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Disputatio:Lingua Protonordica

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Verba deponentia

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De "lingua Indoeuropaea quae in Scandinavia locuta est": Anglice = 'an Indo-European language that has [not was] spoken in Scandinavia'. Vide en:Deponent verb, praecipue exempla Suetica andas, hoppas, kräkas, trivas, minnas. Inter quotidiana verba deponentia Latina sunt arbitrari, assentiri, fabricari, fateri (+ confiteri, profiteri), fungi, frui, loqui, mori, opinari, oriri, partiri, potiri, proficisci, sequi, uti, vehi, vesci. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 18:12, 18 Februarii 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Salve Iacobus. Iuste erat credebam. Paulum dolosi illa sententia est. Recte nescio oportendi. Fortasse hoc modo: "...est lingua Indoeuropaea quae in Scandinavia loquebatur." Quaeso explica mihi. Donatello (disputatio) 01:22, 20 Februarii 2013 (UTC).[reply]
Protonordica est lingua quae loquebatur = 'Protonordic is a language that was speaking'. Several solutions to the problem are possible, but perhaps the patterns easiest to remember are homines Protonordice loquebantur and homines Protonordicá utebantur, both of which carry the message 'people were speaking Protonordic'. Deponents are usually said to be passive in form but active in meaning. The seeming direct objects of many are in the ablative: that's because they don't exactly have the sense by which we often translate them, so frui = 'to have the benefit of' (compare 'to enjoy'), uti = 'to make use of' (compare 'to use'), vesci = 'to feed on' (compare 'eat'). IacobusAmor (disputatio) 13:40, 20 Februarii 2013 (UTC)[reply]