본문으로 이동


위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.

출생1963년 10월 18일(1963-10-18)(60세)
대한민국 충청북도 청원군
학력서울대학교 수의과대학 수의학 학사
서울대학교 수의과대학원 수의학 석사
제주대학교 수의학과 수의학 박사
벨헤이븐 대학교 과학 부문 명예 박사
직업수의학자, 교수, 저술가, 기업가

라정찬(1963년 10월 18일 - )은 대한민국의 줄기세포 연구자이며 기업인이다.

경력 사항


주요 업적

  • 지방유래 줄기세포 치료제 「바스코스템」,「조인트스템」, 「아스트로스템」 개발
  • 알츠하이머 줄기세포 치료기술, 日서 세계 최초 상용화
  • 세계 최초 지방 줄기세포 계대 배양 공정 확립
  • 세계 최초 통합줄기세포은행 구축
  • 세계 최초 류마티스관절염, 자가면역성 난청 환자 치료성공
  • 자가 지방줄기세포로 정맥내 투여를 통한 항노화 및 난치병 치료기술 개발


  • 2007. 12 대한민국 기술대상 산자부 장관상
  • 2009. 06 대한민국 신기술 으뜸상 대상 - 지식경제부
  • 2009. 11 장영실 한국과학기술대상 - 장영실 선생 기념 사업회
  • 2011. 08 한국 기독교 학술상 수상
  • 2012. 5.16 민족상 수상 - 과학 기술 개발 부분



연구 논문

  • Kang-Il Kim, Myung Chul Lee, Ju Hong Lee, Young-Wan Moon, Woo-Suk Lee, Han-Jun Lee, Sun-Chul Hwang, Yong In, Oog-Jin Shon, Ki-Cheor Bae, Sang-Jun Song, Kwan Kyu Park, Jun-Ho Kim.

Clinical Efficacy and Safety of the Intra-articular Injection of Autologous Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Knee Osteoarthritis. Am J Sports Med. 2023 Jun 21. DOI: 10.1177/03635465231179223. PMID: 37345256

  • Jun-Ho Kim, Kang-Il Kim, Wan Keun Yoon, Sang-Jun Song, Wook Jin.

Intra-articular Injection of Mesenchymal Stem Cells after High Tibial Osteotomy in Osteoarthritic Knee: Two-Year Follow-up of Randomized Control Trial. Stem Cells Translational Med. 2022 Jun 8;szac023. doi: 10.1093/stcltm/szac023. PMID: 35674255

  • Kang-Il Kim, Woo-Suk Lee, Jun-Ho Kim, Jung-Kwon Bae, Wook Jin.

Safety and Efficacy of the Intra-articular Injection of Mesenchymal Stem Cells for the Treatment of Osteoarthritic Knee: A 5-Year Follow-up Study. Stem Cells Translational Med. 2022 May 14;szac024. doi: 10.1093/stcltm/szac024. PMID: 35567774

  • Ra K, Oh HJ, Kim EY, Kang SK, Ra JC, Kim EH, Lee BC.

Anti-Oxidative Effects of Human Adipose Stem Cell Conditioned Medium with Different Basal Medium during Mouse Embryo In Vitro Culture. Animals 2020 Aug 13;10(8):1414. doi: 10.3390/ani10081414. PMID 32823702

  • Ra K, Oh HJ, Kim GA, Kang SK, Ra JC, Lee BC.

High Frequency of Intravenous Injection of Human Adipose Stem Cell Conditioned Medium Improved Embryo Development of Mice in Advanced Maternal Age through Antioxidant Effect. Animals 2020, 10, 978; doi:10.3390/ani10060978

  • Lee SH, Ra JC, Oh HJ, Kim MJ, Setyawan EMN, Choi YB, Yang JW, Kang SK, Han SH, Kim GA, Lee BC.

Clinical Assessment of Intravenous Endothelial Progenitor Cell ransplantation in Dogs. Cell Transplant. 2019 Jul;28(7):943-954. doi: 10.1177/0963689718821686. Epub 2019 Apr 24. PMID 31018670

  • Shin K, Cha Y, Ban YH, Seo DW, Choi EK, Park D, Kang SK, Ra JC, Kim YB.

