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Subdivisio : Craniata 
Linnaeus[1], 1758
540–0 m.a.Cambrium inferius > Recens
Subdivisiones: Subphyla
*Subphylum Myxini

Craniata sunt cladus animalium accurate propositus animalium chordatum cladus qui vertebrata et myxini continere debuit id es omnia animalia quae cranium habent.

Pinacotheca imaginum

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  • Forey, P. L. (1984). Yet more reflections on agnathan-gnathostome relationships. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 4, 330-343.
  • Forey, P. L., et P. Janvier. (1993). Agnathans and the origin of jawed vertebrates. Nature, 361, 129-134.
  • Forey, P. L., et P. Janvier. (1994). Evolution of the early vertebrates. American Scientist, 82, 554-565.
  • Gagnier, P. Y. (1993a). Sacabambaspis janvieri, Vertébré ordovicien de Bolivie. 1, Analyse morphologique. Annales de Paléontologie, 79, 19-69.
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  • Janvier, P. (1981). The phylogeny of the Craniata, with particular reference to the significance of fossil 'agnathans'. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 1, 121-159.
  • Janvier, P. (1993). Patterns of diversity in the skull of jawless fishes. In The skull (ed. J. Hanken and B. K. Hall), Vol. 2, pp. 131-188. The University of Chicago Press.
  • Janvier, P. (1996a). The dawn of the vertebrates: characters versus common ascent in current vertebrate phylogenies. Palaeontology, 39, 259-287.
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  • Jefferies, R. P. S.(1986). The ancestry of the vertebrates. British Museum (Natural History), London.
  • Løvtrup, S. (1977). The Phylogeny of Vertebrata. Wiley, New York.
  • Maisey, J. G. (1986). Heads and tails: a chordate phylogeny. Cladistics, 2, 201-256.
  • Maisey, J. G. (1988). Phylogeny of Early vertebrate skeletal induction and ossification pattern. Evolutionary Biology, 22, 1-36.
  • Moy-Thomas, J. A., et Miles, R. S. (1971). Palaeozoic Fishes, 2nd edn, extensively revised by R. S. Miles. Chapman and Hall, London.
  • Nelson, G. J. 1969. "Gill arches and the phylogeny of fishes, with notes on the classification of vertebrates." Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 141: 475-552.
  • Nelson, G. J. 1989. "Phylogeny of major fish groups." In The hierarchy of life, ed. B. Fernholm, K. Bremer, et H. Jörnvall, 325-336, Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam.
  • Northcutt, R. G., et C. Gans. 1983. "The genesis of neural crest and epidermal placodes: a reinterpretation of vertebrate origins." The Quarterly Review of Biology 58: 1-28.
  • Schaeffer, B., et K. S. Thomson. 1980. "Reflections on agnathan-gnathostome relationships." In Aspects of vertebrate life, ed. L. L. Jacobs, 19-33. Museum of Northern Arizona Press, Flagstaff.
  • Yalden, D. W. (1985). "Feeding mechanisms as evidence for cyclostome monophyly." Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 84: 291-300.

Nexus externi

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  1. Donoghue, Phillip C. J.; Forey, Peter L.; Aldridge, Richard J. (2000). "Conodont affinity and chordate phylogeny". Biological Reviews 75 (2): 191–251 
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