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Check the result at tycho.usno.navy.mil after purging this page. Usage
{{MJD}} = {{YMD2MJD}} + {{dectime}}.
{{MJD|year | month | day|hours | minutes | seconds}} converts a specified date.
{{MJD|year}} = {{MJD|year | 01 | 01 | 00 | 00 | 00}}.
{{MJD|-4712|1|1}} = -2399999 (JD = -0.5, for proleptic Julian calendar date)
{{MJD|-4712|1|1|12}} = -2399998.5 (Julian Day 0 at noon)
{{MJD|1858|11|17}} = 0
{{MJD|1969|12|31|23|59|59.98}} = 40586.999999769
{{MJD|1969|12|31|23|59|59.99}} = 40586.999999884
{{MJD|1970}} = 40587
{{MJD|2024}} = 60310
{{MJD|2024|01|01|00|00|00.01}} = 60310.000000116
{{MJD|2024|01|01|00|00|00.02}} = 60310.000000231
{{#expr:({{MJD|2007|01|01|00|00|01}}-{{MJD|2007|01|01|00|00|00}})*86400}} = 0.99999331869185, good enough for 1/100 seconds, but not milliseconds.
{{MJD2HMS|0.99999331869185/86400}} = 00:00:01

See template:Dectime (edittalklinkshistory) and template:YMD2MJD (edittalklinkshistory) for details. Optional substitution works if all six parameters and subst=subst: are specified, or for the current date {{ subst:MJD|subst=subst:}}.