactylus of a crab in Meßkirch-Rengetsweiler (pers. comm. Member of the “Mineralien- und Fossilienfreunde Ulm / Neu-Ulm e.V” with the first author, 2007) and the presence of remnants of Cetacea and Sirenia in Meßkirch-Walbertsweiler (pers. comm. Elmar Unger with the first author, 2019). Animals comprising mainly soft tissues, such as worms, cephalopods, and even “soft-shelled” creatures like shrimps and prawns, rarely preserve in the fossil record, though their presence in the OMM can be inferred given their ubiquity in shallow marine environments globally. In Ursendorf, there had been different sand pits in the past and only remnants of them are readily visible today, apart from one active sand pit. So, it cannot be determined from which sand pit each fossil came, but all the outcrops show the same lithofacies. The same is the case for Baltringen. Probst (1871, 1877, 1878, 1879a, 1879b) collected at different sites in Baltringen, all with the same lithofacies. No reworked material from the underlying Jurassic or Lower Freshwater Molasse sediments–as evidenced by the very different faunas and preservation–were found in the present study; furthermore, there are no mentions of reworked fossils in the literature.

Tooth Morphology and Diet

We focused on the fossil teeth of elasmobranchs as a proxy for establishing the diet of these species. As a first step, we used the actualistic approach described by Rasser et al. (2019), which is based on comparisons with ecological data of living congeners. When possible, this was done on the species level, otherwise it was done on the genus-level. The data on recent species was extracted from specialized literature, mostly Ebert (2003), Compagno et al. (2005), Ebert et al. (2021), and Froese and Pauly (2019). More specific works were also used and are highlighted in the species’ entries below when pertinent. Special attention was paid to the work of Cortés (1999), which provides precise proportions of the different prey items that make up the diets of the sharks, thus enabling us to determine whether a given species has a favored food item (referred to as “staple food” herein). In extant sharks, a dietary shift during ontogeny can often be observed (e.g., of Tricas and McCosker 1984; Tricas, 1985; Powter et al., 2010; Goodman et al., 2022). Based on comparisons with modern shark teeth as well as the size and morphology of the OMM teeth used herein, they were probably all from adult specimens, so the reconstructed trophic relationships presented here pertains to adult specimens.

s figure3Tooth morphology provides clues to the diet of extinct taxa, as tooth shape strongly correlates with diet in extant shark species (Moss, 1977; Cappetta, 1986, 2012; Powter et al., 2010; Pollerspöck and Straube, 2019; Straube and Pollerspöck, 2020; Bazzi et al., 2021; Goodman et al., 2022). In the works of Cappetta (1986, 2012), elasmobranch teeth were classified into eight dental types according to their morphology, each corresponding to a type of trophic adaptation: 1) clutching; 2) tearing; 3) cutting (with the subtypes “sensu stricto cutting” and “cutting-clutching”); 4) crushing; 5) grinding; 6) clutching-grinding; 7) cutting-grinding; 8) crushing-grinding. Out of these eight dental types, five are known from the OMM deposits named above (1, 2, 3, 4, 5; type 3 includes both subtypes) (Figure 3). However, contrary opinions concerning the role of tooth shape can be found in the literature; e.g., the study of Whitenack and Motta (2010) concluded that shark tooth morphology is a poor predictor of trophic level. There is definitively a dietary overlap between, for example, sharks with “tearing-type” dentition (e.g., Carcharias, Mitsukurina and Pseudocarcharias) and ones with “cutting-type” dentition (e.g., Galeocerdo); both feed on bony fishes, but Galeocerdo also takes marine mammals, reptiles, and birds. Animals belonging to the ray families Myliobatidae and Rhinopteridae have teeth adapted for “grinding” hard-shelled invertebrates. According to the works of Tricas and McCosker (1984) as well as Tricas (1985), Great White sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) with a total length of < 3 m feed mostly on fishes and therefore, they have narrow tooth shape for grasping; when the sharks become larger, the teeth broaden at the base and achieve the typical triangular serrated shape, which is suitable for preying on marine mammals. Therefore, tooth morphology is not an unequivocal method for a detailed prey determination of living or fossil taxa, but it can be used to provide valuable data regarding a species’ dietary spectrum. The teeth were classified according to the definitions and descriptions provided by Cappetta (2012, p. 16-23).

