Disputatio:Defectio solis
[fontem recensere]- +3 (bona) --Alex1011 08:12, 2 Martii 2007 (UTC)
- +3 (bona) --Marc mage 10:07, 2 Martii 2007 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]Curiosus sum, ubi invenisti nomen "defectus solis" pro anglico "eclipse". Dubitatem non habeo, modo volo cognoscere. Est pagina bona, at etiam emendationes parvae necesse remanent.--Ioshus Rocchio 14:09, 15 Maii 2006 (UTC)
- Well, if it's 20 years or older, certainly public domain. But if you cite, and have links to online sources, you should be alright. As for the word itself, in modern dictionaries, I have found defectus,us; defectio,nis; and eclipsis,is proper. I will check the OLD later tonight when I stop by the department, to see how these three words are used by classical authors. We should almost certainly have a redirect page, whatever we decide, from Eclipsis solis.
Interea inveni in "Stowasser" vocabularium auctorum classicorum "defectio solis". In "The Loeb Classical Library", Ammianus Marcellinus, inveni in titulum paragraphi "defectus solis". Nescio an hoc titulum de ipso Ammiano est an, quod verisimilius puto, de editoribus modernis. Postremo in "Langenscheidt" ut neologismum vel serum verbum latinum inveni "eclipsis, -is, f solis".
"Defectus, -us, m" non classicum verbum esse videtur, sed defectio, -nis, f. Alex1011 17:59, 15 Maii 2006 (UTC)
Ok...here's what I found:
For defectio:
- defectiones solis et lunae cognita - Cic.Pis.84
- dicitur perfecta defectio quae stellas quoque ostendit - Sen.Nat.112.1
For defectus:
- musae sidera monstrent, defectus solis varios lunaeque labores - Luc.5.751
- praenuntians horas...solis lunaeque defectuum - Plin.Nat.25.10
- dilutior erit defectus - Amm.Marc. 20.3
For eclipsis (really a greek word ἐκλείψσις):
- eclipsis quando fit cur luna laboret? -Var.Men.231
- and
- solis eclipsis magis mirantur quam lunae Var.Rhet.Her.3.36
- ad praedicendum eclipsim Hyg.Astr.4.14
Defectus seems to be a poetic preferrence, and eclipsis an archaic and graecophilic choice. Defectio seems to be the classical prose choice. I think we should move to defectio, and make a redirect from eclipsis.--Ioshus Rocchio 22:36, 15 Maii 2006 (UTC)
I moved it. (in the text of Ammianus Marcellinus in this article I found now one "defectus" as noun. I added this above to your list.) For solis I have used small letter spelling because it is not the God Sol but the star sol. (The declination of eclipsis is also more difficult, I think, for non-Graecists.) Alex1011 09:00, 16 Maii 2006 (UTC)