Choosing accommodation: Different types of lodging
Choosing accommodation: Key features of each area
Higashiyama Shikikaboku – A Stay That Feels like Living Life in Kyoto: A New Style of Hospitality in Higashiyama, Kyoto
Travel back in time in this beautifully preserved schoolhouse brought back to life as The Hotel Seiryu Kyoto Kiyomizu
Facilities Working Towards SDG's and Kyoto City's Project
Hotel and temple in one?! A calming, new style of accommodation. Mitsui Garden Hotel Kyoto Kawaramachi Jokyoji grand opening on Monday, September 28, 2020
A Small Luxury Hotel in Kyoto Where The Old and The New Come Together Luxury Hotel Sowaka (Gion, Kyoto Prefecture)
The Traditional Machiya Townhouse that Kept The Culture of Kyoto Furniture Alive is Reborn with A New Purpose
The Charms and Unique Hospitality of A Traditional Ryokan with 200 Years of History: Hiiragiya Ryokan
An Inn at The Heart of Kyoto with Superb Cuisine from A Brilliant Past: Chorakukan
You’ll Want to Stay Here Once, A Traditional Kyoto Inn Alive with The Spirit of The Tea Ceremony: Sumiya Ryokan
Make Art a Natural Part of Your Life with This New Kyoto “Art Hotel”