When available, isotope data were also considered (Kast et al., 2022; McCormack et al., 2022). McCormack et al. (2022), analysed Zn isotopes in fossil teeth of selected species (i.e., Otodus (Megaselachus) chubutensis, Carcharodon hastalis, Araloselachus cuspidatus, Carcharias contortidens, Galeocerdo aduncus, Hemipristis serra, Mitsukurina lineata, Pseudocarcharias rigida) from Walbertsweiler, one of the localities studied herein. They observed that relative δ66Zn values for tested taxa (e.g., Carcharias spp., Galeocerdo spp.) showed no statistical variation with geologic age and locality, indicating relatively stable trophic levels and ecological niches across time and space. For extinct OMM genera, where the closest living taxa are uncertain, tooth morphology alone was used as a guide to the preferred prey type. As explained by Cappetta (2012), similar dentition in recent and fossil forms–even without direct systematic relationship–is indicative of comparable feeding habits, diets and, to a lesser extent, similar modes of life. When more than one recent congener is known and dental morphology is invariant across various species (e.g., Squatina), a consensus on prey items had to be acquired. In some cases (e.g., Scyliorhinidae), the staple food of most extant species is unknown, so our interpretations are necessarily based on the few species for which the diet is known and as such, they need to be taken cautiously. For extinct genera (e.g., Physogaleus), we relied entirely on dental morphology, compared with that of allied recent species. Recent literature dealing with diet and stomach contents of sharks and rays which have fishes on their diet (e.g., Rasmussen, 2018 and references therein) suggest that these predators have no preferences for specific prey taxa, feeding on members of different families according to availability and size.


A full list of species found in the studied OMM depoists and their tooth types (sensu Cappetta, 2012) are given in Table 2. Some taxa do not match exactly one type: the two taxa with tearing-type dentition, Carcharodon hastalis (Agassiz, 1843) and Isurus retroflexus (Agassiz, 1843), display a tendency toward the cutting type due to widening of the lateral of the teeth (see also Cappetta, 2012, p. 18).

In the OMM, two large-toothed Otodus species are known: O. (Megaselachus) chubutensis (Ameghino, 1901), which had teeth with lateral cusplets, and O. (Megaselachus) megalodon (Agassiz, 1843), which had teeth without lateral cusplets. Because there are transitional forms between both taxa, which have only weakly pronounced lateral cusplets, an exact determination is often problematic (Kent, 1994; Perez et al., 2019; Feichtinger and Pollerspöck, 2021; Pollerspöck et al., 2022). Concerning the diet reconstruction, the presence or absence of lateral cusplets on this tooth type is negligible. Because there is not enough well-preserved Otodus -material to separate them according to the presence/absence of lateral cusplets, the Otodus -teeth here are only determined on subgenus level. The name O. chubutensis is often used for Early Miocene “megalodon -like teeth” with lateral cusplets, whereas typical megalodon adult teeth have no lateral cusplets (Kent 1994; Applegate and Espinosa-Arrubarrena, 1996; Pollerspöck et al., 2022).

A full list of the elasmobranch species known from the OMM can be found in the Appendix, with detailed description of the palaeoecology of each species and comments on their probable diet and trophic level. The results below are a summary of that information focusing on the more important points and constructing a bigger picture for each studied site.

Table 2 summarizes s figure4the prey items that have thus been reconstructed for each elasmobranch species including the tooth type. In Table 3, the other occurring taxa were listed. Figure 4 shows a generalized food chain with all the taxa that are known from the five OMM localities, with special emphasis on the sharks and rays. According to the analysis of Höltke et al. (2022b), all the localities studied here have a similar shark and ray fauna, although there are still a few differences in the faunal composition of the single deposits. Figure 5, reproduced from Höltke et al. (2020; 2022b), shows the cluster analysis of the similarity in elasmobranch faunas across OMM deposits in Baden-Württemberg in comparison to the ones outside of Baden-Württemberg. The reasons for the clusters were the palaeogeographic and palaeoenvironmental settings (Höltke et al. 2020), but biases due to differing collection effort might have influenced the analysis to some extent (see discussion in Höltke et al. 2020; 2022b). Each of the five deposits is discussed below on its own, and a summary is presented afterwards.