Anti-osteoarthritis effect of a combinational treatment with human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells and thrombospondin 2 in rabbit. World J Stem cells 11(12): 1115-1129. PMID 31875872.

  • Park CH, Yang PS, Yoon YS, Ra JC

Study on the safety of Polygala tenuifolia Willdenow root extract powder (BT-11) in young person aged from 9 to 19 years old - J Ethnopharmacol, 2019 Mar; 25232:119-129 PMID 30576772

  • Kim GA, Lee Y, Kim HJ, Oh HJ, Kang SK, Ra JC, Lee BC

Intravenous human endothelial progenitor cell administration into aged mice enhances embryo development and oocyte quality by reducing inflammation, endoplasmic reticulum stress and apoptosis. - J Vet Med Sci, 2018 Dec; 2680(12):1905-1913 PMID 30369585

  • Jeong-Chan Ra

A Novel Approach to Developing in Vitro Culture Method for Enhancing Anti-Cancer Nature of ADMSCs," Current Trends in Biomedical Engineering & Biosciences, 2018. vol. 11(4), pages 78-79, January.

  • Jeong-Chan Ra, Hyo Jung Choi and Yoon Kim

Effect of Multiple Intrathecal Administrations of Cultured Human Autologous Adipose-Derived Stem Cells in the Patients with Neurological Disorders Including Parkinson’s Disease -J Clin Case Rep 2018, Vol 8(10): 1183. DOI 10.4172/2165-7920.10001183 바로가기

  • Lee SH, Setyawan EMN, Choi YB, Ra JC, Kang SK, Lee BC, Kim GA

Clinical assessment after human adipose stem cell transplantation into dogs. - J Vet Sci, 2018 May; 3119(3):452-461 PMID 29284215

  • Jeong-Chan Ra, Yun-Joung Kim and Eun-Young Kim

Effect of the Multiple Intravenous Administration of Cultured Human Autologous Adipose-Derived Stem Cells on Tumor Biomarker Levels - J Clin Case Rep 2017, Vol 7(11): 1040. DOI: 10.4172/2165-7920.10001040 바로가기

  • Ra JC, Jeong EC, Kang SK, Lee SJ, Choi KH

A Prospective, Nonrandomized, no Placebo-Controlled, Phase I/II Clinical Trial Assessing the Safety and Efficacy of Intramuscular Injection of Autologous Adipose Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Patients With Severe Buerger's Disease. - Cell Med, 2016 Oct; 39(3):87-102 PMID 28713639

  • Ha S, Park H, Mahmood U, Ra JC, Suh YH, Chang KA.

Human adipose-derived stem cells ameliorate repetitive behavior, social deficit and anxiety in a VPA-induced autism mouse model. Behav Brain Res. 2017 Jan 15;317:479-484. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2016.10.004. Epub 2016 Oct 4. PMID: 27717813.

  • Kim D, Kyung J, Park D, Choi EK, Kim KS, Shin K, Lee H, Shin IS, Kang SK, Ra JC, Kim YB

Health Span-Extending Activity of Human Amniotic Membrance-and Adipose Tissue-Derived Stem Cells in F344 Rats - Stem Cells Transl Med, 2015 Oct;4(10):1144-1154 PMID 26315571

  • Han SM, Park CW, Ahn Jo, Park SC, Jung WS, Seo KW, Ra JC, Kang SK Lee HW, Youn HY

Pro-apoptotic and Growth-inhibitory Effect of IFN-β-Overexpressing Canine Adipose Tissue-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Against Melanoma Cells - Anticancer Res, 2015 Sep;35(9):4749-4756 PMID 26254365

  • Choi HS, Kim HJ, Oh JH, Park HG, Ra JC, Chang KA, Suh YH

Therapeutic potentials of human adipose-derived stem cells on the mouse model of Parkinson's disease - Neurobiol Aging, 2015 Oct;36(10):2885-92 PMID 26242706

  • Han SH, Jang G, Bae BK, Han SM, Koh YR, Ahn JO, Kang SK, Ra JC, Lee HW, et al.

