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Iacobus Merrill

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Iacobus Merrill et David Jackson Athenis Graeciae, mense Octobri 1973. Photographema: Judith Moffett.
Iacobus Merrill et Petrus Hooten, histrio et eius socius ab anno 1983 usque ad mortem. Photographema: Judith Moffett.
Domus Iacobi Merrill, 107 Water Street, Stoningtoniae Connecticutae. Poeta aestates in insula in summis binis tabulatis ab anno 1955 ad 1995 degebat; camera tholo praedita ad dextram pro sedibus ouijanis adhibebatur.

Iacobus Merrill (natus James Ingram Merrill Novi Eboraci, 3 Martii 1926; Tucsoniae Arizonae, 6 Februarii 1995) fuit poeta Americanus cuius praemia comprehendunt Praemium Pulitzeranum poesis (1977) pro Divine Comedies (1976). Eius poemata in duo distincta operum corpora digeri possunt: in formalistica et bene polita eius cursus primi poesi lyrica, atque in epica communicationis occultae cum spiritibus angelisque narratione, nomine The Changing Light at Sandover inscripta (in tribus voluminibus ab 1976 ad 1980 editis), quae eius cursum vitae posteriorem dominabatur. Plurimum eius operum editorum erant poemata, sed commentarios, opera fictionis, ludos scripsit.

Corpora poematum

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composed of The Book of Ephraim (1976), Mirabell: Books of Number (1978), et Scripts for the Pageant (1980), cum "The Higher Keys" cauda addita

Selectiones poematum

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  • Selected Poems (London: Chatto & Windus, 1961)
  • Two Poems: "From the Cupola" and "The Summer People" (Londinii: Chatto & Windus, 1972)
  • From the First Nine: Poems 1946–1976 (1982)
  • Selected Poems 1946–1985 (1992)

Oratio soluta

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  • Recitative (1986): commentarii
  • A Different Person (1993): autobiographia


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  • The Seraglio (1957)
  • The (Diblos) Notebook (1965)

Ludi scaenici

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  • The Birthday (1947)
  • The Bait (1953; retractata 1988)
  • The Immortal Husband (1955)
  • The Image Maker (1988)
  • Voices from Sandover (1989; pro divulgatione mercatoria anno 1990 in pellicula impressus)

Editiones post mortem

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  • Collected Poems (2001)
  • Collected Novels and Plays (2002)
  • Collected Prose (2004)
  • The Changing Light at Sandover (cum Voices from Sandover accommodatione scaenica) (2006)
  • Selected Poems (2008)


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  • Notes on Corot (1960): commentarius in catalogo exhibitionis apud Art Institute of Chicago: COROT 1796-1875, An Exhibition of His Paintings and Graphic Works, October 6 through November 13, 1960

Impressiones grammophonicae

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  • Reflected Houses (impressio audialis cassette, 1986)
  • The Voice of the Poet: James Merrill (liber audialis cassette, 1999)

Exemplum: poema "The Black Swan"

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Verba Anglica:
"The Black Swan"
Verba Latine reddita:
"Olor niger"

    Black on flat water past the jonquil lawns
        Riding, the black swan draws
    A private chaos warbling in its wake,
    Assuming, like a fourth dimension, splendor
    That calls the child with white ideas of swans
        Nearer to that green lake
    Where every paradox means wonder.

    Niger super aqua plana praeter ionquillae pratula
        Vehens, niger adumbrat olor
    Chaon privatum in tractu a tergo sui canentem,
    Apparatum, sicut mensura quarta, sibi assumens
    Qui puerum albis olorum notionibus sevocat
        Propius illum lacum viridem
    Ubi omne paradoxum stuporem significat.


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  • Bauer, Mark. 2003. The Composite Voice: The Role of W. B. Yeats in James Merrill's Poetry.
  • Bloom, Harold, ed. 1985. James Merrill.
  • Chiasson, Dan. 2015. Out of this world: James Merrill's supernatural muse. The Critics. Books. The New Yorker, 13 Aprilis, 91(8):70–74.
  • Gwiazda, Piotr. 2007. James Merrill and W. H. Auden: Homosexuality and Poetic Influence.
  • Halpern, Nick. 2003. Everyday and Prophetic: The Poetry of Lowell, Ammons, Merrill and Rich.
  • Hammer, Langdon. 2015. James Merrill: Life and Art. Recognitio in The New Yorker, 13 Aprilis.
  • Kalstone, David. 1977. Five Temperaments.
  • Labrie, Ross. 1982. James Merrill.
  • Lehman, David, et Charles Berger. 1983. James Merrill: Essays in Criticism.
  • Lu, Christopher. 2003. Nothing to Admire: The Politics of Poetic Satire from Dryden to Merrill.
  • Lurie, Alison. 2000. Familiar Spirits: A Memoir of James Merrill and David Jackson. Novi Eboraci: Viking. ISBN 0-670-89459-1.
  • Materer, Tim. 2000. James Merrill's Apocalypse.
  • McHale, Brian. 2004. The Obligation Toward the Difficult Whole: Postmodern Long Poems.
  • Moffett, Judith. 1984. James Merrill: An Introduction to the Poetry.
  • Nickowitz, Peter. 2006. Rhetoric and Sexuality: The Poetry of Hart Crane, Elizabeth Bishop, and James Merrill.
  • Polito, Robert. 1984. A Reader's Guide to James Merrill's "The Changing Light at Sandover."
  • Reena Sastri, Reena. 2007. James Merrill: Knowing Innocence.
  • Rotella, Guy, ed. 1996. Critical Essays on James Merrill.
  • Vendler, Helen. 1980. Part of Nature, Part of Us: Modern American Poets.
  • Vendler, Helen. 1988. The Music of What Happens: Poems, Critics, Writers.
  • Vendler, Helen. 1995. Soul Says: Recent Poetry.
  • Vendler, Helen. 2010. Last Looks, Last Books: Stevens, Plath, Lowell, Bishop, Merrill.
  • Yenser, Stephen. 1987. The Consuming Myth: The Work of James Merrill.

Nexus externi

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Vicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad Iacobum Merrill spectant.