Fossil Assemblages and Food Chains

s figure5Ulm-Ermingen (early Ottnangian). The mass-occurring Turritella is a suspension feeder (Höltke 2009), alongside bivalves (Arcidae, Chamidae, Cardiidae, Carditidae, Glycymerididae, Mytilidae, Ostreidae, Pectinidae, Pholadidae, Veneridae), other gastropods (Calyptraea Lamarck, 1799), bryozoans, barnacles, worms (Serpula Linnaeus, 1758) and sponges. Grazers and detritivores were represented by gastropods (Fissurellidae, Cerithiidae, Xenophoridae) and scaphopods. Carnivorous gastropods were represented by Fasciolariidae, Ficidae, Naticidae, Olividae, and Turridae; the Naticidae, in particular, fed on Turritella, as shown by the occurrence of typical drill holes on the shells. A remarkable aspect of this deposit is the high number of preserved molluscan shells in comparison to the other four deposits. As it can be seen in Table 3, the locality Ursendorf (discussed below) has a similar number of molluscan taxa, but these are mostly only found as steinkerns. Two families of bony fishes (Labridae, Sparidae) are observed in Ermingen, typically feeding on shelled invertebrates. Omnivorous turtles (Trionyx sp.) were also present. Among the elasmobracnhs, there are a few molluscivores, such as Aetobatus arcuatus, Aetobatus sp., Rhinoptera studeri and R. sp. (feeding on bivalves), Myliobatis sp. (gastropods and bivalves), Iago angustidens and Alopias exigua (cephalopods). Myliobatis sp. would also have fed on crustaceans, a diet shared with Dasyatis sp. and Raja sp. The latter probably also have fed on bony fishes. Most elasmobranchs were naturally piscivores, but several also preyed up on cephalopods (see Table 2). The top predators in the ancient sea of Ermingen were the two eurytrophic sharks Galeocerdo aduncus and Notorynchus primigenius, as well as Carcharodon hastalis. Lutzeier (1922) also mentioned Otodus (Megaselachus) megalodon from Ermingen, which would have been the topmost predator, as it probably fed on larger sharks and cetaceans. That author also mentioned the long-snouted dolphin Schizodelphis sp. from this locality, which would have fed on bony fishes.

Tooth types present (number of species in parenthesis; see also Table 2): Clutching (3); Crushing (female), Clutching (male) (2); Cutting (2); Cutting-Clutching (8, but see Table 2 and Appendix); Grinding (5); Tearing (7); Tearing tending towards cutting (1).

Meßkirch-Rengetsweiler (early Ottnangian, Grobsandzug). The lowest verified trophic level consists of foraminifera (including Elphidium de Montfort, 1808). The next level consists of different suspension-feeders: sponges (Cliona Grant, 1826), bryozoans, brachiopods (Terebratula Müller, 1776), bivalves (Anomiidae, Ostreidae, Pectinidae, Pholadidae), and balanids. The only identified herbivore was Metaxytherium sp. (Sirenia). Grazers were represented by gastropods (Trochoidea) and sea urchins (Cidaroida). Detritivores include gastropods (Cerithiidae), scaphopods, crustaceans (“Callianassa” sp.), and sea urchins (Irregularia). Other invertebrates include carnivorous gastropods (Conidae, Ficus sp.) and omnivorous crabs (Brachyura). Bony fishes (Sparidae) and elasmobranchs (Aetobatus arcuatus and cf. Myliobatis sp.) that fed on shelled molluscs were also present (the latter form may also have fed on crabs). Alopias exigua was more specialized for preying on cephalopods, and the same can also be said for Isistius triangulus, which probably also lived as an ectoparasite on larger fishes and marine mammals. Crustacean-feeding members of Dasyatidae were also present. As it can be seen in Table 2, other elasmobranchs were mostly piscivorous, with many also feeding on cephalopods and crustaceans. Piscivorous marine mammals (Odontoceti) were also present in this deposit. Sach (2016) named the following representatives of Odontoceti: Squalodontidae indet., cf. Squalodelphis sp., Odontoceti indet. Also, remnants of sea turtles (Chelonioidea) were found, which had different ways of life depending on species and genus. The top-predator in the ancient Rengetsweiler sea was Otodus (Megaselachus) sp. In addition, other top predators included Carcharodon hastalis, Galeocerdo aduncus, and Notorynchus primigenius. Many land mammal remains were found in Rengetsweiler; their carrion was probably also eaten by G. aduncus and N. primigenius.

