
Privacy matters to us and we know it matters to you - how the University collects, uses, and discloses your personal information and your rights in relation to your privacy.

The University of Tasmania (“the University”, “we”) is committed to protecting your privacy, keeping your information safe and ensuring the security of your information and data.

The University is committed to ensuring it complies with its legislative obligations under the Personal Information Protection Act 2004 (Tas) (“PIP Act”), the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) when the University has obligations and/or contractual obligations to the Commonwealth Government; and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) when the University processes the personal data of data subjects in the European economic area. To read further on this, please refer to the University's Data and Information Governance Policy.

The University reviews its Privacy Statements annually and periodically refines its Privacy Statements to reflect appropriate information flows. The overall level of privacy protection remains the same when changes are made. We will endeavour to inform you of any substantive changes to our Privacy Statements, however, we may occasionally make changes without notice in instances where it is required by law or changes are minor.


Personal Information is any information where your identity is reasonably ascertainable. This definition includes a broad range of information such as your name, email address, photo, telephone number, video or comments from an interview and often depends on the context and circumstances (referred to on this website as “information”). If you are in the European Economic Zone, this will also include all personal data defined in the GDPR.

The University is committed to keeping your information secure in accordance with the privacy legislation and our Data and Information Governance Policy. As custodians of your information, the University uses a combination of technical solutions, security and access controls, and internal processes to help us protect your information and our network from unauthorised access, misuse and unintentional disclosure.

We hold information in electronic and paper-based records management systems or appropriate business systems and repositories. We take all reasonable steps to ensure that the information we hold is protected from misuse, loss, unauthorised access or disclosure. We will retain your personal information in accordance with the Data and Information Governance Policy.

Your information will also be held in externally hosted applications. Some of these applications are located outside of Tasmania, and others are also hosted outside of Australia. As a result, your information will be transferred outside of Tasmania (but within Australia) or outside of Australia. The University will ensure that any organisation which hosts or keeps your information for us will be required to maintain the same privacy safeguards which the University maintains.

The University takes reasonable steps to ensure that the information we collect, use and disclose is accurate, complete and up to date. To ensure the quality and accuracy of the information that we hold, we expect you to update your information when your details change.

To access the information the University holds about you, please contact:

In some circumstances, information may not be able to be accessed or disclosed unless it is required under the Right to Information Act 2009 (Tas). Please refer to the University’s Right to Information process for further details.

University Privacy Policy

For details on how the University manages your information refer to the University's Data and Information Governance Policy.

Student Privacy Statement

The purpose for this statement is to inform you about the way in which the University uses and manages your information.

The University collects personal information from you for a number of purposes, which are explained in further detail below. The personal information is any information which identifies you and includes:

  • Your name, address and other details about you and this may be included in a written form;
  • Photographs, images, video or audio footage, CCTV footage of you;
  • Utilisation of University buildings and offices.

The University will not collect Sensitive information (as defined in the PIP Act) such as religious, political or sexual preference unless:

  • You consent to the collection; or
  • The collection of the information is required or authorised by or under Australian law.

The University may be required to collect health information from you to assist us to provide you services you need which may be required to complete your studies. The health information may include:

  • Any mental or physical disabilities or conditions you have which may affect your ability to study;
  • Any mental or physical disabilities or conditions you have which may affect your ability to conduct assessments or conduct examinations.

On lodgement of your application, the primary purpose for collecting the information is to assess your application to study at the University. If your application is successful, purposes for which we will use your information include: to deliver a course of study, assess your eligibility for scholarships, bursaries, prizes and other awards, to administer your enrolment, progression, and graduation in accordance with our policies, procedures and processes.

We also collect your information for related purposes such as:

  • To include you in activities, services and events incidental to study and made available to students at the University;
  • To inform you about professional opportunities, international opportunities and experiences, and future learning programs.
  • To comply with the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (Cth), the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (Cth), and the National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018.

The University collects information to provide you with education and education support services in all our courses and offerings.

The University will collect your information directly from you during the enrolment process and throughout your time as a student at the University. We will collect this information from you directly in person, electronically, in hard copy, by telephone or in a face to face meeting.