Effect of ectopic OCT4 expression on canine adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cell proliferation. - Cell Biol Int 2014 Oct;38(10):1163-73 PMID 24797505

  • Jo CH, Lee YG, Shin WH, Kim H, Chai JW, Jeong EC, Kim JE, Shim H, Ra JC, Oh S, Yoon KS.

Intra-Articular Injection of Mesenchymal Stem Cells for the Treatment of Osteoarthritis of the Knee: A Proof-of-Concept Clinical Trial - Stem Cells, 2014 May;32(5):1254-1266 PMID 24449146

  • Kim KS, Lee HJ, Kim YB, Ra JC, Lim I, Kim SU

Transplantation of Human Adipose Tissue-Derived Stem Cells Delays Clinical Onset and Prolongs Life Span in ALS Mouse Model - Cell Transplant, 2014;23(12):1585-1597 PMID 24070071

  • Han SM, Han SH, Coh YR, Jang G, Ra JC , Kang SK, Lee HW, Youn HY

Enhanced proliferation and differentiation of Oct4- and Sox2-overexpressing human adipose tissue mesenchymal stem cells - Exp Mol Med, 2014 Jun 20; 46:e101 PMID 24946789

  • Choi YK, Din FU, Kim DW, Kim YI, Kim JO, Ku SK, Ra JC, Huh JW, Lee JI, Sohn DH et al.

Amniotic membrane extract-loaded double-layered wound dressing: evaluation of gel properties and wound healing - Drug Dev Ind Pharm 2014, 40(7):852-859 PMID 23621769

  • Choi SW, Park KB, Woo SK, Kang SK, Ra JC

Treatment of progressive supranuclear palsy with autologous adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells: a case report - J Med Case Rep, 2014 Mar 4; 8:87 PMID 24594311

  • Choi JW, Park EJ, Shin HS, Shin IS, Ra JC Koh KS

In Vivo Differentiation of Undifferentiated human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells in critical-sized calvarial bone defects. - Ann Plast Surq. 2014 Feb;72(2):225-233 PMID 23221992

  • Choi EW, Shin IS, Park SY, Yoon EJ, Kang SK, Ra JC, Hong SH

Characteristics of mouse Adipose Tissue-Derived stem cells and therapeutic Comparisons Between syngeneic and allogeneic adipose tissue-derived stem cell transplantation in experimental autoimmune thyroiditis - Cell Transplant. 2014;23(7):873-887 PMID 23485102

  • Kim YM, Oh SH, Choi JS, Lee S, Ra JC, Lee JH, Lim JY

Adipose-Derived Stem Cell-Containing Hyaluronic Acid/Alginate Hydrogel Improves Vocal Fold Wound Healing - Larynqoscope. 2014 Mar, 124(3):E64-72 PMID 24115025

  • Roy R, Kukucka M, Messroghli D, Kunkel D, Brodarac A, Klose K, Geiβler S, Becher PM, Kang SK, Choi YH, Stamm C

Epithelial to mesenchymal transition enhances the cardioprotective capacity of human amniotic epithelial cells. Cell Transplant. 2013 Nov 20, 2015;24(6):985-1002 PMID: 24256742

  • Park DS, Yang G, Bae DK, Lee SH, Yang YH, Kim D, Choi EK, Kang SK, Ra JC, Kim YB.

Human Adipose Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal stem cells improve cognitive Function and Physical Activity in Ageing Mice - J Neurosci Res, 2013 May 91(5):660-670 PMID 23404260

  • Park DS, Lee SH, Bae DK, Yang YH, Yang G, Kyung JB, Kim D, Choi EK, Hong JT, Shin IS, Kang SK, Ra JC, Kim YB.