Tooth types present (number of species in parenthesis; see also Table 2): Clutching (5); Crushing (female), Clutching (male) (2); Cutting (2); Cutting-Clutching (7); Grinding (2); Tearing (6); Tearing tending towards cutting (2).

Meßkirch-Walbertsweiler (early Ottnangian, Grobsandzug). The lowest recorded trophic level consisted of foraminifera and ostracods. Herbivores consisted of Sirenia, and suspension-feeders were represented by bryozoans and bivalves (Pectinidae and Ostreidae). Detritus-feeder included crustaceans (“Callianassa” sp. and ostracods). Remnants of echinoids were also reported, nothing more is known about their affinities, and the same applies to the fossil teeth of bony fishes. As seen in Table 3, the fossil record concerning non-elasmobranchs, especially invertebrates, is comparably low in comparison to other localities, which may be simply due to collection bias or taphonomic reasons. Planktivorous elasmobranchs were represented by Mobula sp. and Keasius parvus. Molluscivorous, durophagous elasmobranchs were represented by Aetobatus arcuatus and Rhinoptera studeri, as well as by Myliobatis sp. (which also preyed on crabs) and Rhinobatos sp. (which also preyed on crustaceans and small bony fishes). Other elasmobranchs were more specialized on cephalopods: Alopias exigua, Rolfodon bracheri, Iago angustidens, Iago sp., Paragaleus tenuis, and lsistius triangulus (the latter probably being also an ectoparasite of large fishes and marine mammals). Crustaceans were also hunted by Dasyatis cavernosa, D. probsti, D. rugosa, D. sp. and Raja sp. Several others fed on cephalopods, bony fishes, and crustaceans (Table 2). Since now, this deposit is the only one in the OMM of Germany and from which the shark species Megalolamna paradoxodon could be verified, a taxon already designated in 2016. Piscivorous marine mammals (Cetacea) were also present. Like in the previous locality, the top predator was Otodus (Megaselachus) sp., followed by Carcharodon hastalis, Notorynchus primigenius, and Galeocerdo aduncus, the latter being potentially a carrion-feeder as well, possibly including remnants of terrestrial mammals in its diet.

Tooth types present (number of species in parenthesis; see also Table 2): Clutching (13); Crushing (2); Crushing (female), Clutching (male) (4); Cutting (3); Cutting-Clutching (17); Grinding (3); Tearing (8); Tearing and grasping on anterior teeth, cutting on lateral ones (1); Tearing tending towards cutting (2).

Ursendorf (early Ottnangian, Grobsandzug). The lowest trophic level recorded for Ursendorf is occupied by foraminifera. As it can be seen in Table 3, a remarkable amount on non-elasmobranch-taxa, especially invertebrates, could be verified for this deposit. The following suspension feeders are known from Ursendorf: sponges (Cliona), solitary corals (Ballanophyllia Wood, 1844), brachiopods (Terebratula), bryozoans, balanids, crinoideans (Antedon de Fréminville, 1811), gastropods (Calyptraea) and bivalves (Anomiidae, Carditidae, Corbulidae, Glycymerididae, Limidae, Ostreidae, Pectinidae, and Pholadidae). The only strict herbivores were marine mammals (Sirenia). Detritivorous forms include crustaceans (“Callianassa” sp.), scaphopods, irregular sea urchins (Amphiope Agassiz, 1840, Fibularia Lamarck, 1816, Scutella Lamarck, 1816 and Spatangus Gray, 1825) and gastropods (Cypraeidae). Most species of Cypraeidae are herbivorous grazers, but some are carnivorous, specifically sponge eaters (Passamonti, 2015). In Figure 4 the Cypraeidae are thus mentioned both in the “Carnivore invertebrates” section and in the “Detritivores and Grazers” section, in both cases being marked by a question mark.

Grazers were represented by gastropods (Trochidae) and regular sea urchins (Cidaridae, Psammechinus L. Agassiz and Desor, 1846 and Stirechinus Desor, 1856). Carnivorous gastropods (Conidae, Epitoniidae, Fasciolariidae, Ficidae, Mitridae, and Naticidae) and crustaceans (crabs) were also present. The occurrence of members of the gastropod family Epitoniidae could also be an indication of the presence of sea anemones (Actiniaria), because these animals are their preferred prey (Kilias, 1997). Species of bony fishes (Sparidae) and elasmobranchs (Aetobatus arcuatus and Rhinoptera studeri) fed on the shelled invertebrate fauna. Alopias exigua fed on cephalopods and Raja sp. and Dasyatis rugosa on crustaceans. Taeniurops cavernosus fed on crustaceans and bony fishes. The following taxa fed next to bony fishes possibly also on small sharks, squid, and other invertebrates: Pachyscyllium dachiardii and Pachyscyllium distans. Most of the elasmobranchs were mainly piscivores, but some also featured cephalopods in their diet (Table 2). As other localities above, the top predator was Otodus (Megaselachus) sp., followed by Carcharodon hastalis, Notorynchus primigenius and Galeocerdo aduncus.

