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Boxgrove (locus archaeologicus)

Coordinata: 50°52′13.11″N 0°41′14.67″W / 50.8703083°N 0.6874083°W / 50.8703083; -0.6874083
E Vicipaedia
Amey's Eartham Pit, Boxgrove (Angliae meridianae physica)
Amey's Eartham Pit, Boxgrove
Amey's Eartham Pit,
Situs in Anglia meridiana

Amey's Eartham Pit est locus archaeologicus hodie saepius Boxgrove appellatus e nomine paroeciae inter cuius agros invenitur. In comitatu Sussexia Angliae meridianae iacet. Ibi reperta sunt vestigia habitationis hominidarum qui annis fere 500 000 a.p. vivebant.


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Os rhinocerotis (Coelodonta antiquitatis) apud Boxgrove repertum
  • Michael Pitts, Mark Roberts, Fairweather Eden: Life in Britain half a million years ago as revealed by the excavations at Boxgrove. Londinii: Arrow, 1998. ISBN 978-0-09-964491-0
  • Mark B. Roberts, "Excavation of the Lower Palaeolithic site at Amey's Eartham Pit, Boxgrove, West Sussex: a preliminary report" in Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society vol. 52 (1986) pp. 215-246
  • Mark B. Roberts, S. A. Parfitt, Boxgrove: A Middle Pleistocene hominid site at Eartham Quarry, Boxgrove, West Sussex. English Heritage, 1999. ISBN 9781848021983 Textus

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