After your enrolment, when you are using the University websites or requesting or applying for a University service, you may be asked to provide information about yourself such as your student number, name, contact details or other personal information. You may be required to complete information in an online form.

While we usually collect personal information from you directly, there may be circumstances where information may be provided on your behalf, such as from third parties where this would be reasonably expected or with your consent. This may include to verify your education history, financial position and residency status.

We will only collect information from other sources with your consent or in accordance with the law.

We will only use your information:

  • For the purposes for which it was collected
  • For a directly related purpose
  • When we have the appropriate consent to do so, or
  • As otherwise required, permitted or authorised by law such as for reporting purposes to the Commonwealth, State Departments and other statutory bodies.

Your information may be de-identified and used for survey data. You will not be identified through this process and we will use best endeavours to ensure that it is not re-identifiable.

If there has been an incident and it has been reported, and where information is sensitive, the University may anonymise, collate and analyse this data and information to improve academic and welfare support.

The following is a non-exhaustive list of the types of uses of your information that you should expect:

  1. To undertake selection into University courses and offerings;
  2. To enrol and re-enrol you into courses, units and offerings;
  3. To determine eligibility for scholarships, bursaries, prizes and other awards;
  4. To communicate with you about your courses, activities, services, and opportunities such as study abroad, work integrated learning, student wellbeing, residential services and parking as examples;
  5. To assess your academic work and academic progress;
  6. For timetabling services;
  7. To operate externally hosted applications as part of providing education and candidature services to you such as google, Microsoft, our Learning Management System, MyLo, online courses and pre-enrolment testing providers, where appropriate;
  8. For eligibility for FEE-HELP, HECS-HELP, VET FEE-HELP, OS-HELP, OR VET Student Loans to assess your entitlement to Commonwealth assistance and allocation of your Commonwealth Higher Education Student Support Number (CHESSN);
  9. For the purposes of other institutions (whether located in Australia or overseas) who are involved in the delivery of your course of study;
  10. For assessing your eligibility for circumstances such as remission, refunds, or for sitting exams;
  11. For plagiarism detection, such as using the Turnitin plagiarism detection service;
  12. To process your graduation, including publishing your name, date of graduation, and award obtained publicly;
  13. To process changes to your status at the University including exclusion and withdrawal.
  14. Convocation programmes, which include the name and award of each graduate at that ceremony are a public record of the University.
  1. To provide you with access to and support from
    1. Information Technology Services;
    2. Library services and third-party online learning resources
  2. To use and for the University to analyse student information of systems such as MyLo and the University network to enable analytics and to identify and contact students who may need additional support and services;
  3. To make you aware of University news and events;
  4. To invite you to participate in surveys or research;
  5. To make you aware of additional and further opportunities for further study.
  1. To provide you with access to and support from University safety and wellbeing services, including:
    1. Student services;
    2. Disability support;
    3. Equity and diversity;
    4. Tutoring programs including programs such as PASS;
    5. Personal counselling;
    6. Health services;
    7. Recreational services;
    8. Career counselling
    9. Safe community services;
    10. Insurance and travel services;
  2. To communicate with you and your nominated contact in the event of an emergency or risk to safety and wellbeing.
  1. To manage, investigate and report incidents relating to inappropriate behaviour, general misconduct, complaints or breaches to academic or research integrity;
  2. To manage and investigate complaints and appeals.
  1. To undertake audit, planning and statistical analysis, benchmarking, quality assurance activities, continuous quality improvement;
  2. For research (which is for internal use and for statutory reporting).
  1. To engage and connect with you within the University’s alumni network and associated services such as inclusion on the Alumni and Advancement Office database to seek your support in the future.

The University may disclose your information, only to the extent necessary, to:

  • our contracted services providers, such as mailing houses, logistics, banks, IT providers, lawyers, consultants and other professional advisors;
  • our contracted and professional services providers the University may enter into arrangements with which may provide a service to you;
  • our onshore and offshore partners where necessary for the enrolment and administration of study you undertake hosted by them, including professional placements and courses provided through other educational institutions;
  • professional registration bodies;
  • our student associations;
  • Scholarship selection committee members both inside and outside of University;
  • Scholarship providers;
  • in the event of a critical incident or emergency, police, medical and other emergency services personnel, your nominated emergency contact or other person necessary to respond to the situation;
  • third parties who are contracted to administer surveys to students and graduates on behalf of the University;
  • external research funding bodies and partners, to fulfil research reporting requirements;
  • government bodies such as Centrelink, the Australian Taxation Office, the Department of Home Affairs, the State and Federal Department of Education and Training, and the Department of Immigration and Border Protection; and
  • as otherwise required by law.