Transplantation of Human Adipose Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Restores the Neurobehavioral Disorders of Rats With Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy - Cell Med 2013 Feb 7;5(1):17-28 PMID 26858861

  • Lim J-Y, Ra JC, Shin IS, Jang YH, An HY, Choi JS, Kim WC, Kim YM.

Systemic Transplantation of Human Adipose Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells for the Regeneration of Irradiation-Induced Salivary Gland Damage - PLoS One,2013 Aug, 8(8):e71167. PMID 23951100

  • Ahn JO, Lee HW, Seo KW, Kang SK, Ra JC, Youn HY.

Anti-Tumor Effect of Adipose Tissue Derived-Mesenchymal Stem Cells Expressing Interferon-β and Treatment with Cisplatin in a Xenograft Mouse Model for Canine Melanoma - Plos One,2013 Sep, 8(9): e74897. PMID 24040358

  • Kim IG, S Piao, JY Lee, SH Hong, TK Hwang, SW Kim, CS Kim, JC Ra, I Noh and JY Lee.

Effect of an Adipose Derived Stem Cells and Nerve Growth Factor-Incorporated Hydrogel on Recovery of Erectile Function in a Rat Model of Cavernous Nerve Injury. - Tissue Engineering. Part A .2013, 19 (1-2):14-23. PMID 22834730

  • Kim S, Chang KA, Kim JA, Park HG,Ra JC, Kim HS, Suh YH

The Preventive and therapeutic effects of intravenous human adipose-derived stem cells in Alzheimer's disease mice. - PLoS One. 2012;7(9):e45757P PMID 23049854

  • Oh HJ, EJ Park, SY Lee, JW Soh, IS Kong, SW Choi, JC Ra, SK Kang and BC Lee.

Comparison of cell proliferation and epigenetic modification of gene expression patterns in canine foetal fibroblasts and adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells. - Cell Proliferation. 2012. 45:438?444. PMID 22925503

  • Kim MJ, Oh HJ, Kim GA, Park JE, Park EJ, Jang G, Ra JC, Kang SK, Lee BC.

Lessons learned from cloning dogs. -Reprod Domest Anim. 2012 Aug;47 Suppl 4:115-9 PMID 22827359

  • Koh KS, TS Oh, H Kim, IW Chung, KW Lee, HB Lee, EJ Park, IS Shin, JC Ra and JW Choi.

Clinical application of human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells in progressive hemifacial atrophy (parry-romberg disease) with microfat grafting techniques using 3-dimensional computed tomography and 3-dimensional camera. - Annals of Plastic Surgery 2012. 69:331-337. PMID 22907186

  • Fang CH, J Jin, JH Joe, YS Song, BI So, SM Lim, SK Woo, JC Ra, YY Lee and KS Kim.

In Vivo Differentiation of Human Amniotic Epithelial Cells into Cardiomyocyte-Like Cells and Cell Transplantation Effect on Myocardial Infarction in Rats: Comparison with Cord Blood and Adipose Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells. - Cell Transplantation. 2012. PMID 22776022

  • Piao S, Kim IG, Lee JY, Hong SH, Kim SW Hwang TK, Oh SH, Lee JH, Ra JC, Lee JY

Therapeutic Effect of Adipose-Derived Stem Cells and BDNF-immobilized PLGA Membrane in a Rat Model of Cavernous Nerve Injury - J Sex Med. 2012 May 29. doi: 10.1111/j.1743-6109.2012.02760.x. PMID 22642440

  • Park YS, Lim GW, Cho KA, Woo SY, Shin M, Yoo ES, Ra JC, Rhy KH.

Improved viability and activity of neutrophils differentiated from HL-60 cells by co-culture with adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells - BBRC 2012, in press PMID 22609208

  • Kang SK, Shin IS, Ko MS, Jo JY, Ra JC.

Journey of Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Homing: Strategies to Enhance Efficacy and Safety of Stem Cell Therapy. (Review article) - Stem Cells Int. 2012;2012:342968. Epub 2012 Jun 13. PMID 22754575

  • Kang JW, Koo HC, Hwang SY, Kang SK, Ra JC, Lee MH, Park YH.

