Wikipedia User Page for "werldwayd" /

[ wıkıpedyɑ yuzər peyc for "wərldwαyd" ]


A dedication of song and lyrics to all those who visit this page
[ ə dedıkeyṣən αv song ɑnd lırıks tu ol doz hu vızıt dis peyc ]
"I Wish For You the World"
[ "ɑy wıṣ for yu də wərld" ]
(by The Games Makers Choir feat. Alistair Griffin)

Origin of name werldwayd /
[orıcın αv neym wərldwαyd]


werldwayd is "worldwide" written in English in a phonetic way.

[wərldwαyd ız "worldwide" rıtən ın ınglıṣ ın ə fonetık wey]

Contacting me /
[kəntɑktıng mı]


For facilitating communications with this Wikipedia editor, and for your comments and suggestions about edits as "werldwayd" or for any other Wikipedia-related matters, you can use the following e-mail in full confidentiality to reach me:

werldwayd [at] yahoo [dot] com

You can also always leave a message on my talk page [talk:Werldwayd] as well. But that type of communication on talk page remains public and for everybody to see.

This is a link to my Wikipedia user page and through it my Wikipedia user talk page there.

Activities /


In September 2012, werldwayd became one of the Top 200 most active Wikipedians in number of edits and in October 2012, joined the list of Wikipedians with 100,000+ edits. Presently, he is in the Top 100 Wikipedians in terms of edits.

werldwayd's edits include establishing around 2,950 new pages and total edits have passed 182,200 in English-language Wikipedia.[1] Pages created include various subjects and personalities in arts, society and history, in addition to many more contributions aiming to develop and expand thousands of already existing Wikipedia pages and subjects.

werldwayd also has considerable and important number of contributions in 32 other language Wikipedias updating their pages and trying to adapt and introduce a great number of articles found in various language Wikipedias into English-language Wikipedia.

English language articles /
[ınglıṣ lɑngweyc αrtıkəlz]

  100000 Edits
Congratulations on reaching 100000 edits. You have achieved a milestone that very few editors have been able to accomplish. The Wikipedia Community thanks you for your continuing efforts. Keep up the good work!

Other language edits /
[αdər lɑngweyc edıtz]


Besides edits in English Wikipedia, I have established accounts under same name in 17 other Wikipedia / wıkıpedyα languages where I have many contributions as well on a regular basis: