Parkinson's MOOC Open now

Frequently Asked Questions

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The Parkinson’s MOOC has been developed in conjunction with the Wicking Dementia Centre and Menzies Institute for Medical Research. Parkinson’s disease is the fastest growing neurological condition in the world and the second most common after dementia. 

The Parkinson’s MOOC has been designed to be accessible to and informative for everyone, including people with Parkinson’s and their support networks, medical and allied health professionals and the wider global community.

The Parkinson’s MOOC is funded by the Parkinson’s Research Foundation (PRF), a funding and program-management group founded by Michael Katz and Dr Richard Balanson to provide long-term support to a small number of promising Parkinson’s Disease projects. PRF works closely with Parkinson’s Disease projects that are expected to improve the lives of people living with Parkinson’s Disease and advance the research and development of Parkinson’s Disease therapies. PRF’s main mission is to accelerate the availability of Parkinson’s Disease therapies and the discovery of a cure for Parkinson’s Disease.

ENROL TODAY and grow your knowledge and understanding of Parkinson's.

This course has been approved by the University of Tasmania Human Research Ethics Committee (H0031187)

University of Tasmania | Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre | Menzies Institute for Medical Research | Supported by: Parkinson's Research Foundation