The University may publish your academic results by reference to your Student Identification Number. It is your responsibility to keep your Student Identification Number private and not disclose it to any other person except as authorised by our staff or procedures.

You can request access to the information we hold about you by contacting the UConnect Team by email at [email protected] or calling 13 8827 (13 UTAS).

Staff Privacy Statement

The purpose for this statement is to inform you about the way in which the University uses and manages your information.

The University collects personal information from you for a number of purposes, which are explained in further detail below. The personal information is any information which identifies you and includes:

  • Your name, address and other details about you and this may be included in a written form;
  • Your tax file number, banking and superannuation details;
  • Employment history and referee reports;
  • Pre-employment health assessments;
  • Qualifications and licences;
  • Work permits and visa details;
  • Security/background checks, identity checks and police checks;
  • Psychometric assessments;
  • Information publicly available on social media and professional networking websites;
  • Details of other commitments such as directorships or other work;
  • Photographs, images, video or audio footage, CCTV footage of you; and
  • Utilisation of University buildings and offices.

The University will not collect Sensitive information (as defined in the PIP Act) such as religious, political or sexual preference unless:

  • You consent to the collection; or
  • The collection of the information is required or authorised by or under Australian law.

The University may be required to collect health information from you when you commence work as part of the University’s work, health and safety monitoring. You will be asked questions regarding your medical and vaccination history to identify any areas where there could be a health or hazard risk. This information will be assessed and stored in your employee record.

In the recruitment process, you might also need to provide personal information about other individuals to the University such as your referee contact details. We rely on you to ask those individuals for their consent for you to pass on their information to us.

The primary purpose for collecting your information is to maintain your employee record and to administer your employment, salary, and superannuation.

We also collect your information for related purposes such as:

  • To include you in activities, services and events which are incidental to your employment.

The University will collect your information from you during your application and appointment as well as throughout your time as an employee of the University. We will collect this information from you directly in person, electronically, in hard copy, by telephone, or in a face to face meeting.

After your appointment, when you are using the University websites or requesting or applying for a University service, you may be asked to provide information about yourself such as your staff number, name, contact details or other personal information. You may be required to complete information in an online form.

While we usually collect personal information from you directly, there may be circumstances where information may be provided on your behalf, such as from third parties where this would be reasonably expected or with your consent. This may include to verify your education history, financial position and residency status.

We will only collect information from other sources with your consent or in accordance with the law.

We will only use your personal information:

  • For the purposes for which it was collected
  • For a directly related purpose
  • When we have the appropriate consent to do so, or
  • As otherwise required, permitted or authorised by law.

The University may also collect your information through online recruitment services, and those are managed by third parties.

The University may also use your information for other HR related purposes such as for data analysis, quality assurance, and will de-identify your data and use it to report on workforce data. The University will use your information to fulfil our legislative reporting requirements.

The following is a non-exhaustive list of the types of uses of your information that you should expect:

  1. To determine your suitability for employment with the University throughout our recruitment process;
  2. To verify your identity with third parties, contact referees and conduct employment-related checks;
  3. To determine and process your pay and other entitlements such as superannuation and leave;
  4. To attend to day to day administrative matters.
  1. To correspond with you;
  2. To inform you about the range of facilities and services available to you;
  3. For the provision of services such as security, facilities and parking;
  4. To provide you with access to and support from
    1. Information Technology Services;
    2. Library services and third-party online learning resources such as LinkedIn Learning;
  5. To use and for the University to analyse staff information of systems such as MyLo and the University network to enable analytics and to identify and contact staff who may need additional support;
  6. To make you aware of University news and events;
  7. To inform you of employment opportunities with the University;
  8. To invite you to participate in surveys or research.
  1. To provide you with access to and support from University services, including:
    1. Disability support;
    2. Equity and diversity;
    3. Personal counselling;
    4. Health services;
    5. Recreational services;
    6. Career counselling
    7. Safer communities services;
    8. Insurance and travel services;
  2. To communicate with you and your nominated contact in the event of an emergency.
  1. To manage, investigate and report incidents relating to inappropriate behaviour, general misconduct, complaints or breaches to academic or research integrity;
  2. To manage and investigate complaints and appeals.
  1. To undertake audit, planning and statistical analysis, benchmarking, quality assurance activities, continuous quality improvement;
  2. For research (which is for internal use and for statutory reporting)