Immunomodulatory effects of human amniotic membrane-derived mesenchymal stem cells. - Journal of Veterinary Science 2012, 13(1):23-31. PMID 22437532

  • Choi EW, Shin IS, Park SY, Park JH, Kim JS, Yoon EJ, Kang SK, Ra JC, Hong SH.

Reversal of serological, immunological and histological dysfunction in systemic lupus erythematosus mice by long-term serial adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cell transplantation. - Arthritis Rheum. 2012, ;64(1):243-53. PMID 21904997

  • Kwon EB , Lee JY, Piao S, Kim IG, Ra JC, Lee JY

Comparison of human muscle-derived stem cells and human adipose derived stem cells in neurogenic trans-differentiation - Korean J Urol. 2011 Dec;52(12):852-7 PMID 22216399

  • Ra JC, Kang SK, Shin IS, Park HG, Joo SA, Kim JG, Kang BC, Lee YS, Nakama K, Piao M, Sohl B, Kurtz A.

Stem cell treatment for patients with autoimmune disease by systemic infusion of culture-expanded autologous adipose tissue derived mesenchymal stem cells. - J Trans Med 2011, 9(1):18. PMID 22017805

  • Baek SJ, Kang SK, Ra JC.

In vitro migration capacity of human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells and their expression of a distinct set of chemokine and growth factor receptors. - EXPERIMENTAL and MOLECULAR MEDICINE, 43,(10), 596-603. PMID 21847008

  • Kim MJ, Oh HJ, Park JE, Kim GA, Hong SG, Jang G, Kwon MS, Koo BC, Kim T, Kang SK, Ra JC, Ko C, Lee BC

Generation of transgenic dogs that conditionally express green fluorescent protein. - Genesis. 2011, 49(6):472-8. PMID 21630415

  • Ko MS, Park HG, Yun YM, Ra JC, Shin T, Lee KK

The ameliorative effects of human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hAdMSCs) on MBP-induced einduced e induced e xperimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in Lewis rats. - Neural Regen Res. 2011, 6(16):1205-1210

  • Hwang JH, Kim IG, Lee JY, Piao S, Lee DS, Lee TS, Ra JC, Lee JY

Therapeutic lymphangiogenesis using stem cell and VEGF-C hydrogel.- Biomaterials. 2011, 32(19):4415-23. PMID 21421266.

  • Ko MS, Jung JY, Shin IS, Choi EW, Kim JH, Kang SK, Ra JC

Effects of Expanded Human Adipose Tissue -Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells on the Viability of Cryopreserved Fat Grafts in the Nude Mouse. - 2011; 8(3):231-238 PMID 21448310.

  • Choi HJ, Kim JM, Kwon E, Che JH, Lee JI, Cho SR, Kang SK, Ra JC, Kang BC

Establishment of Efficacy and Safety Assessment Human Adipose Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hATMSCs) in a Nude Rat Femoral segmental Defect Model - Korean Med Sci 2011; 26: 482-491 PMID 21468254

  • Ra JC , Shin IS, Kim SH, Kang SK, Kang BC, Lee HY, Kim YJ, jo JY, Yoon EJ, Choi HJ, Kwon E

Safety of intravenous infusion of human adipose tissue derived mesenchymal stem cells in animals and humans - Stem Cells Dev. 2011, 20(8):1297-1308. PMID 21303266

  • Choi EW, Shin IS, Lee HW, Park SY, Park JH, Nam MH, Kim JS, Woo SK, Yoon EJ, Kang SK, Ra JC, Woun HY, Hing SH

Transplantation of CTLA4Ig gene-transduced adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells reduces inflammatory immune response and improves Th1/Th2 balance in experimental autoimmune thyroiditis. - The Journal of Gene Medicine. 2011 13(1): 3-16 PMID 21259404.

  • Oh HJ, Park JE, Kim MJ, Hong SG, Ra JC, Jo JY, Kang SK, Jang G, Lee BC

Recloned dogs derived from adipose stem cells of a transgenic cloned beagle. - Theriogenology 75 (2011) 1221-1231 PMID 21220163.

