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വിക്കിനിഘണ്ടു സംരംഭത്തിൽ നിന്ന്

ഈ ഘടകത്തിന്റെ വിവരണം ഘടകം:languages/data3/u/വിവരണം എന്ന താളിൽ നിർമ്മിക്കാവുന്നതാണ്

-- UTF-8 encoded strings for some commonly-used diacritics
local GRAVE	    = "\204\128" -- U+0300
local ACUTE	    = "\204\129" -- U+0301
local CIRC	    = "\204\130" -- U+0302
local TILDE	    = "\204\131" -- U+0303
local MACRON    = "\204\132" -- U+0304
local BREVE	    = "\204\134" -- U+0306
local DOTABOVE  = "\204\135" -- U+0307
local DIAER     = "\204\136" -- U+0308
local CARON     = "\204\140" -- U+030C
local DGRAVE    = "\204\143" -- U+030F
local INVBREVE  = "\204\145" -- U+0311
local DOTBELOW  = "\204\163" -- U+0323
local RINGBELOW = "\204\165" -- U+0325
local CEDILLA   = "\204\167" -- U+0327

local m = {}

m["uam"] = {
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	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["uan"] = {
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	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["uar"] = {
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	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["uba"] = {
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	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "nic-bco"}
m["ubi"] = {
	names = {"Ubi"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["ubl"] = {
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	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["ubr"] = {
	names = {"Ubir"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "poz-ocw"}
m["ubu"] = {
	names = {"Umbu-Ungu"},
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	family = "qfa-und"}
m["uby"] = {
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	scripts = {"None"},
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m["udg"] = {
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	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["udi"] = {
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	type = "regular",
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m["udj"] = {
	names = {"Ujir"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
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m["udl"] = {
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	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["udm"] = {
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	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Cyrl"},
	family = "fiu",
	translit_module = "udm-translit"}	
m["udu"] = {
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	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["ues"] = {
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	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["ufi"] = {
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	scripts = {"None"},
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m["uge"] = {
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	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
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m["ugn"] = {
	names = {"Ugandan Sign Language"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "sgn"}
m["ugo"] = {
	names = {"Ugong"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["ugy"] = {
	names = {"Uruguayan Sign Language"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "sgn"}
m["uha"] = {
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	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["uhn"] = {
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	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["uis"] = {
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	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["uiv"] = {
	names = {"Iyive"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "nic-bod"}
m["uji"] = {
	names = {"Tanjijili"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["uka"] = {
	names = {"Kaburi"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["ukg"] = {
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m["ukh"] = {
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	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
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m["ukl"] = {
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	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "sgn"}
m["ukp"] = {
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	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "nic-bco"}
m["ukq"] = {
	names = {"Ukwa"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["uks"] = {
	names = {"Kaapor Sign Language"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "sgn"}
m["uku"] = {
	names = {"Ukue"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "alv"}
m["ukw"] = {
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	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "alv"}
m["uky"] = {
	names = {"Kuuk Yak"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "aus-psw"}
m["ula"] = {
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m["ulb"] = {
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m["ulc"] = {
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	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["uli"] = {
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	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
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m["ulk"] = {
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	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "ngf"}
m["ull"] = {
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	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["ulm"] = {
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	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
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m["uln"] = {
	names = {"Unserdeutsch", "Rabaul Creole German"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "crp"}
m["ulu"] = {
	names = {"Uma' Lung"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["ulw"] = {
	names = {"Ulwa"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["uma"] = {
	names = {"Umatilla"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "nai-shp"}
m["umb"] = {
	names = {"Umbundu", "South Mbundu"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "bnt"}
m["umc"] = {
	names = {"Marrucinian"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "itc"}
m["umd"] = {