Tooth types present (number of species in parenthesis; see also Table 2): Clutching (3); Crushing (female), Clutching (male) (4); Cutting (2); Cutting-Clutching (7); Grinding (2); Tearing (8); Tearing tending towards cutting (2).

Baltringen (middle Ottnangian). The lowest trophic level recorded is represented by a distinctive Foraminifera fauna. Several suspension feeders are known from Baltringen: Balanids (Balanus Costa, 1778), bivalves (Arcidae, Cardiidae, Ostreidae, Mytilidae, Pectinidae, Pholadidae, and Veneridae) and gastropods (Turritella). The only detritus feeder that could be observed was the scaphopod Dentalium ? sp. Other invertebrates are not known from these sediments. There are no signs of ecological reasons for the missing of other invertebrates so they may be simply not preserved in the fossil record. Herbivores were represented by Sirenia (Metaxytherium sp.). Molluscivorous animals were bony fishes (Labridae, Sparidae) and elasmobranchs (Aetobatus arcuatus, Rhinoptera studeri, Myliobatis sp., the latter also likely fed on crabs). Cephalopod-eating specialists included: Alopias exigua, Paragaleus tenuis and, to some extent, lsistius triangulus (also reconstructed as a likely ectoparasite on large fishes or marine mammals). Other elasmobranchs featured bony fishes and sometimes cephalopods and/or crustaceans in their diets (Table 2). Piscivorous cetaceans as well as omnivorous turtles (Trionyx sp.) are also known from the ancient sea of Baltringen. Sach (2016) mentioned 14 different taxa of Cetacea for this locality. As for most of the investigated localities, the top predator was Otodus (Megaselachus) sp., followed by Carcharodon hastalis, Notorynchus primigenius and Galeocerdo aduncus. The latter two were also a likely carrion-feeder that used to feeding on drifting carcasses of terrestrial mammals.

Tooth types present (number of species in parenthesis; see also Table 2): Clutching (5); Crushing (1); Crushing (female), Clutching (male) (3); Cutting (2); Cutting-Clutching (12); Grinding (3), Tearing (9); Tearing tending towards cutting (2).


The composition of the elasmobranch fauna, and hence the trophic relationships they entail, is very similar across all six investigated localities. Taxa with fish on their diet dominated the elasmobranch fauna, which could be a sign of a more diverse bony fish fauna in the ancient OMM sea that has not been preserved in the fossil record. Teeth of bony fishes are also not commonly found. That said, there are no recent research efforts focusing on the OMM Osteichthyes (the latest being Probst, 1882) despite the abundant fossil teeth.

In all localities, the apex predator was Otodus (Megaselachus) sp. The presence of this large shark was accompanied by the presence of marine mammals (Sirenia and/or Cetacea). These mammals probably were the preferred prey for those large sharks (Morgan, 1994; Purdy, 1996; Godfrey and Altman, 2005; Collareta et al., 2017a). Another aspect of note is the presence of the deep-water shark genera Echinorhinus, lsistius, Mitsukurina, and/or Squaliolus in the deposits studied herein, especially in Meßkirch-Walberstweiler. The OMM deposits mentioned in this paper were shallow water, featuring no sedimentological evidence of deep-water habitats (furthermore, all the remaining components of the palaeofauna were inhabitants of the neritic realm). The sharks may have occasionally frequented shallower waters, recalling what is known for the recent Echinorhinus cookei and Mitsukurina owstoni.

All in all, the trophic data depict a fully marine, shallow-water ecosystem with a soft-bottom and partly covered with sea grass, like recent warm oceans such as the Mediterranean Sea. Further revision of the taxonomic affinities of other faunal elements that comprise the OMM assemblages will certainly improve the present reconstruction of this palaeoenvironment.


We thank the two anonymous reviewers for their critical examination of our manuscript.


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