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Signatur: 2024 C 801   QR-Code
Standort: Hauptbibliothek Altstadt / Tiefmagazin 2
Exemplare: siehe unten
Titel:Shizen to hito no daiarōgu
 シゼン ト ヒト ノ ダイアローグ
Titelzusatz:Furīdorihi, Mone, Gohho kara Rihitā made : Kokuritsu Seiyō Bijutsukan rinyūaru ōpun kinen
 フリードリヒ、モネ、ゴッホからリヒターまで : 国立西洋美術館リニューアルオープン記念
 フリードリヒ、モネ、ゴッホ カラ リヒター マデ : コクリツ セイヨウ ビジュツカン リニューアル オープン キネン
Mitwirkende:Shinfuji, Atsushi [HerausgeberIn]   i
 Jingaoka, Megumi [HerausgeberIn]   i
Institutionen:Kokuritsu Seiyō Bijutsukan [Gastgebende Institution]   i
Paralleltitel:In dialogue with nature
Paralleltitelzusatz:from Friedrich, Monet and Van Gogh to Richter
Verf.angabe:Jingaoka Megumi, Shinfuji Atsushi, Yomiuri Shinbun Tōkyō Honsha Jigyōkyoku Myūjiamu Jigyōbu henshū
 陣岡めぐみ, 新藤淳, 読売新聞東京本社事業局ミュージアム事業部編集
 ジンガオカ メグミ, シンフジ アツシ, ヨミウリ シンブンシャ トウキョウホンシャ ジギョウキョク ミュージアムジギョウブ ヘンシュウ
Umfang:263 Seiten
Illustrationen:挿図, 肖像
Format:25 cm
Fussnoten:展覧会カタログ ; 会期・会場: 2022年6月4日-9月11日:国立西洋美術館 ; 主催: 国立西洋美術館, 読売新聞社, NHK, NHKプロモーション ; 自然と風景の芸術のための主要文献: p251-253 ; 出品作品リスト: p254-263
Schrift/Sprache:Text japanisch in japanischer Schrift und englisch
Abstract:Veranstalterinfo: To commemorate the post-renovation reopening of the National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, we offer an exhibition that traces the development of modern art born out of the dialogue between nature and humankind. The event has been realized in collaboration with the Museum Folkwang in Essen, Germany. Both institutions were founded on private collections: that of Karl Ernst Osthaus [1874-1921] in the one case and Matsukata Kōjirō [1866-1950] in the other. As we can see, these two men were near contemporaries. Earlier in the year, modern artworks from the Matsukata Collection and the Osthaus Collection were brought together for another showing in Germany, Renoir, Monet, Gauguin: Images of a Floating World (6 February-15 May 2022, Museum Folkwang). The present exhibition, In Dialogue with Nature, comprises works collected from the museums' earliest beginnings down to the present day: paintings, drawings, prints, and photographs, spanning from German Romanticism to the art of the twentieth century (with Impressionism and Post-Impressionism at the core). It sets out to explore how sensibility to nature has contributed to the development of artistic expression in the modern era. The transition from the nineteenth to the twentieth centuries was accompanied by rapid modernization in many fields: industry, society, science. Artists, looking at nature with new knowledge and an altered gaze, created a diverse range of works in response to this always fertile source of inspiration. Some leapt from the studio into the light of the open air, attempting to grasp the ephemeral moment; others, in the pursuit of an eternal vision of nature, relied on their own insights or experimented with innovative forms. Certain works chose cycles of nature on which to project human endeavors. Please enjoy the reverberations of these manifold images, hewn out of the infinite expanse of nature, the fruits of two combined collections: everything from the smallest roadside flowers to the vast universe and all humanity contained therein. At a time when the relationship between nature and humankind is undergoing profound reassessment, we sincerely hope the artworks on display may lead visitors to a creative and heartfelt dialogue with the natural world.
Schlagwörter:(s)Kunst   i / (s)Naturdarstellung   i / (z)Geschichte   i
 (k)Museum Folkwang   i / (k)Kokuritsu Seiyō Bijutsukan   i / (s)Malerei   i / (s)Arbeiten auf Papier   i / (s)Naturdarstellung   i / (z)Geschichte 1800-2000   i
Dokumenttyp:Ausstellungskatalog: (The National Museum of Western Art : 04.06.2022-11.09.2022 : Tokio)
Sprache:jpn eng
Sonstige Nr.:Identnummer: 24101113
 Nature dans l'art - Expositions
 Art européen - Expositions
 Impressionnisme (Art) - Expositions
 Postimpressionnisme (Art) - Expositions
 Nature in art
 Art, French - Exhibitions
 Impressionism (Art)
 Post-impressionism (Art)
 Exhibition catalogs

2024 C 801QR-CodeHauptbibliothek Altstadt / Tiefmagazin 2bestellbar
Mediennummer: 10717993

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