Our academic health system is successful because we are able to recruit the best and brightest faculty, staff, and learners from around the world, who set standards for and provide the highest quality patient care, train the next generation of healthcare professionals, conduct cutting edge biomedical research, and guide health policy throughout the nation and the world.
You, the staff & faculty of the UCSF School of Medicine, feel a strong connection to our mission. You chose to work and teach here because you wanted to do the critical work of advancing science and providing world class healthcare. Our goal is to empower you through continued training, support, and ensuring you have the resources to create a work environment in which patient care, teaching, and research can thrive.
The UCSF School of Medicine would not be among the top six in the nation without the everyday dedication of its faculty and staff. We recognize outstanding faculty and staff through a variety of programs that honor the mission of the school.