Coronavirus (COVID-19) Hospitalizations

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On this page, we provide daily-updated data on hospitalizations and intensive care (ICU) admissions due to COVID-19. Our hospital & ICU data is collected from official sources and collated by Our World in Data. The complete list of country-by-country sources is available on GitHub.

How many people are in hospital due to COVID-19 at a given time?

This chart shows the total number of patients in hospital due to Coronavirus (COVID-19) on a given date.

Note that this is distinct from the weekly new number of people admitted to hospital due to COVID-19. You find this metric in the next section.

Quick reminders on how to interact with this chart

  • By clicking on Edit countries and regions you can show and compare the data for other countries you are interested in.
  • If you click on the title of the chart, the chart will open in a new tab. You can then copy-paste the URL and share it.
  • You can switch the chart to a logarithmic axis, by clicking on ‘LINEAR’.
  • If you move both ends of the time-slider to a single point you will see a bar chart for this point in time.

What is the weekly number of new hospitalizations due to COVID-19?

This chart shows the weekly number of new hospitalizations due to COVID-19.

Note that this number is distinct from the total number of patients in hospital due to COVID-19 at any given time. You find this data in the previous section.

Two tips on how to interact with these maps

  • By clicking on any country on the map you see the change over time in this country.
  • By moving the time slider (below the map) you can see how the situation has changed over time.

How many people are in intensive care (ICU) due to COVID-19 at a given time?

This chart shows the total number of patients in intensive care units (ICU) due to Coronavirus (COVID-19) on a given date.

Note that this is distinct from the weekly new number of people admitted to ICU due to COVID-19. You find this metric in the next section.

What is the weekly number of new admissions to ICU due to COVID-19?

This chart shows the weekly number of new admissions to intensive care units (ICU) due to COVID-19.

Note that this number is distinct from the total number of patients in ICU due to COVID-19 at any given time. You find this data in the previous section.