  • Kim BH, Son WC, Yim CO, Kang SK, Yim CO, Ra JC, Kim YC.

Anti-Wrinkle Effects of Adipose Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells in a UV-Irradiated Hairless Mouse Model. - Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. 2010;7(5):583-591

  • Woo SK, Jo JY, Shin IS, Kang SK, Ra JC

New Isolation Technique and Culture System for Clinical Applications of Human Amniotic Epithelial Stem Cells.- Development and Reproduction 2009;13(4):271-280

  • Jo JY, Kang SK, Choi IS, Ra JC.

Comparison of Neural Cell Differentiation Mesenchymal Stem Cells Derived from Young and Old Ages. - Development and Reproduction 2009;13(4):227-237

  • Hong SG, Kim MK, Jang G, Oh HJ, Park JE, Kang JT, Koo OJ, Kim T, Kwon MS, Koo BC, Ra JC, Kim DY, Ko C, Lee BC

Generation of red fluorescent protein transgenic dogs. - Genesis. 2009, 47(5): 314-22 PMID 19358155.

  • Jo EH, Kim SH, Ra JC, Kim SR, Cho SD, Jung JW, Yang SR, Park JS, Hwang JW, Aruoma OI, Kim TY, Lee YS, Kang KS.

Chemopreventive properties of the ethanol extract of chinese licorice (Glycyrrhiza uralensis) root: induction of apoptosis and G1 cell cycle arrest in MCF-7 human breast cancer cells. Cancer Lett. 2005 Dec 18;230(2):239-47. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2004.12.038.PMID: 16297710.