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	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["umg"] = {
	names = {"Umbuygamu"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["umi"] = {
	names = {"Ukit"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["umm"] = {
	names = {"Umon"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "nic-bco"}
m["umn"] = {
	names = {"Makyan Naga"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["umo"] = {
	names = {"Umotína"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["ump"] = {
	names = {"Umpila"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["umr"] = {
	names = {"Umbugarla"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["ums"] = {
	names = {"Pendau"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["umu"] = {
	names = {"Munsee"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "del"}
m["una"] = {
	names = {"North Watut"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "poz-ocw"}
m["und"] = {
	names = {"Undetermined"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Zyyy"},
	family = "qfa-not"}
m["une"] = {
	names = {"Uneme"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "alv"}
m["ung"] = {
	names = {"Ngarinyin"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["unk"] = {
	names = {"Enawené-Nawé"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "awd"}
m["unm"] = {
	names = {"Unami"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "del",
	entry_name = {
		from = {"À", "Ä", "È", "Ë", "Ì", "Ò", "Ù", "à", "ä", "è", "ë", "ì", "ò", "ù"},
		to   = {"A", "A", "E", "E", "I", "O", "U", "a", "a", "e", "e", "i", "o", "u"}} }
m["unn"] = {
	names = {"Kurnai", "Gunai", "Gaanay", "Ganai", "Gunnai'", "Kurnay"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "aus-pam"}
m["unp"] = {
	names = {"Worora"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["unr"] = {
	names = {"Mundari"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "mun"}
m["unu"] = {
	names = {"Unubahe"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["unx"] = {
	names = {"Munda"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "mun"}
m["unz"] = {
	names = {"Unde Kaili"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "poz-kal"}
m["uok"] = {
	names = {"Uokha"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["upi"] = {
	names = {"Umeda"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["upv"] = {
	names = {"Uripiv-Wala-Rano-Atchin"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "poz-vnc"}
m["ura"] = {
	names = {"Urarina"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["urb"] = {
	names = {"Urubú-Kaapor"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["urc"] = {
	names = {"Urningangg"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["ure"] = {
	names = {"Uru"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["urf"] = {
	names = {"Uradhi"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "aus-pam"}
m["urg"] = {
	names = {"Urigina"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "ngf"}
m["urh"] = {
	names = {"Urhobo"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "alv-von"}
m["uri"] = {
	names = {"Urim"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-tor"}
m["urk"] = {
	names = {"Urak Lawoi'"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["url"] = {
	names = {"Urali"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["urm"] = {
	names = {"Urapmin"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["urn"] = {
	names = {"Uruangnirin"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "plf"}
m["uro"] = {
	names = {"Ura (New Guinea)", "Ura (Papua New Guinea)"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "paa"}
m["urp"] = {
	names = {"Uru-Pa-In"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["urr"] = {
	names = {"Lehalurup"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["urt"] = {
	names = {"Urat"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-tor"}
m["uru"] = {
	names = {"Urumi"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["urv"] = {
	names = {"Uruava"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "poz-ocw"}
m["urw"] = {
	names = {"Sop"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["urx"] = {
	names = {"Urimo"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-tor"}
m["ury"] = {
	names = {"Orya"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["urz"] = {
	names = {"Uru-Eu-Wau-Wau"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["usa"] = {
	names = {"Usarufa"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["ush"] = {
	names = {"Ushojo"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["usi"] = {
	names = {"Usui"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["usk"] = {
	names = {"Usaghade"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["usp"] = {
	names = {"Uspanteco"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["usu"] = {
	names = {"Uya"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["uta"] = {
	names = {"Otank"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "nic-bod"}
m["ute"] = {
	names = {"Ute"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "azc"}
m["utr"] = {
	names = {"Etulo"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "alv"}
m["utu"] = {
	names = {"Utu"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["uum"] = {
	names = {"Urum"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"Cyrl"},
	family = "trk"}
m["uun"] = {
	names = {"Kulon-Pazeh"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "map"}
m["uur"] = {
	names = {"Ura (Vanuatu)"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "poz-oce"}
m["uuu"] = {
	names = {"U"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "aav"}
m["uve"] = {
	names = {"West Uvean"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "poz-pol"}
m["uvh"] = {
	names = {"Uri"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "ngf-fin"}
m["uvl"] = {
	names = {"Lote"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "poz-ocw"}
m["uwa"] = {
	names = {"Kuku-Uwanh"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["uya"] = {
	names = {"Doko-Uyanga"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "nic-bco"}
m["uzn"] = {
	names = {"Northern Uzbek"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}
m["uzs"] = {
	names = {"Southern Uzbek"},
	type = "regular",
	scripts = {"None"},
	family = "qfa-und"}

return m
"https://ml.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=ഘടകം:languages/data3/u&oldid=418576" എന്ന താളിൽനിന്ന് ശേഖരിച്ചത്