The University may disclose your information, only to the extent necessary, to:

  • our contracted services providers, such as mailing houses, logistics, banks, IT providers, lawyers, consultants and other professional advisors;
  • our contracted and professional services providers the University may enter into arrangements with which may provide a service to you;
  • in the event of a critical incident or emergency, police, medical and other emergency services personnel, your nominated emergency contact or other person necessary to respond to the situation;
  • external research funding bodies and partners, to fulfil research reporting requirements;
  • government bodies such as Centrelink, the Australian Taxation Office, the Department of Home Affairs, the State and Federal Department of Education and Training, the Workplace Gender Equality Agency, and the Department of Immigration and Border Protection; and
  • as otherwise required by law.

You can request access to the information we hold about you by contacting Human Resources by email at [email protected].

General - Privacy Statements

Your information is collected through use of the University’s websites and online services.

Please note that the University is not responsible for the personal information you provide through your use of non-university websites while using the University’s web and online resources.

How is information collected?

The University may require you to enter your information into a web form. We will use your information as outlined in these statements.

The University may require you to enter your information through authenticated websites through blogs, surveys and online teaching. We will use your information as outlined in these statements. It is important to be aware that your information and identity may become viewable to other users on online teaching resources such as through MyLO, online discussion boards and online blogs.

When you visit a University of Tasmania website, the web server automatically records your visit and logs the following information:

  1. The browser’s internet address;
  2. The visitor’s domain name;
  3. The date and time of the visit;
  4. The pages accessed and documents downloaded;
  5. The previous site visited;
  6. The type of browser used;

The University’s websites also use first-party cookie-based technologies such as Google Analytics to autonomously record statistics and information about:

  1. The Internet Protocol (IP) address number that is assigned by the visitor’s Internet Service Provider (ISP);
  2. The name of the ISP;
  3. The visitor’s connection speed;
  4. The geographical region (city, state, country);
  5. The date and time of the visit;
  6. The pages accessed and documents downloaded;
  7. The referral site and page visited;
  8. The type and version of browser used;

Additional information collected may include usernames (account names), however this is only for sites that use an HTTP authentication.

Further to the above, the University may collect information through cookies to be used for marketing, audit, statistical and security purposes as well as to provide and improve its website services.

In some instances, the University may provide de-identified data to third parties on a project basis for the purposes of developing a better website and improved user experience based on data analysis. Note that if you choose to block the installation of cookies, you may not be able to access some of the University’s pages without re-authenticating on each site.

The University may use social media tracking to track your activity from the University’s social media sites through use of cookies, analytics software and double click tracking.

Your information may be collected and used by the University through its marketing activities and at University events.

The University may collect your information from you personally through online competitions, forms we ask you to fill out, and when you make an enquiry with the University as some examples.

Through this collection, the University may send you information about our offerings, events and follow up on any questions you may have asked us.

You may see advertisements of our services and course offerings on third party websites including social media websites like Facebook and Instagram. Where you see an advertisement on a third party website or social media platform, this may be because we engaged the third party or social media platform to show this advertisement to you or people who have similar attributes to you.

The University may collect your information at our events. This may include through the University taking photos or videos of our events, asking you to fill out a form, or even through your registration to an event. The University may use your information to contact you and let you know about what we are doing and instances where you might be interested in our activities. Your personal information may be disclosed through distribution of the photos or videos taken at our events where used to promote the University’s activities. You will generally see signs at the events which indicate that the University is taking photos or filming, and if you do not wish to be included in photos or videos to speak to one of the University’s staff who are present.

