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User talk:Gboz

From Liquipedia Counter-Strike Wiki


Hi Gboz -

Thank you for contributing to LP CS! If you would like to, please join us in Discord. Thanks! - Tolkienfanatic (talk) 05:56, 16 October 2016 (KST)

ESEA-P AU Standings[edit]

Hey, thanks for updating the standings for yesterdays matches, I was actually just about to update them when I saw your edit, so thanks for that :)
- razarza (talk) 10:11, 1 February 2017 (KST)

IEM Sydney Open Qualifier TeamCards[edit]

Thanks for helping with the teamcards, I've been meaning to get around to completing them. Here is the full list of players, columns 6-8 are for subs, only a couple were used. If I haven't completed them by the time you see this message and you want to continue with them you're welcome to. If you have any questions about the participants feel free to ask me on Discord.
- razarza (talk) 08:47, 30 March 2017 (KST)