특허명 국가명 특허 출원 특허 등록
출원일 출원번호 등록일 등록번호
지방유래 줄기세포를 함유하는 사지말단부 허혈성 질환의 세포치료용 조성물 일본 2009.11.25 2010-510198 2013.06.14 5290281
중국 2009.11.25 200880017490.9 2013.04.24 ZL200880017490.9
인간지방조직 유래 다분화능 줄기세포 및 모낭세포를 함유하는 세포치료제 대한민국 2007.05.02 10-2007-0042645 2014.07.25 10-1425653
호흡가스를 이용한 유방암의 측정방법 대한민국 2011.07.05 10-2011-0066602    
대한민국 2012.07.05 10-2012-0073468
혈관 내 투여에 적합한 크기를 가지는 줄기세포의 제조방법 대한민국 2013.04.17 10-2013-0042517 2014.11.25 10-1467480
미국 2014.10.17 14/395,170 2020.10.27 10,815,459
미국 2020.10.26 17/080,128
일본 2014.10.20 2015-506897 2016.04.28 5926447
중국 2014.11.17 201380025722.6 2017.07.04 ZL201380025722.6
호주 2014.10.17 2013250089 2016.12.01 2013250089
인도 2014.10.17 7672/CHENP/2014 2020.09.28 347857
멕시코 2014.10.16 MX/a/2014/012516 2018.09.12 359004
남아공 2014.10.17 2014/07585 2016.01.27 2014/07585
유럽 2014.10.17 13 777 949.2 2017.04.28 2840133
줄기세포의 파쇄 및 응집 방지 방법 및 조성물 대한민국 2013.04.15 10-2013-0041022 2014.11.25 10-1467481
미국 2014.10.14 14/394,402 2016.09.06 9,433,645
일본 2014.10.14 2015-505655 2016.05.13 5931277
중국 2014.11.17 201380025698.6 2017.09.05 ZL201380025698.6
남아공 2014.10.13 2014/07412 2016.09.28 2014/07412
멕시코 2014.10.10 MX/a/2014/012260 2018.09.12 359002
홍콩 2015.09.21 15109256.3 2018.10.19 1208498
유럽 2014.10.13 13 775 784.5 2017.09.20 2837682
고농도의 줄기세포 제조방법 대한민국 2012.06.26 10-2012-0068796 2015.05.19 10-1523040
남아공 2014.12.04 2014/08915 2015.11.25 2014/08915
인도 2014.12.22 9205/CHENP/2014 2019.02.05 306838
호흡가스를 이용한 암의 진단방법 대한민국 2013.12.19 10-2013-0159373 2014.11.25 10-1467482
미국 2015.06.26 14/758,176 2018.05.01 9,955,898
일본 2015.06.24 2015-550302 2017.06.16 6159821
중국 2015.06.26 201380068473.9 2018.01.02 ZL201380068473.9
정맥 투여용 줄기세포 조성물 대한민국 2013.05.15 10-2013-0055158 2016.01.04 10-1583569
미국 2015.11.11 14/890,585    
일본 2015.11.16 2016-513860 2017.05.12 6141522
중국 2015.12.15 201480034107.6 2021.07.30 ZL201480034107.6
홍콩 2016.09.02 16110479.1    
유럽 2015.12.09 14 798 312.6    
줄기세포의 재생능 향상을 위한 배지 조성물 및 이를 이용한 줄기세포의 배양방법 대한민국 2013.05.09 10-2013-0052558 2016.01.19 10-1588394
미국 2015.11.05 14/889,434 2018.05.29 9,982,234
일본 2015.11.09 2016-512813 2018.01.05 6267324
유럽 2015.11.30 14 795 109.9    
말초혈액 유래 혈관내피 전구세포의 분리 및 배양방법 대한민국 2015.10.06 10-2015-0140435    
줄기세포의 보관 안정성 증진용 조성물 대한민국 2015.10.13 10-2015-0142806 2016.02.19 10-1597604
미국 2016.09.14 15/126,231 2019.01.08 10,172,347
일본 2016.11.24 2016-569967 2020.07.29 6741597
중국 2017.01.03 201580036349.3 2021.07.20 ZL201580036349.3
유럽 2016.12.01 15 818 206.3 2020.08.26 3178318
암세포의 증식을 억제하는 중간엽 줄기세포의 제조방법 미국 2019.01.29 16/321,520    
일본 2019.01.29 2019-527108 2021.07.27 6918943
유럽 2019.02.27 17 834 820.7    
중국 2019.03.25 201780058891.8    
감마선 조사 혈청을 이용한 중간엽 줄기세포의 배양방법 대한민국 2018.05.25 10-2018-0059594    
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미국 2019.05.24 16/422,525    
일본 2019.05.27 2019-098293 2021.07.28 6920369
항암 바이러스가 도입된 중간엽 줄기세포의 세포 생존능을 향상시키는 방법 대한민국 2018.06.15 10-2018-0069245    
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미국 2022.06.13 17/784,740
건강한 사람의 면역세포 배양액을 이용한 NK 세포의 함량을 증진시키는 방법 대한민국 2019.06.17 10-2019-0071257    
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일본 2021.12.26 2021-574934
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항암바이러스와 항암제를 포함하는 중간엽 줄기세포를 함유하는 암치료용 세포치료제 및 이의 제조방법 대한민국 2020.01.31 10-2020-0012083    


  • 2010. 고맙다, 줄기세포[1](위즈덤하우스)
  • 2012. The grace of stem cells (Tate Publishing and Enterprises, LLC)
  • 2012. 谢谢你,干细胞 (Wisdomhouse)
  • 2013. ありがとう幹細胞 (御茶の水書房)
  • 2014. 치매, 희망 있습니다[2](끌리는책)
  • 2018. СТВОЛОВЫЕ КЛЕТКИ, СПАСИБО! (Издательство ИТРК)
  • 2019. عطايا الخلايا الجِذْعَِّية (Batana)
  • 2022. DEMENTIA: There Is Hope (Happybookpub)
  • 2022. ESPERANZA DE DEMENCIA (Happybookpub)
  • 2022. 認知症には 希望がある (Happybookpub)
  • 2022. 痴呆症,依然充满希望 (Happybookpub)
  • 2023. 아무도 늙지 않는 세상[3]](쌤앤파커스)

외부 링크