The University may collect and use your information for market research purposes collected through any of our marketing and events activities. This may also include using University systems.

The University may use this information for several purposes. A non-exhaustive list includes:

  1. Contacting you about our offerings;
  2. Linking your information with information we may have about you already;
  3. Direct marketing purposes;
  4. Market research so we can understand how we can do better.

Your information may be collected, stored and used by the University for the purpose of assessing, allocating and administering scholarships, bursaries, prizes and other awards.

    The personal information supplied in your application may also be viewed by:

  1. Scholarship selection committee members both internal and external to the University) to facilitate the assessment, selection, allocation and ongoing eligibility of scholarships, bursaries, prizes and awards;
  2. Scholarship providers; and
  3. The State Government and the Commonwealth.

  4. The University of Tasmania may also use your information to:

  5. Contact you regarding potential scholarship, bursary, prize and other award opportunities; and
  6. Invite you to participate in surveys and research.

As a graduate of the University, your information will be contained in the University’s alumni database. We may use your information to:

  1. Provide you with services and enable you to participate in activities directed at University alumni;
  2. Inform you about opportunities for continuing education;
  3. Contact you for marketing and fundraising initiatives;
  4. Assist us with planning and quality assurance;
  5. Invite you to participate in surveys and research.

Your personal information may be collected, stored, used and disclosed by the University for the purposes of ensuring the safety of residents at University accommodation and for the purposes of investigations.

Your personal information may be collected through CCTV or video surveillance footage in common areas within student accommodation facilities . This information may be used by University staff or authorities for the purposes of dealing with complaints, misconduct, investigations or other issues which may require the use of the CCTV or video surveillance footage.

You acknowledge that your information may be disclosed to persons outside of the University which includes but is not limited to the police for the purposes of an investigation.

Your information may be collected, stored and used by the University for the purposes of allowing you to enter, use and have access to the University’s campuses and buildings.

Your information may be collected through visitor logbooks, surveillance footage, photographs, and requests for your name and contact details.

Your information may be used to ascertain your identity and for the purposes of security allowing the university to know who is accessing its buildings and facilities.

As provided for in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you have the right:

  • to access your data; to correct or rectify your data;
  • to delete your data subject to applicable law;
  • to have your data processed only in accordance with applicable law;
  • to have copies of your data to be moved to another controller;
  • to object to our processing your data otherwise than in accordance with the law; and
  • to withdraw any consent to our processing your data at any time.

Please contact our Data Protection Officer to exercise these rights.

[email protected]

Privacy Officer and Data Protection Officer
University of Tasmania
Private Bag 42
Hobart TAS 7000

If you feel that the University has not acted in accordance with the University’s Privacy Policy or the Privacy Statements below, you may make a complaint in writing or by email to the General Counsel, who is also the University’s Privacy Officer and Data Protection Officer.

Legal Services
Division of the Chief Operating Officer
Private Bag 42,  Hobart TAS 7001

2nd Floor, Corporate Services Building
TT Flynn Street, Sandy Bay TAS 7005

Email: [email protected]
Phone: +61 3 6226 5536

The University will investigate any enquiry or complaint within a reasonable time and notify the complainant of a decision in writing (usually within 30 days from the date on which the complaint was received).

The Tasmanian Ombudsman

If you are not satisfied with the response from the General Counsel a complaint can be made to the Tasmanian Ombudsman.

Phone: 1800 001 170
Email: [email protected]
Postal: GPO Box 960, Hobart TAS 7001

The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner

If the complaint relates to the use of an individual’s personal information in relation to a contract between the University and the Commonwealth Government or, if there is a Commonwealth link or Commonwealth agency involved, the complaint can be made to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

Email: [email protected]
Post: GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
Phone: +61 2 9284 9666
Fax: +61 2 9284 9666

If the complainant is a data subject in the EEA and the complaint relates to the handling of personal data by the University, the complainant may also make a complaint to an appropriate supervisory authority (within the meaning of the GDPR) of an EEA country.

Refer to the contact details of supervisory authorities in the European Union.

If you’d like to unsubscribe from the University’s marketing emails or mailing lists, please contact marketing on [email protected]

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